
喜讯 | 港中大(深圳)翻译专业本科生在亚洲辞书学会第十二届国际大会上发表论文







香港中文大学(深圳)人文社科学院李兰教授与2016级翻译本科生顾玥同学合作撰写的论文《词汇、语料库和辞典中的性别取向》Gender orientation in lexis, corpora and dictionaries)被发表于亚洲辞书学会第十二届国际大会。论文已被亚洲辞书学会第十二届国际大会论文集收录。


顾玥同学在修读李兰教授为人文社科学院翻译专业本科生开设的“翻译员英语训练”(TRA2510 English for Translators)专业选修课期间,撰写了一篇高质量的期末学习报告。针对顾同学关于词汇、语料库和辞典中的性别取向的一些想法,李兰教授与顾同学做了进一步的研究,最终完成了该篇论文。

顾玥同学是人文社科学院翻译专业2016级本科生,隶属于学勤书院,高中毕业于江苏省锡山高级中学她十分感谢李兰教授和URA的老师给她的包容与理解,“李兰教授在课上所讲授的语义、语用分析让我注意到现实语言环境中内含的性别化语言,我的这个项目选题也得到李兰教授的充分支持和中肯建议让我将研究视野从语料库的运用拓宽到词典的编撰。在课程修读完毕后,李兰教授还鼓励我将课程报告作为学校本科生研究资助计划(Undergraduate Research Awards - URA)的项目进一步研究。这次经历让我深觉将自己的认识价值,结合专业,投入实际研究,努力做出哪怕是些微小的贡献,都是一件有意义的事。”









A Joint Paper by CUHK-Shenzhen HSSUndergraduate and Associate Professor Published at AsiaLex 2018

Prof. LI Lan presented a joint-paper with Miss GU Yue, an undergraduate of School of Humanities and Social Science, at the 12th International Conference of The Asian Association for Lexicography (Asialex 2018) held on June 8-10 2018 in Krabi, Thailand. The theme of this conference is Lexicography in the Digital World. The paper is entitled Gender orientation in lexis, corpora and dictionaries.

Language is not a sheer mirror of the society, but itself is preserved as a unique institution by people. Inclusive language has long been marginalized in lexical studies, partially because of the notion of political correctness, a bitter controversy. Understanding gender orientation in a language distinctively specifies social background into linguistic contexts and can also demonstrate the cultural difference between different tongues.

The paper published by LI & GU aims to explore a symbiosis between people and language by transforming the invisible social structure into traceable linguistic records. Through morphological and corpus approaches, it investigates gender-marked compounds and gender-specific references used in the English language. Their counterparts in bilingual dictionaries are also discussed. Discussion of sexism in lexical items and their use can illustrate the significance of inclusive language in academic as well as everyday communication.


The idea of the paper was initiated from GU Yue’s term paper for TRA2510 English for Translators, a major elective course conducted by Prof. LI Lan for BA programme in Translation Studies, and then further developed by Prof. LI.

GU Yue, a student of HSS, Diligentia College

GU Yue, graduated from Jiangsu Xishan Senior High School, is currently a Year 3 student of the School of Humanities and Social Science, Diligentia College. She appreciated the guidance and stunch support from Prof. LI Lan and teachers of URA. She found it meaningful to put what she had learnt into practice and make contribution to the research, however small it is.

Prof. LI Lan regards that many students can work creatively in their coursework, which could be further developed, revised and submitted to an academic conference. Students will benefit from such experience for their further study. She encouraged students to apply for the University's Undergraduate Research Award to explore more in the study and nurture their research interest.

AsiaLex 2018

 About Prof. LI Lan

Prof. LI received her PhD in Applied Linguistics from the University of Exeter, UK. She is the Fellow of Chartered Institute of Linguists, UK, and also the Board member of the Asian Association for Lexicography. Her research and publications cover lexicology and lexicography, corpus study, EFL vocabulary learning, language in computer-mediated communication and workplace English.

 About the Asian Association for Lexicography

The Asian Association for Lexicography (ASIALEX) was established in Hong Kong in 1997. Its aim is to foster scholarly and professional activities in the field of lexicography by facilitating the exchange of information and ideas through meetings, publications and other means. 

ASIALEX is managed by an Executive Board which is elected by the association's members every two years. Its conferences are held annually in different Asian countries.


Li, L. and Gu, Y. (2018). Gender orientation in lexis, corpora and dictionariesProceedings of The 12th International Conference of The Asian Association for Lexicography (pp. 174-184). Krabi, Thailand.


  撰文 / 摄影:Jennifer ( HSS Office)

  排版:朱宁 ( HSS Office)、 Eave(CPRO)

