







最近在MIT有一个很有意思的场面。那边的学生在一起谈论自己本科的学校。之所以说有趣,是因为除了MIT,哈佛,普林斯顿这些经常听到出现的名字之外,有一个同学说了一个很长的校名 —— 香港中文大学(深圳)。而那个学生,就是我。


上个月,我受邀去MIT访问。站在曾是梦想的MIT校园里,我回想起前香港中文大学校长沈祖尧教授曾在我获奖证书上写下的“祝前程无限”,回想起徐扬生校长几年前送给我的 “腹有诗书气自华”这句话,回想起我的导师罗智泉教授常在我耳边的鼓励“你要有非常自信的领者风范”,回想起我所做的不懈努力。










Distinguished Guests, Dear Professors, Teachers, Families, and Fellow Graduates,


I am Lin Zhen. On behalf of the graduating class of 2019, I want to thank you for celebrating this special day with us.

Last month, there was a very interesting phenomenon among the students at MIT. They were talking about where they did their undergraduate studies. As usual, people heard names like MIT, Harvard and Princeton. However, this time, it was a little bit different. There was an incoming PhD student. When people asked him what his undergraduate university was, he said a very long name — The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. That student was me.

This February, as an undergraduate student of CUHK-Shenzhen, I received official offers of admission with full financial award from PhD programs at top universities including MIT.

Last month, I was invited by MIT to visit their campus. When I was standing on the campus of my dream school, what I had in my mind were the words “wish you all the best” that former CUHK President Shen Zuyao wrote on my award certificate, the words 腹有诗书气自华 our president Xu Yangsheng gave me a few years ago, the words my supervisor Prof. Luo Zhi-Quan always said to me: “You should be confident and act as a leader,” and all the efforts I had made.


After high school, I joined The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen with great passion. My undergraduate journey began at the School of management and economics. I was excited to study how real-world problems could be described by models in economics. Challenge was always one of my key words. I was eager to study much more advanced and amazing theories and applications of math and science! So I decided to transfer to School of science and engineering to pursue my strong interests in mathematics. I was the first student who transferred to another school at our university.

In SSE, besides maintaining top level academic performance, I enjoyed challenging myself with various interesting math courses. Having been working as a Undergraduate Student teaching fellow, I have further improved my English. I have been doing research with my supervisor in Shenzhen Research Institute of Big Data and I learned how to tackle difficult problems independently. I felt so lucky because I was able to have exciting discussions with the best scholars around the world when I presented my published paper at an IEEE conference. I believe no matter you are from SSE or SME, you must also have four-year wonderful experiences here.

We are very fortunate to have the opportunity to study at CUHK-Shenzhen. This is the place where we can receive solid training in English and learn to think critically. At CUHK-Shenzhen, we are guided by our interests. The interesting and advanced research projects enable us to be creative, to challenge ourselves and to explore the various possibilities of the world. Thanks to this fast-growing university, we have learned to be independent and to enjoy colorful university life with great happiness.

CUHK-Shenzhen realized our dreams and equipped us with knowledge, self-discipline, persistence, kindness and gratitude. On behalf of my fellow students, I would like to take this special moment to thank our university, President Xu Yangsheng, other professors, teachers and our parents. I want to express my gratitude and appreciation to my supervisor Prof. Luo Zhi-Quan. I also want to thank my fellow students who grew up together with me.

Today, we are about to leave here. You might forget almost everything of my speech. But the gains and fond memories stay with us, in this moment, and into infinity so that when people ask why we are so outstanding, we will be excited to share our stories and we will be proud to tell everyone: we are from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen!

Finally, I would like to share one of my favorite sayings with you “Not everyone can become a great person, but a great person can come from anywhere.”

Now, let’s begin our new journey towards the world! Congratulations, class of 2019!

May 18th, 2019



结合传统与现代  融会中国与西方


编辑排版/ 张芳洲(2017级理工学院、思廷书院)

