

唐本忠 香港中文大学深圳 2022-06-30



突破旧范式 开辟新领域

Paradigm Shift for a New Landscape


唐本忠教授在致辞中讲述了他正在研究的“聚集诱导发光”(英文为Aggregation-Induced Emission,简称AIE)现象的发现和探索过程,是一个有悖“常理”的,无法或很难被既存范式解释的“例外”,无人把它当作一个重要问题进行系统研究,而他们的研究打破了旧范式、开辟了一个“聚集体发光”新领域。




我做过很多不同的研究,可以说是“看过很多地方的云、走过很多地方的桥、喝过很多地方的酒……”目前我们从事的一个研究叫“聚集诱导发光”,英文为Aggregation-Induced Emission,简称AIE。AIE今年刚被国际纯粹与应用化学联合会评为化学领域十大新兴技术之一、被美国科睿唯安(Clarivate)和中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院列为2020年前沿研究领域之一。AIE是我们中国科学家开拓并引领的一个新领域。我们踏上AIE探索之旅纯属偶然,起因于本世纪初我们与一个“反常”光物理现象的美丽邂逅。










Dear Graduates,

First of all, I would like to congratulate you on your graduation! May you all flourish with a bright future!

"The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen is intended to evolve into a world class research university with strong Chinese cultural influence." This stated goal on the University’s homepage clearly indicates the importance of research to the development of CUHK-Shenzhen. As a scientist, I would like to share with you some of the insights I have gained from my research.


My research experience spans various areas. Perhaps I am the person, as the famous writer Shen Congwen once wrote,  who has "seen clouds from many places, walked on bridges from many places, and drunk wine from many places". Currently, I am working on a project named "Aggregation-Induced Emission" (AIE), which has just been named one of the "Top Ten Emerging Technologies in Chemistry" by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), and listed as one of the frontier research areas for 2020 by Clarivate and the Institute of Science and Development of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. AIE is a new field pioneered and led by our Chinese scientists. However, our discovery at AIE is purely serendipitous, resulting from a beautiful encounter with an "abnormal" photophysical phenomenon at the beginning of this century.

In the field of luminescence research, there has always been a perplexing puzzle: Luminescence is often weakened or quenched at high concentrations. This photophysical phenomenon, known as aggregation-caused quenching, or ACQ, is very common that after a century of research, it has become a consensus shared by luminescence researchers. In 2001, we discovered an uncommon luminogen system, in which aggregation worked constructively, rather than destructively as in the conventional systems. This peculiar phenomenon soon drew our attention and interest. Since the light emission was induced by aggregate formation, we termed the process Aggregation-Induced Emission (AIE).

About ten years ago, a prominent American scientist asked me a thought-provoking question after my presentation at an academic conference: "AIE seems so simple and practical, why hasn't anyone studied it properly before?" This question reminds me of the paradigm shift theory proposed by Thomas Samuel Kuhn, an American philosopher of science. The theory notes that when an idea develops into a paradigm, people tend to be orthodox and look for answers within the prevailing framework or paradigm. The "exceptions" that cannot or hardly be explained by the existing paradigm are usually ruled out or ignored because they contradict "common sense". For this reason, although AIE has been reported occasionally in the past, it has not attracted much attention because it contradicts ACQ, a "common sense" in the photophysics community for more than a century. Consequently,  it has not been systematically studied as an important issue and is essentially a "no man's land" outside the paradigm and inaccessible to many.

Tang Benzhong remarks for CUHK-Shenzhen Graduation Ceremony

Gui Youguang, a writer and literary theoretician of the Ming period, once said that nothing can be done in the world if we only follow the rules; it is not necessarily difficult to do something if we are determined to do it. Inspired by the adage, we stayed committed to AIE, hoping to achieve a paradigm shift with our modest efforts. It turned out that our AIE research did break the old paradigm of ACQ and change the landscape of luminescence studies. While textbooks teach us that molecular structure determines the properties of matter, the AIE effect reveals that aggregates of molecules can exhibit properties that individual molecules do not have. Believers in the former would naturally deny the latter's findings, which also prevents them from studying the issue in depth. From the morphological point of view, aggregates are in the mesoscopic range between microscopic (molecules) and macroscopic (matter). Our AIE research will catalyze the development of mesoscopic science, providing scientists with a new research platform at the mesoscopic level to explore scientific treasures that have been neglected, to uncover the enormous potential value of molecular aggregates, and to address scientific puzzles that cannot be understood by purely reductionist approaches.


AIE research is a wonderful journey of discovery, and it gives us many thoughts and insights into the philosophy of research. (1) King Solomon of Israel once said, "There is nothing new under the sun". Phenomenologically speaking, AIE is not a new thing, as it was first observed by British physicist George Stokes as early as 1853, though his brief description failed to attract much attention. (2) As Nobel prize-winning Hungarian scientist Albert Szent-Györgyi describes: "Discovery is simply seeing what everyone else has seen - but thinking what no-one else has thought." We believe that the phenomenon of AIE must have been observed sporadically by people other than Stokes. What distinguishes us from others is that we have thought deeply and systematically about the phenomenon. (3) Spanish economist Elena Reutskaja and British behavioral scientist Barbara Fasolo believe that first is not necessarily best. In the field of scientific research, everyone strives to be the first; but in fact, it is difficult to be the first in the true sense of the word. Each of us is in a field of research that has been pioneered by someone before us, and all we can do is look for breakthroughs in what is called "progressive research"  and become the best or the leader in a field.


To wrap up, I would like to ask you a hypothetical question: what would you think and do if the results of your experiment did not meet your expectations, contradicted existing paradigms, or could not be explained by what you learned from your textbook? Unfortunately, many students will think that they have made a mistake or failed in their experiments. What they would miss might be a true treasure that only requires one step further. Here is my advice to young people who are interested in inventions and creativity: in scientific research, do not blindly believe in books and worship authority; dare to think what no one has thought before and do what no one has done before. Let's seize the opportunity, make bold breakthroughs and open up a new world for our Chinese scientists!


Thank you!





♬ End ♪

