

CUHK- Shenzhen














在港中大(深圳),成功与否并非由成绩来定义。成功自定义,只有你,才能定义自己的成功。我并不是GPA顶尖的学生之一,但我却得到了大学的高度认可。在此,我想对学业成绩优秀的同学致以衷心的祝贺,同时也希望与我所代表的那些追求多元化发展的学子共勉,因为多元发展同样是大学所追求的育人目标。在港中大(深圳),我们能够接触到来自不同国家、地区和社区,以及不同专业、才能、研究领域和职业的全方位多元化人士。大学鼓励学子尊重差异,探索自己的兴趣。暮然回首,方知多样性是通往更多可能性和创造性的大门。世界就在我们面前,机会就在那里等着我们去探索。当有人问我会用什么词来形容我的大学生活时,我脑海中立即浮现出 "丰富多彩"这个词。与反复谈论课业相比,我更愿意分享我所参与的各种活动,比如与大学合唱团共同参加全国大学生艺术展演、为书院宿生组织新春晚会等等。点点滴滴,都是最珍贵的校园回忆,让我与朋友和大学的联结变得如此紧密。







Student Representative’s Speech 

at CUHK-Shenzhen Graduation Ceremony 

for Bachelor Degree Graduates 2022

Yifan Wang delivers a speech

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President Yangsheng Xu, respected faculty, distinguished guests, proud families, and above all, fellow graduates,

Good morning!

I am WANG Yifan, from School of Management and Economics, and Diligentia College. On behalf of the graduating Class of 2022, I’d like to say welcome to everyone and thank you for celebrating this special day with us.

I grew up in Huangshan, a city that is well-known for its beautiful scenery. Though it is a small mountain city in Anhui Province in East China, we people warmly welcome tourists from around the world and it brings to me an open mind. With the expectation for a brand-new adventure, I felt so lucky when joining CUHK-Shenzhen four years ago, moving to the modern city of Shenzhen with full vigor and openness.

At CUHK-Shenzhen, the world is brought closer to us. I went on a summer program in Canada, and a term visit to Hong Kong. I had the chance to explore the East coast of the Pacific, wandering on the glaciers in the Rocky Mountains, and overlooking the modern harbor cities from the Peak. Also, thanks to the University for bringing me an international vision, I will be joining a postgraduate program at National University of Singapore this August, combined with an additional term exchange globally.

We all came to CUHK-Shenzhen for a dream. At CUHK-Shenzhen, we learn how to develop into well-rounded young adults.

We follow the University’s motto of “Through learning and temperance to virtue”. At CUHK-Shenzhen, we have broadened our intellectual horizons and achieved inner cultivation. In our chosen schools, dedicated teachers incorporate their valuable experience into lectures, and they are always there to give us practical advice on our future development. In our colleges, different forms of activities educate us to cultivate ourselves and pursue excellence beyond our academic studies and to maintain our moral integrity in each decision that we make.

At CUHK-Shenzhen, we are able to make a difference and contribute to the development of our campus culture. Through participating in student organizations, clubs, and art groups, or becoming student assistants, we put our ideas into practice, enriching the atmosphere of positivity. My experience as an officer in the College Resident Student Association and as a member in the University Chorus and Dancing Club has been and will always be a precious part of my university memory, reminding me of the many happy hours of communication, teamwork, and event coordination, and also the joy of accomplishment when receiving positive feedback from my peers. I believe such experience will continue to inspire me in my future life.

At CUHK-Shenzhen, success is not defined by grades only. It is only you yourself that define your own success. I am not among students with a top GPA, yet I have been given high recognition from the University. I want to humbly say congratulations to students with outstanding academic performance. Meanwhile, I take pride in representing students who pursue diversified development which is strongly encouraged by our University. Here at CUHK-Shenzhen, we are able to meet people with a full range of diversity, from different countries, regions, and communities to different majors, talents, interests, and careers. The University encourages us to respect differences and explore our own interests, and we now realize diversity brings more possibility and creativity. The world is ahead of us, and chances are there awaiting us to explore. When I was asked what word I would use to describe my university life, the word “colorful” immediately comes to my mind. Compared to repeatedly talking about the coursework, I am always more excited to discuss my different engagements and recall precious memories of University life, including performing in the National Arts Exhibition with the University Chorus and organizing the Chinese New Year Party for all college residents. I felt that these activities made me so connected with all my friends and the University.

Standing here today representing all my fellow graduates, I am not only sharing my happy university life experience with my peers and our dear teachers; I also wish to express our hearty thanks to our University for giving us the freedom to lead such an enjoyable university life in the past four years. The University has opened a big window to the world for us; and on the road to the world, we owe huge gratitude to our University and many people. All these will drive us to move onto our new journey with courage and ambition.

Please allow me, on behalf of the Class of 2022, to express our genuine thankfulness and ambitious goals in Chinese.

As we are about to graduate, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my teachers and fellow students for their help and encouragement over the past four years, my family for their care and understanding along the way, the University for its continuous support and tolerance, and the community for their witness and recognition.

Shenzhen is a young city, and everyone here shares an open and young mind. Facing the sea, we can better feel the direction of the wind. At CUHK-Shenzhen, we take up the responsibility of our generation raised in such a major country - to commit to China and to connect with the world. Now, a new era is riding the waves. As a bridge between China and the West, we should apply what we learn to practice, and work hard to live up to our youth, to fulfill the overarching missions of the times, and to meet the needs of our people.

My dear fellow students, today, we are going to graduate. The word root “gradu” does not mean the end, but implies“step”or“go”, or more specifically, a new stage in our life. The path ahead is vast and our future is promising. May our dream soar up to the high sky, and the world is our oyster!

Congratulations to us all!

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Graduation Ceremony 2022


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Click the photo to watch  Mr John Lee's speech at the Graduation Ceremony



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