展讯 | 新氧艺O2art 798新空间开幕展「旷野之途 2022 Into the Wilderness」
新氧艺O2art荣幸地宣布最新群展“旷野之途 2022”将于2022年9月9日开幕。展览呈现来自艺术家方贤晨、红妍、黄冰洁、黄一山、刘讴睿、李赢、彭斯、司博闻、王伟伟的作品,展期将持续至2022年10月5日,欢迎预约看展。
O2art is honored to announce that the latest group exhibition "Into the Wilderness" will be open on September 9th, 2022. The exhibition will last until October 5th, 2022, presenting works by artists Fang Xianchen, Hong Yan, Huang Bingjie, Huang Yishan, Liu Ourui, Li Ying, Peng Si, Si Bowen and Wang Weiwei. Welcome to make an appointment.
Huizi once spoke to Zhuangzi, "I have an enormous tree, which people say is an ailanthus. Its huge trunk is full of knots so that it cannot be measured with a straight rope, and its branches are so twisted that cannot be used to make a compass or angle square. Though it were growing by the roadside, no passing carpenter would even look at it." Zhuangzi replied: “Now you have this big tree but you are worried that it is of no use. Why don't you plant it in a place where nothing grows? Plant it in a boundless wilderness, wander around it freely, and lie down under it leisurely?"
This fable comes from Zhuangzi's "Free and Easy Wandering". More than two thousand years ago, people planted, herded and hunted in the wilderness, a place of nature and freedom. At that time, the environment was not polluted or destroyed, and human beings were not self-imposed or enslaved. However nowadays, the innate freedom is almost gone in the human world. With the birth of modern civilization and the establishment of factories and machines, humans are starting to get away from the wilderness, and then keep destroying the wilderness, heading for the wrong path of self-alienation and slavishness.
Over hundreds of years, through rapid development of technology and industrial expansion, human beings have transformed a world that was once dominated by the wilderness into one that seems to be dominated by mankind. Today, the destruction of natural order by human beings has revealed its terrible consequences more and more clearly -- climate change, virus outbreak, glacier melting, higher temperature on the earth’s surface, the wilderness burning.
Some observers would describe today's human condition as late modernity. In the fast progress of modern society, there is absolutely no room for Zhuangzi’s knotty and twisted tree to grow; industrial civilization only needs productive materials standardized by the straight rope. Modern society dictates how people should behave. The free man in the wilderness has been transformed into a working machine on the modern industrial chain, a new type of human being, a new species completely alienated and instrumented. The false image provided by the achievement-oriented society is that all people consciously and voluntarily carry out self-slavery, overexert themselves without limit through the incentive of self-performance, and fall into the mire of excessive positivity without precaution. The maximization of one’s performance impairs the innate freedom, and the violence and mutilation of one to oneself are under the illusion of freedom.
In late modernity, disease eventually breaks out. New human beings in the late modernity are depressed, stressed, with disordered system and fragmental deception. They hardly have any deeper and focused concentration in the overload of information and redundant stimulation. There is no time for them to wander around freely in the boundless wilderness, or lie down leisurely under the tree. The wilderness is a place of meditation and freethinking; we can only perceive the diversity and fragrance of it by separating us from our performances and achievements, releasing ourselves and immersing into the wilderness.
Modern society is a toiling society. In such society, the previous ‘people of the nature’ are regulated to working animals and tools of production; they are only living to produce. The restless, the stressed and the overworked are continuously trapping themselves in a circulation of raving competition with a perfect self. In the name of self-achievement, the overdone self-control and endless self-exploit will eventually turns freedom into restraint, and as they integrated, one ‘freely’ enslaved oneself.
However, since human beings were born in the wilderness, they were not born for toil; toiling people are not liberated people. Meanwhile, human beings’ destruction to the wilderness would lead to the wilderness’s merciless devour of human beings. The path into the wilderness -- that humans in the past used to take -- may also be the path that people should rediscover in the journey back to redeem themselves. Let humans return to the wilderness, revere the wilderness, wander in the wilderness, until they are completely immersed into the wilderness, and become the wilderness, the wind, the sunlight, the grass and trees, the aroma in the air. At such moments, all becomes clear. The luxuriant nature reveals all it has; beauty revealed, love revealed, holiness revealed.
Dai Zhuoqun
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