
来自以色列的好消息!Good News from Israel #815

2017-06-09 IPO 以色列计划


The truth about the "ocupation"


Bassem Eid is an Arab civil-rights activist."Arabs situation under Israeli rule is much better than that of Arabs in neighboring countries"."If they are not happy here they are free to go to Syria or to Iraq"…Apartheid?; bullsht, you can see Arab doctors in all hospitals and Arab professors in Israeli Academies.Arab patients beside Jewish patients in same hospital rooms. Education; Before 1967, no universities existed in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Today, there are more than 50 higher education institutions.  

Bassem Eid是一名阿拉伯人权活动家,在他近期一篇文章提到:以色列统治下阿拉伯区域的情况要好于邻国的阿拉伯人,如果他们不高兴,可以随时去叙利亚或伊拉克...种族隔离?一派胡言!你可以看到所有医院的有阿拉伯医生,以色列学院也有阿拉伯教授。阿拉伯病人和以色列病人同处一病房。 关于教育; 1967年以前,西岸和加沙地带都没有大学存在。 如今确有50多所高等教育机构。


Ethiopian PM in Jerusalem


Ethiopian PM Hailemariam Dessalegn;  “We cherish our relationship. Ethiopians deeply understand and appreciate Israel and its people; we always have Israel in our heart for many reasons. We will do everything to make the Israeli Africa relationship to grow and Ethiopia will take leadership in this regard"."We know the need for the Africa Israeli relationship to deepen, especially on science and technology".

埃塞俄比亚总理海尔马里亚姆说到 “我们珍惜和以色列的关系。埃塞俄比亚人深切理解和欣赏以色列及其人民; 有很多的原因让我们总是有以色列在我们心中。我们将尽一切努力使以色列的非洲关系壮大发展,埃塞俄比亚将在这方面发挥领导性作用。我们知道以色列在非洲关系需要深化,特别是对科技的深化。”


Africa wants Israeli Friendship


Israel emerged as a benevolent Empire giving to millions in Africa the latest technologies to supply fresh water, modern agriculture, solar electricity, medical assistance and security…Now, After the recent meetings in East Africa -For the first time ever, a non African head of State invited to address the West African Summit. PM Netanyahu gets a warm welcome by African heads of states; Togo, Ghana, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Sierra Leon, Mali, Liberia…and signed a number of agreements boosting Israel's ties in the region, African leaders flock to Jerusalem seeking cooperation and friendly relations. 

以色列是一个仁慈的国家,为非洲数百万人提供了新鲜的淡水,现代农业,太阳能发电,医疗援助和安全技术...在最近在东非举行的会议之后,首次第一位非非洲首脑国家被邀请参加会议。内塔尼亚胡内阁受到非洲国家元首的热烈欢迎; 多哥,加纳,塞内加尔,冈比亚,几内亚,象牙海岸,塞拉利昂,马里,利比里亚......并签署了一些促进以色列在该地区的关系协议,非洲领袖们纷纷涌向耶路撒冷寻求合作和友好关系。 

U.S Senate Unanimous support for Jerusalem


“Jerusalem should remain the undivided capital of Israel" The U.S Senate unanimously passed a resolution on Monday that commemorates the 50TH anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem and reaffirming that Jerusalem remains the undivided capital of Israel.Senate calls on Trump to move US embassy to Jerusalem


NY Celebrate Israel Parade


Manhattan's 5th Avenue was decked out in blue and white Sunday, as 40,000 people, 250 organizations and 11 marching bands and 30 floats participated in the annual Celebrate Israel Parade.The parade also recognized 50 years of the reunification of Jerusalem.New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, NY City Mayor Bill De Blasio and Senator Charles Schumer marched in the parade together with Israeli ministers and MKs..

曼哈顿第五大道周日被蓝白色包围,250个团队和11个行军乐队共计约四万人参加了年度庆祝以色列游行。游行还认可了耶路撒冷50周年的统一。纽约州长Andrew Cuomo ,纽约市市长比尔·德布拉西奥和参议员查尔斯·舒默与以色列部长一起参加了游行。

BiomX aims to replace Antibiotics


Weizmann Institute scientists: Dr. Eran Elinav and Professor Rotem Sorek are developing a treatment that selectively kills specific bacteria after precise identification of the bacteria causing damage;BiomX drugs are based on phages – special viruses aimed against specific bacteria, in contrast to conventional antibiotics, which kill all bacteria, including good bacteria, and which make other bad bacteria, which they are not aimed at, resistant to them.

BiomX的微生物调节技术由来自魏茨曼科学研究所(Weizmann Institute of Science)的Rotem Sorek教授、Eran Elinav博士和来自麻省理工学院的Timothy K. Lu教授联合开发。该技术可以识别引起人类肠道菌群失调的目标微生物,通过添加原生或合成改变的噬菌体来达到人体微生物的平衡,并将其运用到临床前/临床药物开发中。


Shabat Shalom from Israel

Yosi Behar



7月活动 | 别劝我减肥,我要把这些犹太美食都吃一遍

荐书 |《求异:从应许之地到创业国度》

关于编者Yosi Behar





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