

全册精讲+→ 班班通教学系统 2022-04-10



Unit 1 When was it invented?

Unit 2 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.

Unit 3 It must belong to Carla.

Unit 4 I like music that I can dance to.

Unit 5 You\\'re supposed to shake hands.

Unit 6 Sad movies make me cry.

Unit 7 Life is full of the unexpected.

Unit 8 We\\'re going to save the earth!

Unit 9 It\\'s important to have good habits.

Unit 10 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 6.

Unit 11 What\\'s the highest mountain in the world?

Unit 12 Could you please tell me where the restooms are?








Unit 1

语法:虚拟语气  If+一般过去时句子,主语+would +动词原形。


1 . hundred  thousand ,million 百万, billion 十亿

   前面有确切数字时不加s不加of     two hundred

   前面没有确切数字时加sof       hundreds of

2 .worry about …= be worried about……  担心

3. else 修饰疑问词、不定代词、不定副词要后置。如:what else ,something else

4. enjoy oneself  玩的高兴    enjoy doing 喜欢做某事

5. help sb. (to)do sth.   Help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事

6. too … to … not …enough to do.   so…that…

7. be afraid to do sth. be afraid ofdoing/n. 害怕做某事

8. not …at all =not …in the slightest 一点也不

9. plenty of =a lot of 许多

10.would rather do than do , would dorather than do ,prefer to do rather than do.


11. be friendly to…对某人友好

12. be famous for… 因为而著名

   befamous as… 作为而出名

13 .something bad 形容词修饰不定代词要后置

14. stop doing 停止做某事 

   stop to do 停下来去做某事

15 alone 客观上一个人独自”   live alone  独居

    lonely 主观上感到孤独         feel lonely 感到孤独



1. must “一定”;   can’t “ 一定不” “不可能”     may/might /could“可能

2.belong to + 名词/代词= be sb’s  “属于

3. because + 句子 ;because of +短语

4.在附近  in the neighborhood           neighbor  指人

5. used to do  过去常常做某事

   get/beused to doing 习惯于做某事

   beused to do  被用来做某事

   beused for doing被用来做某事

6. happen to sb. 某人发生什么事。    happen to do碰巧做某事

7. have fun    玩得高兴     

  havefun doing 做某事玩的高兴

8. There be sb doing sth. 某人正在做某事

9. escape from… = run away from… 逃跑

10. too much + 不可数名词      too many +复数太多…”

   muchtoo + 形容词/副词  “…”

11. be careful of … 小心

   becareful (not) to do 小心(不)做某事

12. use up =run out of  用尽用光

13.Not only…but also…不但而且


14. not…until…直到


   Hewont go to bed until his mother comes back.

15.  arriveat +小地点  

     arrivein +大地点

     getto +地点



1 “数词 + 量词(复数)+ 形容词( long ,deep ,wide ,              

    high )”,常用来表示长度、深度,宽度、高度等。

2. foot 脚、英尺  复数: feet

3. pound 磅、英镑

4. weigh (动词) 重、称重量  weight  (名词重量      

5. discover 发现(原来存在)   invent  发明(原来不存在)

6. pollute 污染   (动词)    


 pollutedwater 被污染的水

7. endangered animals 濒危动物

8.be against doing 反对做某事

 befor doing 赞成做某事

 playagainst …对抗、和比赛

9. be suitable for …   适合

10. What I saw 我所看到的 ;What he said 他所说的话

11. a house to live in 一所住的房子

12. surprised 修饰人 surprising 修饰物

   besurprised to do 做某事很吃惊

   besurprised at… 感到吃惊

   Toone’s surprise  令某人吃惊的是

  surprise sb  令某人吃惊

13. provide sth. for sb.=provide sb. withsth. 为某人提供某物

14. take care of ,care for ,look after

15. urge sb. to do sth.  强烈呼吁某人做某事

16. agree with sb.同意某人

   disagreewith  sb.不同意某人


unit 4




•       一般时现在时: am/is/are+done

•      一般过去时 : was/were+done

•       含有情态动词:情态动词 +be +done


1.be used for doing sth. be used to do sth. “被用于干某事

2.be used as sth.  “被当作---使用

3.be used by sb.  “被某人使用

4.be / get used to doing sth. “习惯于做某事

5.used to do sth. “过去常常做某事

6.by mistake 错误地    by accident偶然地

  make a mistake/ make mistakes犯错误

7.salty enough 足够咸  

8.make sb. adj. 使某人…   make sb. do 使某人做某事

9.in the end = at last =finally

10.although =though 虽然     不能与but连用

  because 不能与so连用

11.not…until 直到

12. some time 一段时间 ; sometimes 有时

   sometime某个时候(将来) ; some times 很多次

13. decide to do 决定做某事

14.notice sb. do sth. 表示注意某人干了某事,强调动作的过程

  noticesb. doing sth.  表示注意到某人正在干某事,强调动作正在发生。

15.It is said that… 据说

   Itis reported that… 据报道

   Itis believed/ discovered/ found  that …








        ( or not 连用时,只能用whether 而不能用 if )


1. — Do you know____    tomorrow?  — At 8 o\\'clock.

A. when did shecome    B. when she came C. when will shecome    D. when she will come

2. We’ll planttrees tomorrow, and I don’t know_____ Tom will come and join us.

    A.if          B. which          C. what        D. where

3. The teacherasked us ________.

A. when did Ifinish my work               B. why didn’twe tell him about it earlier

C. what we wereinterested in               D. where weare going to have our lunch

4. Bob askedme_          .

A. what was shedoing   B. what is she doing  C. what she was doing  D. what she is doing

5 .We don’tknow_______ it next. Let’s go and ask Mr. Li.

A. what to do          B.to do what    C. whether to do   D. to dowhether

知识点   1.decide to do 决定做某事

2. talk to/withsb. 跟某人谈话  talk about sth. 谈论

3. prefer 名词to 名词

  preferto do

  prefer doing

  prefer doing to doing

  prefer to do rather than do

4. sb.+spend 时间/钱(indoing sth.

                   on sth.

  sb. pay for sth.  

  sth. cost sb.

  It takes sb 时间 to do sth.

5.     get dressed  穿好衣服

   get dressed in +衣服/颜色

   dress sb. 给某人穿衣

   dress up as …打扮成

6. in order to do

  inorder that +从句     为了….

  sothat +从句

Unit 6



构成: had +动词过去分词


 (1)by before +过去的时间

 bylast year,  before 2000,  by the end of last term

  Ihad finished my homework before 5 oclock.

  wehad learnt 2000 words by last term.

 (2) 用于复合句中  : 两个动作都是过去发生,先发生的用


  Hesaid he had gone to Beijingtwice.

 When I got to school ,the bell had already rung.

  Bythe time we got there, the film had already begun.


1.     get to…到达    getto school 到达学校    get home 到家

2.leave +地点  离开某地

  leave for +地点  动身去某地

  leave 地点 for 地点  离开某地去某地

  leave sth.+地点  把某人落在某地

3. get up 起床    take a shower  洗澡

4. start todo  / start doing  开始做某事

5. Come out  出来,开花,出版

6. Come by 经过

7.Give sb a ride让某人搭便车

8. Make it 做到,成功

9 forget to do 忘记要做某事    forget doing 忘记做过某事

10 break down 出故障  break –broke -broken

11 flee from=escape from = run away from 逃走

12. as…as onecan/could=as…as possible  尽可能的

13.  sell out 售光  sell well 卖得好

14. marry sb 跟某人结婚

marry sb to sb 把某人嫁给某人

get married to sb跟某人结婚

get married 结婚(不涉及结婚对象)




