
精通版五上英语Unit 4 Where do you work?

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Unit 4

lesson 19  00:00--00:52

lesson 20  00:52--01:56

lesson 21  01:56--02:49

lesson 22  02:49--04:03

lesson 23  04:03--05:43

lesson 24  05:43--11:11

lesson 19

Just talk 说一说

Mr White: Hi, Mrs Wu! Nice to see you again. 你好,吴小姐!很高兴再次见到你。

Mrs Wu: Nice to see you, too! 见到你也很高兴!

Mr White: Where do you work now? 你现在在哪工作呢?

Mrs Wu: I work in Beijing Cinema. How about you? 我在北京电影院工作。你呢?

Mr White: I work at the Bank of China.  我在中国银行工作。

Mr White: How about your daughter? Where do you study now? 你女儿怎么样?你现在在哪学习呢? 

Daughter: I study at Sunny School. 我在太阳学校读书。

lesson 20

Just practise 练一练
Where do you work? 你在哪工作?
I work in a cinema. 我在电影院工作。
Where do you study? 你在哪学习?
I study at Sunny School. 我在太阳学校学习。

cinema 电影院
bank 银行
hotel 酒店

Just write 写一写

Can you write them? 你会写(下面的)英文吗?

work 工作
study 学习
cinema 电影院
Where do you work? 你在哪里上班?
I work in a cinema. 我在电影院上班?

Let\\\'s act 演一演

sunny school阳光学校
Bank 银行
cinema 电影院
Beijing school 北京学校
hotel 酒店

Where do you study? 你在哪儿上学?
I study at Beijing School.我在北京学校上学。
Where do you work? 你在哪儿上班?
I work in a hotel. 我在酒店上班。

Let\\\'s chant 一起唱吧
Ken helps Kate, 肯帮助凯特,
Cook in the kitchen. 在厨房做饭。
Kate makes a cake. 凯特做蛋糕。
Ken cooks a chicken. 肯做鸡肉。

lesson 21

Just talk 说一说

Yang Ming: Look, Lisa. That\\\'s my mother. She\\\'s on TV. 看,丽萨。那是我妈妈。她在电视上。

Lisa: Really? What\\\'s her job? 真的吗?她是做什么的?

Yang Ming: She\\\'s a TV reporter. 她是播音主持。

Lisa: Where does she work? 她在哪工作?

Yang Ming: She works at CCTV. 在中央台。

Lisa: Is your father a TV reporter, too? 你爸爸也是播音主持吗?

Yang Ming: No, he\\\'s a doctor. 不,他是医生。

Lisa: Where does he work? 他在哪工作?

Yang Ming: He works in Beijing Hospital? 他在北京医院。

lesson 22

Just practise 练一练

Where does your father work? 你爸爸在哪工作?
He works in Beijing Hospital. 在北京医院。
Where does your mother work? 你妈妈在哪工作?
She works at CCTV. 在中央电视台

CCTV 中央电视台
hospital 医院
shopping mall 购物中心

Just write 写一写

Can you write them? 你会写(下面的)英文吗?

on 在....上面
shop 商店
He works in Beijing Hospital. 他在北京医院上班。
She works at CCTV. 她在CCTV就职。

Let\\\'s talk说一说

Where does your aunt work? 你姑姑在哪儿上班?
She works in a bank. 她在银行上班。
Where does your uncle work? 你叔叔在哪儿上班?
He works in a school. 他在学校上班。
Where does your father work? 你父亲在哪儿上班?
He works in a hotel. 他在酒店上班。

Let\\\'s chant 一起唱吧
The girl begins to work again. 女孩重新开始工作。
She works in a big garden. 她在大花园里工作。
The girl gives me a rose. 女孩给了我一朵玫瑰。
I give the girl a pen. 我给了女孩一支钢笔。

lesson 23

Just talk 说一说

To: amy@freemail.com


Dear Amy, 亲爱的艾米,

My name is Gao Wei. I\\\'m from China. I\\\'m eleven. 我是高威。来自中国。今年十一岁了。

I\\\'m a primary school student. 我是小学生。

I\\\'m in Class One, Grade Five. 来自五年一班。

There are three people in my family. 我们家有三口人。

My mother is a teacher in a school. 我妈妈是学校老师。

My father is a manager in a big company. How about you? 我爸爸是公司的管理。你呢?

How many people are there in your family and what do your parents do? 你们家有几口人,父母都是做什么的?

Can you tell me? 你能告诉我吗?

Yours, Gao Wei 爱你的高威


To: gaowei@mail.com From amy@freemail.com 

Dear Gao Wei, 亲爱的高威,

Thank you for your email. I\\\'m Amy. I\\\'m from Canada. I\\\'m twelve. 谢谢给我的邮件。我是艾米。来自加拿大。我十二岁了。

I\\\'m in Class Two, Grade Six. 我来自六年二班。

There are six people in my family. 我们家有六口人。

They are my grandfather, my grandmother, my father, my mother, my brother and I. 分别是祖父、祖母、爸爸、妈妈、哥哥和我。

My father works in the City Library. 我爸爸在城市图书馆工作。

My mother works in a small restaurant. 我妈妈在小餐馆工作。

My brother works in a bank. 我哥哥在银行工作。

We love our father and mother. 我们爱爸爸和妈妈。

They love us, too. We have a happy family. 他们也爱我们。我们是幸福的一家。

Can you tell me more about your life? 你能告诉更多你的生活吗?

Yours, Amy 爱你的艾米。

lesson 24

Just practise 练一练
My grandfather is a taxi driver. 我祖父是出租车司机。
My mother is a teacher in a school. 我妈妈是学校老师。
My father is a manager in a big company. 我爸爸是大公司的管理。

restaurant 餐厅
company 公司
library 图书馆

Just write 写一写
Can you write them? 你会写(下面的)英文吗?
grandfather (grandpa) 祖父/外祖父
grandmother (grandma) 祖母/外祖母
taxi driver 出租车司机
My grandfather is a taxi driver. 我祖父是一名出租车司机。

Let\\\'s do a survey 来做个调查
who 谁
grandpa 祖父
grandma 祖母
father 父亲
mother 母亲
uncle 叔叔
aunt 姑姑
Job 工作
teacher 老师
doctor 医生
farmer 农民
wirter 作家
policeman 警察

What\\\'s your father\\\'s job? 你父亲从事什么职业?
He is a policeman.他是一名警察

Let\\\'s chant 一起唱吧
Rose likes reading. 萝丝喜欢读书。
Ruth likes riding. 露丝喜欢骑马。
Robert likes running. 罗伯特喜欢跑步。
Robot likes skating. 罗伯特喜欢滑雪。

Revision 复习

Fun story 趣味故事

Read and act 读并表演

Mimi, Micky and their friends are going to school. 咪咪、米奇和他们的朋友要去上学。

Mr Bear, a reporter, is coming. He says hello to them. 一位叫贝尔的记者来了。向他们打招呼。

Mr Bear asks the sheep, "What does your mother do? Where does she work?" 贝尔先生问羊:“你妈妈是做什么的?在哪工作?”

The sheep answers, "My mother is a doctor. She works in a hospital." 羊回答:“我妈妈是医生,在医院工作。”

Mr Bear asks the horse, "What does your father do? Where does he work?" 贝尔先生问马:“你爸爸是做什么的,在哪工作?”

"My father is a farmer. He works on a farm,"says the horse.“我爸爸是一位农夫,在农场工作。”马回答。

Mr Bear asks Mimi, "What does your mother do? Where does she work?" 贝尔先生问咪咪,“你妈妈是做什么的?在哪工作?”

Mimi answers, "My mother is a teacher. She works in a school." 咪咪回答,“我妈妈是老师,在学校工作。”

Mr Bear asks Micky, "How about your father?" 贝尔先生问米奇:“你爸爸呢?”

 "Can you guess?" says Micky. “你能猜猜吗?”米奇说。

Is he a driver? 他是司机吗?

No. 不是。

Is he an actor? 是演员吗?

No, no. 不是不是。

Micky asks Mr Bear to watch TV. "Is that your father? " 米奇让熊先生去看电视:“那是你爸爸吗?”

Mr Bear shouts out! " Yes, that\\\'s my father!" 贝尔先生喊:“是,那是我爸爸!”

"Wow! Your father is a reporter, too!" says Mr Bear excitedly! “哇!不爸爸也是播音主持!”贝尔先生激动的说!

Let\\\'s check 检阅一下

Listen and number. 听并标数。

What does your mother do? 你妈妈是做什么的?

She\\\'s a doctor. She works in the hospital. 她是医生。在医院工作。

Where does your father work? 你爸爸在哪工作?

He work in a company. 他在公司工作。

Where does your grandfather work? 你祖父在哪工作?

He works in a restaurant. 他在餐厅工作。

Where does your grandmother work? 你祖母在哪工作?

She works in a library. 她在图书馆工作。

Where does your uncle work? 你叔叔在哪工作?

He works in a hotel. 他在酒店工作。

Where does your aunt work? 你阿姨在哪工作?

She works at CCTV. 她在中央台工作。

Where does your sister work? 你姐姐在哪工作?

She works in the shopping mall. 她在购物中心工作。

Where does your brother work? 你哥哥在哪工作?

He works in a bank. 他在银行工作。

Where do you work? 你在哪工作?

I like film. I work in the cinema. 我喜欢电影。在电影院工作。

Revision 3 Language Focus 语言知识点

Where do you study? 你在哪儿上学?
I study at Sunny School.我在阳光学校上学。
Where do you work? 你在哪儿上班?
I work in a cinema. 我在一家电影院上班。
Where does your father work? 你的父亲在哪儿上班?
He works in Beijing Hospital. 他在北京医院上班。
Where does your mother work? 你的母亲在哪儿上班?
She works at CCTV. 她在CCTV上班。
My mother is a teacher in a school. 我的母亲是一家学校的老师。
My father is a manager in a big company. 我的父亲是一个大公司的经理。
My grandfather is a taxi driver. 我的祖父是一名出租车司机。
bank 银行
hotel 医院
shopping mall 商场
restaurant 餐馆
company 公司
library 图书馆
work 工作
study 学习
in 在...里面
on 在...上面
at(表示位置) 在; 在(某时间或时刻)
cinema 电影院
CCTV 中央电视台
hospital 医院
shop 商店
grandfather (grandpa) 祖父/外祖父
grandmother (grandma) 祖母/外祖母
taxi driver 出租车司机

Unit 4 Fun Facts 有趣的事实

Reading for knowledge 阅读与学习

Special Museums 特别的博物馆

A museum is a fun place. 博物馆是一个有趣的地方。
Let\\\'s go and see some museums in London. 我们依赖来看看伦敦的几家博物馆。
They are interesting. 它们非常有趣。

Anna works in a toy museum. 安娜在一家玩具博物馆上班。
There are old dolls, teddy bears, toy trains and cars. 那里有旧玩偶,旧泰迪熊,旧玩具火车,和旧玩具汽车。
One room in the museum is for puppets. 博物馆的一个房间是专门放木偶的。
Many students go to this puppet room to watch the puppet shows.许多学生来木偶屋观看木偶表演。
Anna loves these old toys. 安娜喜欢那些旧玩具。

Sonia works in a wax museum.索尼亚在一家蜡像博物馆上班。
She makes clothes for the wax figures. 她给蜡像做服装。
The figures look like real people. 这些蜡像和真人看起来很像。
There are wax figures of famous people from all over the world.哪里有来自世界各地名人的蜡像。

Look at the figure of the Queen. 看看英女王的蜡像。
It looks exactly like the Queen of England.它看起来跟英女王像极了。
Sonia likes her job in this museum. 索尼娅喜欢她这份在博物馆的工作。
a toy museum 玩具博物馆
a wax museum 蜡像馆

Thinking tasks 思考任务

1. Where is the museum for old toys? 旧玩具博物馆在哪儿?

2. What is in a wax museum? 蜡像博物馆里有什么?

3.Which museum in London do you like? 你喜欢伦敦的哪座博物馆?

Look Them Up 查一查
special 特别的
wax figure 蜡像
wax museum 蜡像馆

Museum 博物馆
what\\\'s in it 里面有什么
1. the toy museum 玩具博物馆
toys, puppet shows 玩具,和木偶表演
2. the wax museum 蜡像馆
famous people 名人


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