
精通版五上英语Fun time 2 复习二

全册精讲+→ 班班通教学系统 2022-04-10



Fun time 2

Fun time 2 recycle 1

Let\\\\\\'s check 检阅一下
Listen and number. 听并标数。
1. What does your grandpa do, Nancy? 你祖父是做什么的,南希?
He is a writer. 是作家。
2. What does your grandpa do, Liu Yi? 你祖父是做什么的,刘毅?
He is a farmer. 是农夫。
3. Where does your grandma work, Nancy? 你祖母是做什么的,南希?
She works in a cinema. 她在电影院工作。
4. What does your grandma do, Liu Yi? 你祖母是做什么的,刘毅?
She is a music teacher, she works in a school. 她是音乐老师,在学校工作。
5. What does your aunt do, Nancy? 你阿姨是做什么,南希?
She is a nurse. She works in Chunhua Hospital. 她是护士。在春花医院工作。
6. What does your aunt do, Liu Yi? 你阿姨是做什么的,刘毅?
She is a worker. 她是工人。
7. What does your uncle do, Liu yi? 你叔叔是做什么的,刘毅?
He is a reporter. He works at a TV station. 他是一名记者,在电视台工作。
8. What does your uncle do, Nancy? 你叔叔是做什么的,南希?
He is an actor. 他是演员。
9. Where does your father work, Liu Yi? 你爸爸在哪工作,刘毅?
He works in a bank. 在银行。
10. What does your brother do, Nancy? 你哥哥是做什么的,南希?
He is a teacher. 他是老师。
11. What does your mother do, Liu Yi? 你妈妈是做什么的,刘毅?
She is a doctor. She works in a hospital. 她是医生。在医院工作。
12. What does your sister do, Nancy? 你姐姐是做什么的,南希?
She is an actress. 她是演员。

Let\\\\\\'s check 检阅一下
Peter, Lisa, Li Yan and Gao Wei are going to Shanghai. 皮特、丽萨、李妍和高威要去上海。
Listen and put the things in the right bags. 听并把东西放在正确的袋子里。
1. Whose camera is this? 这个照相机是谁的?
It\\\\\\'s Gao Wei\\\\\\'s. 是高威的。
2. Whose umbrella is that? 那个雨伞是谁的?
It\\\\\\'s Peter\\\\\\'s. 是皮特的。
3. Whose cup is this? 这是谁的茶杯?
It\\\\\\'s Li Yan\\\\\\'s. 是李妍的。
4. Whose fan is that? 那是谁的扇子?
It\\\\\\'s Lisa\\\\\\'s. 是丽萨的。
5. Whose acticity book is this? 这是谁的活动手册?
It\\\\\\'s Li Yan\\\\\\'s. 是李妍的。
6. Whose pens are these? 这些是谁的笔?
They\\\\\\'re Gao Wei\\\\\\'s. 是高威的。
7. Whose crayons are those? 那些蜡笔是谁的?
They\\\\\\'re Peter\\\\\\'s. 是皮特的。
8. Whose rulers are these? 这些是谁的格尺?
They\\\\\\'re Lisa\\\\\\'s. 是丽萨的。
9. Whose storybooks are those? 那些是谁的故事书?
They\\\\\\'re Peter\\\\\\'s. 是皮特的。
10. Is this black book yours, Lisa? 这本黑色的书是你的吗,丽萨?
Yes, it is. 是的。
11. Is that red book yours, Lisa? 那本红色的书是你的吗,丽萨?
No, it\\\\\\'s Gao Wei\\\\\\'s. 不,是高威的。

Just write 写一写

Spring Festival is coming. Let\\\\\\'s clean our home and make a list of old things. 春节就要来了。我们来打扫房间,并列出老旧物件。

Old things 老物件
1. Mum\\\\\\'s old shoes 妈妈的旧鞋子
2. Dad\\\\\\'s old umbrella 爸爸的旧伞

My list 我的单子
1. Dad\\\\\\'s broken old camera 爸爸的坏相机
2. My old exercise books 我的旧练习册

Where should you put the old things? 你应该把就物件放在哪儿?

Fun Time 2 Recycle 2

Let\\\\\\'s speak and act 一起说一说,演一演
What does your father do? 你的父亲是做什么的?
He works in a hotel.他在一家酒店上班。
What does your mother do? 你的母亲是做什么的?
She works in a bank. 她在一家银行上班。

Let\\\\\\'s chant 一起唱吧
What does your father do? 你爸爸是做什么的?
He works in a restaurant. 他在餐厅工作。
What does your mother do? 你妈妈是做什么的?
She works in a bank. 她在银行工作。
What does your father do? 你爸爸是做什么的?
He works in a hospital. 他在医院工作。
What does your mother do? 你妈妈是做什么的?
She works at home. 她在家工作。
She is a housewife! 她是家庭主妇!

Fun Time 2 Fun Reading

Let\\\\\\'s read and act 一起来读一读,演一演

Miss Sheep is a TV reporter. 羊小节是电视台的一名记者。
She works at Animals\\\\\\' TV.她在动物电视台上班。
Today she is making a TV show about the students from Animals\\\\\\' School.今天,她正录制一档电视关于来自动物学校学生的节目。

Hello!Where do you study? 你好!你在哪儿就读?
I study at the Animals\\\\\\' School.我在动物学校就读。
Me too. 我也是
I\\\\\\'m Mimi. 我叫咪咪。

Miss Sheep is happy to see Mimi, the cat. 羊小姐见到猫姑娘咪咪很高兴。
She wants Mimi to talk more on the TV show.她想让咪咪到她的电视节目上深谈。

Mimi, you are a famous cat. 咪咪,你是一只非常有名的猫。
Thank you.谢谢你

Do you know other famous animals?  你认识其他有名的动物吗?
bear 熊
monkey 猴子
tiger 老虎
elephant 大象
panda 熊猫

Many students study New English for China. 许多学生都在为中国学习新英语。
You are in this book. 你也在这本书里。

Mimi tells Miss Sheep what she likes to eat. 咪咪告诉羊小节她喜欢吃的食物。

What fruit do you like,Mimi? 你喜欢吃什么水果,咪咪?

What will Mimi say? 咪咪将会说什么?
kiwi fruit 猕猴桃
star fruit 杨桃
watermelon 西瓜
peach 桃子
strawberry 草莓

I\\\\\\'m sorry I don\\\\\\'t like fruit.对不起,我不喜欢吃水果。
I like fish.我喜欢吃鱼.

Oh, I see.哦,我明白了。
What do you want to be in the future? 你将来长大了想做什么?

What will Mimi answer? Can you guess? 咪咪会怎么回答,你能猜到吗?

doctor 医生
teacher 老师
singer 歌手
dancer 舞蹈员
actress 演员
policewoman 女警
manager 经理
nurse 护士
driver 四级

Cultural link 文化连接

A Western meal and a Chinese meal 西餐与中餐

soup 汤
salad 沙拉
main course  主菜
dessert 甜点

A Western meal has three or four courses.西餐有三到四道主菜。
In a Western meal, there is the soup first, then the salad (vegetables) and then the main course (meat or fish).在西餐里,先喝汤,然后吃沙拉(蔬菜拉沙),然后吃主菜(肉或者鱼)
Finally, there is a dessert (pudding, ice cream or cake) with tea or coffee. 最后是甜点(布丁,冰激凌或者糕点)配茶或者咖啡。
People eat their food with a fork, a knife and a spoon. 大家用刀叉和勺子吃饭。

In a Chinese meal, there is soup, vegetables, meat, fish and rice.
Sometimes, there are dumplings and noodles. 在中餐里,有汤,蔬菜,肉,鱼和米饭。有时,还有饺子和面条。
Chinese people eat their food with chopsticks and sometimes a spoon.中国人用筷子吃饭,有时用勺子。




