
沪教版四上英语Unit 10 A visit to a farm 朗读+微课+知识总结(上海牛津)

全册精讲+→ 班班通教学系统 2023-02-12




Unit 10  单词朗读:

Unit 10  课文朗读:



I. Words 单词

1.farm  n.农场

[例句] There are 50 cows on this farm. 这个农场养了五十头奶牛。

   [常见词组]  a chicken farm养鸡场  farm crops农作物

   [记忆链接] farmland农田,耕地

2.bin  n.垃圾箱

[例句] He threw the empty bottles in the bin. 他把空瓶子扔进垃圾箱。

3.corn  n.谷物

[例句] Pigs and ducks like corn. 猪和鸭子喜欢谷物。Corn grows well here.这儿的谷物生长良好。

4.cow  n.奶牛,母牛

[例句] Kitty doesn\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t like cow. 凯蒂不喜欢奶牛。Cows supply us with milk.奶牛给我们提供了牛奶。

5.feed  v.喂养

[例句] I fed the birds yesterday. 昨天我喂过鸟了。

6.grass  n.草;草地

[例句] I\\\\\\\\\\\\\'m just going to cut the grass.我正打算去修剪草坪。

7.hay  n.干草

[例句] Pigs don\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t eat hay.猪不吃干草。

[常见词组] dry grass for hay把草晒成千草

8.hen  n.母鸡

[例句] The hen cackles when she has laid an egg. 母鸡下了蛋就咯咯地叫。

9.litter  v.乱扔(垃圾)   

[例句] Don\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t litter up the floor with scraps of paper. 别往地上乱丢纸屑。

10.sheep  n.绵羊

[复数] sheep

[例句] Sheep like to eat grass. 羊喜欢吃草。

[常见词组]  keep sheep养羊,胆小鬼    a lost sheep迷途的羊

11.rubbish  n.垃圾


[例句] Throw it on the rubbish heap.把它丢在垃圾堆里。There are many rubbish bins on the sides of road.



[例句] He is talking rubbish.他在说废话。

[记忆链接] Rubbish! 废话!(或胡说!)  rubbishy 垃圾的,无价值的,微不足道的


Ⅱ. Daily Expressions日常用语

1.Here\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s some hay.这是一些干草。


(1) 如果是可数名词的单数,动词用is,如果是可数名词的复数,动词用are。例如:


(2) 如果是不可数名词,动词用is。

2.What do hens like eating? 母鸡喜欢吃什么?

   “What do…like?”是以what(什么)引导的特殊疑问句,意思是问某人(或动物)喜欢什么?一般指喜欢吃的食物。当主语是第二人称或第三人称复数时,用助动词do。例如:-What do sheep like eating? 羊喜欢吃什么?-They like grass.羊喜欢吃草。

   当主语是第三人称单数时,助动词用does,而回答时动词like要变成likes。例如:-What does the pig like eating? 那头猪喜欢吃什么?-It likes eating corn.它喜欢吃谷物。

3.Don’t pick flowers! 不要摘花!

 Don\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t + 动词原形为否定祈使句,用来表达不让某人做某事,它的意思等同于:You can\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t…(你不能……)。

Don\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t play with fire.不要玩火。=You can\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t play with fire.你不能玩火。

[注意] 用don\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t否定时,只能用其缩略式,而不能用do not。例如:Don\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t play football on the street. (√)   Do not play football on the street. (×) 不要在街上踢足球。



1. 祈使句Don’t…的用法

(1) 认识Don\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t…

   祈使句Don\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t…表示要求或劝告某人不要做某事,用don\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t,后接动词原形。例如:Don\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t climb the tree.It\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s dangerous.不要爬树。那很危险。

(2) Don’t…与You can’t…

   Don\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t leave rubbish, Tom. Put the rubbish in the bin. 不要乱扔垃圾,汤姆。把垃圾放进垃圾箱里。

   You can\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t leave rubbish, Tom. Put the rubbish in the bin. 你不能乱扔垃圾,汤姆。把垃圾扔进垃圾箱里。

   根据上面的话,我们可以得出这样一个结论:当我们用“Don’t…”来表示不允许的时候,我们也可以用“You can\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t…”来替代。即:Don\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t…= You can\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t…




1. horses (单数) _________

2. hen (复数) _________

3. here (同音词) _________

4. sheep (复数) _________

5. we (所有格) _________

6. open (反义词) _________

7. glass (复数) _________

8. horse (同类词) _________

9. have (第三人称单数) _________

10. under (反义词) _________


1. This is _________(we) teacher. We can call __________(she) Miss Fang.

2. The mouse’s __________(tooth) are sharp.

3. ---Have you got _________(some) biscuits? ---Yes.

4. ---___________(who) skateboard is this? ---It’s Carol’s.

5. Horses like ___________(hay).

6. Their teacher ______________(not like) coffee with butter.

7. ---How much __________(be) these apples? ---Six yuan in all.

8. My uncle can __________(draw) well.

9. _____________(not pick) the flowers.

10. ---______________(there be) any firefighters in City Park? ---Yes.


1. Mark is a _____ ( farm ). He works on his _____ ( farm ).

2. How _____ ( many ) is this ice cream?

3. ---______ ( who ) footballs are these? ---They are ______ ( Jim and John ).

4. Here’s ______ ( some ) green grass.

5. My brother Mike ______ ( like ) toy ______ ( plane ).

6. Show ______ ( he ) that picture.


1. Sheep like to eat grass. ( 就划线部分提问 )

What ______ sheep ______ to eat?

There are seven balls in the bag. ( 就划线部分提问 )

   How ______ ______ are there in the bag?

Alice is on the slide. ( 就划线部分提问 )

______ Alice?

His friend’s name’s Jimmy. ( 就划线部分提问 )

______ his ______ ______?

We’ve got three pairs of sunglasses. ( 就划线部分提问 )

What ______ you ______?



1. It’s an important meeting. _________________ (not, be )late.

2. ________________ (not,make) any nise! Your mother is sleeping.

3. ________________ (not, speak) with your mouth full of food and _________ (be) polite.

4. ________________ ( not, talk) and ____________ (read) aloud.

5. ________________ (not, let) the baby cry.


hay    stone    butter    water    biscuit    flower    horse    grass  tree    coffee

corn    grape    juice    gate    bread    pineapple    milk    house    flour    plant

1. 可数名词:

2. 不可数名词:

【keys】1. stone, biscuit. flower, horse, tree, grape, gate, pineapple, house, plant   

        2. hay, butter, water, grass, coffee, corn, juice, bread, milk, flour



(        ) 1. Here _________some hay.

A. is                     B. are                    C. am

(        ) 2. —What _________sheep like? —_________like grass.

A. do, They               B. does, It                  C. do, It

(        ) 3. —Don\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t throw stones.   ________________

A. That\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s all right.          B. Thank you.           C. I\\\\\\\\\\\\\'m sorry.

(        ) 4. Mr. Black has many chicks. Everywhere a_________.

A. baa-baa           B. cheep-cheep               C. oink-oink

(        ) 5. —What _________Kitty like? —She likes_________.

A. do, chicks        B. does, chicks               C. does, chick

(        ) 6. Here _________some bananas.

A. are                    B. has                      C. is

(        ) 7. Here\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s _________bread for you.

A. a                   B. any                      C. some

(         ) 8. There are some _________in this shop.

A. scarf               B. scarfs                    C. scarves

【keys】1.A 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.C



  (    )1. Uncle Bob有十只小鸡,可以说:

         A. There are ten chicks.    B. Uncle Bob has ten chicks.

  (    )2.叫别人不要乱扔垃圾,可以说:

         A. Don\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t leave rubbish.    B. Don\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t throw stones.

  (    )3.喂干草给马吃:

         A. Here\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s some hay.       B. This is grass.

  (    )4.别人跟你道歉,你该怎么回答:

         A. All right.              B. That\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s all right.

  (    )5.找不到Danny的鸭子,可以问Danny:

         A. Where is your duck, Danny?    B. Where is Danny\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s duck?

  (    )6.想知道Kitty喜欢吃什么,可以问她:

         A. What does Kitty like?          B. What do you like, Kitty?

【keys】1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.B



My uncle has a big farm. On his farm, there are fifteen sheep, twenty hens, nineteen ducks and one dog. The sheep are white.   They like grass. They often eat grass on the grass. The hens are very fat. They like corn. They give my uncle twenty eggs every day. The ducks like to swim in the pond. They give my uncle sixteen eggs every day. The dog likes bones (骨头).   His teeth are sharp. My uncle is very busy every day. He feeds the animals every day. But he\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s happy.

(        ) 1. My uncle has a big farm and many animals.

(        ) 2. The fifteen sheep are white.

(        ) 3. My uncle can get 36 eggs every day.

(        ) 4. The dog doesn\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t like bones and it can\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t eat bones.

(        ) 5. My uncle is busy and happy.

【keys】l.T 2.T 3.T 4.F5.T



I am a farmer. I feed the farm animals every day. The pigs like corn.















