
​疫情跟踪 | 美国公共水供应商针对疫情状况下供水系统安全的发声

净水技术 净水技术 2022-07-19



编者按继美国EPA发布关于饮用水和污水中新冠病毒的解答(疫情跟踪 | 美国EPA:就饮用水和污水中的新冠病毒对公众的权威解答),以及美国CDC下属中心NCIRD针对饮用水、娱乐用水和污水中新冠病毒的传播风险进行解答后(疫情跟踪 | 美国疾控中心:新冠病毒通过饮用水、娱乐用水和污水传播的几点解答),美国供排水企业和相关管理单位也高度关注供排水系统的安全性问题,从相关的报道看,新冠肺炎病毒的传播并不会影响正常的饮用水供应和污水处理系统,正常的水处理工艺即可去除和灭活该病毒,美国相关企业也高度重视工作人员的防护,除减少非必要的工作人员到岗外,在需要操作的设备上安装了消毒剂和消毒剂湿巾以保证个人安全。

Public water suppliers say systems are safe美国供排水企业认为系统是安全的

In this coronavirus pandemic, toilet paper panic buying gets all the quizzical headlines, but the empty shelves in groceries’ bottled water aisles also deserve some head scratching.
That's because public water suppliers are reporting no problems with water quality or quantity due to the coronavirus pandemic, and none is anticipated, according to the latest directives from the Centers for Disease Control and Protection.
The CDC's on-line advisory flatly states that COVID-19 has not been detected in drinking water, and “conventional water treatment methods that use filtration and disinfection such as those in most municipal drinking water systems should remove or inactivate the virus.”

Unlike a power outage, flooding or other natural disasters, a pandemic does not harm or disable drinking water treatment, said Jake Pawlak, a spokesman for the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority.
匹兹堡供水和排水管理局发言人Jake Pawlak表示,与停电、洪水或其他自然灾害不同,传染病不会危害或停止饮用水处理系统。
“Our water treatment plant is operating normally, and our treatment procedures are effective at inactivating the virus,” Mr. Pawlak said in reassuring PWSA’s 83,000 water customers and 300,000 consumers. “Their tap water is safe to drink and use for personal hygiene.”
“我们的水厂运转正常,水处理工艺有效地杀灭了病毒。” Pawlak在安抚匹兹堡供排水管理局辖区内的8.3万名用水用户和30万名污水处理用户时说。“龙头水可以安全饮用,并可用于个人卫生护理。”
He said that while PWSA does not specifically test for the COVID-19 virus at its intake and treatment plant along the Allegheny River in Aspinwall, the authority uses industry standard filtration and disinfection techniques like those described in the CDC guidance.
他表示,虽然匹兹堡供排水管理局并没有在位于Allegheny River沿岸的取水口和污水处理厂专门检测新冠肺炎病毒,但相关的水厂和污水厂都使用了与CDC指南中描述类似的过滤和消毒技术标准。

“We monitor these systems daily and are currently well exceeding established standards for virus removal and/or protection,” Mr. Pawlak said in an email response to questions.
He said that non-essential staff at the water treatment plant has been directed not to report to work to reduce the risk the virus will be brought into the plant or spread among water plant employees. PWSA has also increased the frequency and thoroughness of cleaning inside the water plant and stocked operator terminals with sanitizer and disinfectant wipes for use when operators leave one station for another.
“It should be stressed that these precautions are primarily being taken to safeguard against staff shortages in the event that an operator contracts the virus through interpersonal contact,” Mr. Pawlak said.
Pennsylvania American Water, the largest privately owned water supplier in the state, says on its web page that its filtration and disinfection of surface water supplies, and disinfection of groundwater from wells, “are effective in removing and/or inactivating viruses.”

Gary Lobaugh, a Pennsylvania American spokesman, said the water company that serves approximately 230,000 drinking water customers and 11,000 wastewater customers in Allegheny, Fayette and Washington counties meets all federal and state drinking water requirements, and is monitoring coronavirus updates from the CDC, the World Health Organization and Johns Hopkins University as well as other state and federal organizations.
美国宾夕法尼亚州的发言人Gary Lobaugh说,该供水公司为阿勒格尼,费耶特和华盛顿州的约23万饮用水用户和1.1万污水处理用户提供服务,满足联邦政府和州政府所有饮用水的要求。并且该公司正在和其他州和联邦政府的其他组织一样持续关注CDC、世界卫生组织和约翰霍普金斯大学发布的冠状病毒疫情最新情况。
The CDC directive states the risk of transmission of the virus through sewage systems “may be possible,” but is “thought to be low.” There are no reports that such transmission of the virus has occurred, although the CDC continues to review data and assess new evidence.
According to the CDC, SARS, a similar coronavirus, is detectable in untreated sewage for from two to 14 days, and in the 2003 SARS outbreak there was documented transmission from sewage aerosols.
However normal wastewater system chlorination practices may be sufficient to inactivate coronaviruses, the CDC directive states.

Joseph Vallarian, an Allegheny County Sanitary Authority spokesman, said in an email response to questions that the authority follows best practices from the CDC and the Allegheny County Health Department for general employee safety, including directives from the Water Environment Federation for workers exposed to sewage before, during and after treatment.
阿勒格尼县卫生部门发言人Joseph Vallarian在一封回复邮件中表示,相关单位应遵循CDC和阿勒格尼县卫生局关于一般员工安全的最佳方案,包括水环境联合会针对在污水处理之前、期间和之后接触污水的工人的指令 。
He said operations at the plant along the Ohio River in the Woods Run neighborhood are “status quo” for now, and it has not tested sewage for COVID-19.
他说,目前Ohio河沿岸Woods Run社区的工厂的运行一如既往,暂未对污水进行新冠病毒的检测。
“At this time, our treatment process has not changed. We will make any necessary adjustments, if they arise, based upon recommendations from the previously mentioned organizations,” he said in the response.
Joseph Vallarian 表示,“目前,我们没有改变水厂的处理工艺。如果有任何必要,我们将根据上级组织的建议做出调整。”
Don Hopey: dhopey@post-gazette.com, 412-263-1983, or on Twitter @donhopey

来源:本文来自Pittsburgh Post-Gazette(匹兹堡邮报),仅供分享交流不做商业用途,不代表净水技术观点,版权归原作者与原作者出处


疫情跟踪 | 紫外线对新冠病毒消毒有效性分析


疫情追踪 | 生态环境部:饮用水水源地水质总体未受疫情影响

疫情跟踪 | 自来水——最公平、最安全的饮用水,疫情时期的安全卫士

疫情跟踪 | 水环境中的新兴和潜在新兴病毒


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