
水看世界 | 它们悄无声息地潜伏着——《警惕供水输配系统中残留的锰》

净水技术 2022-07-19

The following article is from 宛平南路600号楼长阿三 Author 阮辰旼

本文素材来源于美国自来水工程师协会杂志(J Opflow, 2022,01,注册会员正规渠道获取),原作版权归原出处和原作者。本人对素材原文进行全文翻译后进行整理汇编凝练,仅用于行业交流和相互学习。本稿如需转载,请联系本人取得授权。






原文出处:J Opflow


Beware of Legacy Manganese Issues in Distribution Systems


Abstract 摘要

Manganese (Mn) releases within water distribution systems aren’t always apparent, as in their effect on the aesthetic quality of water. Still, even without obvious visual signs, legacy Mn can present public health risks. Water utilities should develop a comprehensive Mn control strategy to safeguard water quality to the tap.


Managing manganese (Mn) levels in drinking water is an important aspect of delivering high-quality water to customers. However, the need to consider and deal with Mn doesn’t simply end at the treatment plant. Significant legacy issues involving Mn accumulation can occur within the distribution system, even in systems that treat for Mn or have low levels of Mn in their water sources. Notably, the current secondary maximum contaminant level of 0.05 mg/L for Mn doesn’t safeguard against its accumulation in the distribution system. Water utilities should recognize the impact of Mn accumulation and release on water quality and implement source-to-tap strategies to limit Mn in their distribution systems.



Finished water entering the distribution system is typically clear in appearance, even when Mn is present. Colored-water episodes—particularly water that appears brown, black, or gray—usually signify issues with legacy Mn accumulation and release within the distribution system. “Legacy Mn” represents Mn previously loaded into the distribution system that ended up as deposits on pipe walls, in storage tanks, and in premise plumbing. Under certain conditions, legacy Mn can be remobilized (released) back into the bulk water and result in elevated Mn levels that reach customer taps. As illustrated conceptually in Figure 1, legacy Mn releases can take a variety of forms and can be minor or severe, localized or widespread, short-lived or protracted.


The effect of legacy Mn on aesthetic water quality is well-known. Although utilities tend to associate Mn release events with colored water and customer complaints, significant Mn releases that impart little or no color are alsopossible. Lacking visual (or taste-andodor) symptoms, these releases usually go undetected and risk customer exposure. With releases capable of causing Mn concentrations at the tap that exceed levels of health concern (e.g., Health Canada’s maximum acceptable concentration of 0.12 mg/L), legacy Mn presents an underappreciated public health risk.


Even when stable on pipe surfaces, legacy Mn can cause other issues. For example, it can exert a disinfectant demand, support microbial growth, and affect corrosion in pipes (including service lines and premise plumbing) by interfering with the formation of passivating films.


In addition, legacy Mn can chemically bind other inorganic contaminants and cause them to co-accumulate, especially heavy metal cations such as lead (Pb2+), barium (Ba2+), and cadmium (Cd2+). Although these contaminants usually aren’t detectable at system entry points, legacy Mn oxide (MnOx) solids can “scavenge” them in water at submicrogram-per-liter (part-per-billion) levels and concentrate them in deposits at milligram-per-gram (part-per-thousand) levels. Once accumulated, these contaminants can be co-released with Mn or chemically desorbed from MnOx solids. Either mechanism can cause a simultaneous increase in the concentration of multiple inorganic contaminants, exacerbating risks to customers.


Notably, MnOx solids have such a large adsorptive capacity for lead that small releases of particulate Mn—even as low as 0.02 mg/L—can co-release lead above 5 μg/L. This is a source of lead at the tap that isn’t considered with regulatory sampling approaches, such as the Lead and Copper Rule, that capture premise plumbing corrosion effects but not dynamic releases that originate within the distribution system.

值得注意的是,氧化锰固体对铅有很强的吸附能力,以至于颗粒状的锰的少量释放,甚至低至0.02 mg/L,也可以导致铅的共同释放超过5 μg/L,这就是用户水龙头处检测到的铅的来源之一。但这个可能性在传统的水质监管和采样方法中没有考虑到,例如铅铜条例(LCRR),它只考虑到了管道腐蚀带来的影响,但没有考虑到来自输配系统中铅的动态释放。

Figure 1. Manganese Release Degrades Water Quality

图1. 锰的释放使水质恶化

Legacy Mn in distribution systems can be released erratically and carry to customer taps.



Mn accumulates in all distribution systems; it’s just a matter of degree. Inventories of legacy Mn—i.e., the accumulated mass of Mn per unit of pipe wall surface area (typical units of mg/ft2)—can vary by several orders of magnitude between different systems and spatially within a system, depending on past and current Mn loading rates, proximity to sources, main cleaning practices, and other factors. A recent nationwide investigation of inorganics accumulation in distribution system pipe deposits revealed legacy Mn inventories ranging from <0.1 mg/ft2 to 4,000 mg/ft2, with a median of 210 mg/ft2. For a 6-inchdiameter pipe, the median equates to 3.8 pounds of legacy Mn per mile of pipe. Because distribution systems often have hundreds of miles of pipe, systemwide inventories of legacy Mn may be on the order of tons for some systems.

锰在所有的输配系统中都会积累,只是程度不同而已。残留锰的存量,即每单位管壁表面积的锰累积量(典型单位为mg/ft2),在不同的供水系统之间,或在同一个供水系统内的不同空间上都可能会有几个数量级的差异,这取决于过去和现在的锰含量的负荷、与锰的源头的接近程度、主要的管道清洗做法和其他因素。最近在全国范围内对输配系统管道沉积物中的无机物积累情况进行了调查,发现残留的锰含量从<0.1 mg/ft2到4,000 mg/ft2不等,中值为210 mg/ft2。对于直径为6英寸的管道,中位数相当于每英里的管道有3.8磅的残留锰。由于输配系统通常有数百英里的管道之长,因此,对于一些供水系统来说,整个系统中的残留锰总量可能是以吨计的。

Accumulation Factors. Accumulation of legacy Mn is affected by the magnitude and duration of Mn loading into the distribution system. Although higher loading rates—in particular, Mn >0.02 mg/L—accelerate its accumulation, even systems that treat for Mn or have low levels in their water sources can develop significant legacy Mn inventories after many years. Notably, severe Mn release events have occurred in systems that have supplied water with Mn <0.01 mg/L for decades (see sidebar, “City Resolves Unexpected Manganese Destabilization Event”). Although Mn accumulation can’t be prevented entirely, minimizing the level of Mn entering a distribution system is critical to reducing its rate of accumulation and achieving stable water quality at the tap.


Accumulation Mechanisms. Mn can accumulate by various physical, chemi-cal, and biological mechanisms, including deposition of Mn particulates in finished water; oxidation of soluble Mn2+ by chlo-rine residual followed by settling of MnOxprecipitates; adsorption/catalytic oxida-tion of Mn2+ on pipe scales and existing MnOx deposits; and microbial metabolism of Mn2+ with incorporation in biofilm. As shown in Photos 1a and 1b, legacy Mn deposits typically exist as thin, dark films and soft, sludge-like residues that coat the surfaces of pipe and corrosion scale. Like biofilm, Mn films tend to be cohesive and “sticky” in nature, rendering them resis-tant to removal by flushing.


Photos 1a and 1b. Legacy manganese forms thin, cohesive films on pipe surfaces



Mn release mechanisms are classified as either hydraulic or chemical, depending on the underlying cause. Understanding the differences between these mecha-nisms is necessary to effectively assess and manage risk. Table 1 summarizes these mechanisms, their typical scope of impact, and examples of system events that may cause release.


Table 1. Mechanisms of Manganese Release

图1 锰释放的机制

Mn release mechanisms are classified as either hydraulic or chemical, depending on the underlying cause.


Hydraulic Release. Hydraulic release involves resuspension of loosely settled deposits due to flow reversals, flow veloc-ity increases, or pressure transients. These result in the release of particulate Mn and produce turbidity proportional to the concentration of released solids. Hydrau-lic releases occur to varying degrees in all distribution systems but are most problematic in systems that have large inventories of legacy Mn and lack a sys-tematic unidirectional flushing (UDF) or main cleaning program.


Chemical Release. Chemical release involves the destabilization of legacy deposits due to changes in water chemis-try. All pipe scales, including Mn deposits, seek to be at chemical equilibrium with the bulk water. When the water chemistry changes, the oxidation state and physical properties of legacy Mn can also change and cause its dissolution or detachment from pipe walls as it re-equilibrates to the water. Mn is mobilized in soluble form or mixed soluble and solid forms, leading to the possibility of elevated Mn con-centrations with little or no perceptible color. The risk and severity of chemical release depend on the nature and mag-nitude of the chemistry change. Table 2 lists the water chemistry parameters that legacy Mn is most sensitive to and spe-cific risk factors for destabilization. Note that not all chemistry changes are det-rimental to legacy Mn. For example, as shown in Figure 2, treatment to raise pH and/or alkalinity (or, more specifically, dissolved inorganic carbon) for corrosion control can preserve the chemical stabil-ity of legacy Mn.


Figure 2. Manganese Pourbaix Diagram

Mn destabilization risks are significant within the typical chemistry regime of distribution systems.

图2. 锰的布拜图


Table 2. Chemistry Risk Factors for Manganese Release

The risk and severity of chemical release depend on the nature and magnitude of the chemistry change.

表2. 锰释放的化学风险因素



To develop tailored, cost-effective Mn con-trol strategies, utilities need to understand legacy Mn and water chemistry conditions in their distribution system. This can be achieved through a system assessment that includes risk screening; investigative water quality monitoring; and, if possible, pipe deposit sampling.


Risk Screening. Existing data, records, and institutional knowledge should be used to screen zones of the system on the basis of risk factors for Mn accumulation. This will help identify data gaps and focus investigative water quality monitoring activities. Risk screening should consider past and present Mn loading at system entry points (magnitude and duration by source); pipe types, ages, and maintenance histories; water quality–based customer complaint patterns; and field observations by utility crews.


Water Quality MonitoringMn levels can fluctuate significantly in source waters and within treatment plants and distribution systems. To capture potential variations, utilities should have robust source-to-tap monitoring programs. For each source, Mn levels should be monitored in both the raw water and finished water at the entry point to the distribution system, with sufficient frequency to understand seasonal variations and treatment plant performance. Because Mn releases tend to be sporadic and transient, risk- and event-based water quality monitoring should be used within the distribution system. In particular, distribution system monitoring should be performed under the following conditions:


● Introduction of new sources or use of seasonal sources

● 当发现了新污染源或存在季节性污染源时 

● Installation of or change in treatment processes

● 当安装或改变了水厂处理工艺时 

● Treatment process upsets that affect finished water chemistry

● 水厂处理工艺发生问题,影响到出厂水化学性质发生变化时

● Changes in water chemistry (e.g., blending, disinfectant changes)

● 水化学性质发生变化时(如混合、消毒剂的变化)。

● Peak demand periods

● 处于用水需求高峰期时

● In response to customer complaints and colored water events

● 需要对客户投诉的有色水事件进行回应时 

System monitoring should include total and soluble Mn; potential co-occurring metals of concern (e.g., lead, arsenic); water chemistry parameters (per Table 2, plus chlorine residual); and source-tracing parameters (e.g., conductivity).


Pipe Deposit SamplingUtilities are encouraged to collect and analyze pipe deposit samples to obtain definitive information on inventories of legacy Mn and co-occurring contaminants. This can involve dedicated pipe extractions to harvest coupons or, more practically, the collection of opportunistic samples from pipe taps, main replacement projects, and main cleaning activities such as UDF. Specialized techniques are needed to harvest, process, and analyze deposit solids.



Utilities should proactively manage legacy Mn risks in their system through best practices for treatment, system operations, and maintenance. The following objectives provide the framework for an effective Mn control plan in distribution systems:


● Minimize loading of Mn into the distribution system.

● 尽量减少输配系统中锰的负荷。

● Minimize accumulated Mn inventories within the distribution system (since accumulation is the precursor for releases, as shown in Figure 3).

● 尽量减少输配系统内累积的残留锰存量(因为累积是释放的前提,如图3所示)。

● Maintain consistent system chemistry to stabilize cohesive deposits.

● 保持供水系统内化学成分的一致性,以保持粘性沉积物的稳定。

To sustainably minimize inventories, utilities need to address the legacy Mn that already exists due to historical loading as well as additional Mn accumulation that develops over time from ongoing loading. This requires routine main cleaning and effective source treatment.


Main Cleaning. Preventive main cleaning provides numerous water quality benefits, including partial or complete removal of legacy Mn. Several cleaning methods are available, including—from least to most aggressive—UDF, air scouring, ice pigging, and foam swabbing. Conventional flushing shouldn’t be used for cleaning because it risks stirring up legacy contaminants without removing them. However, it can be used to turn over the bulk water to help mitigate arelease event, in which case it should be conducted at low flow rates to avoid disturbing deposits (i.e., <150 gpm for mains that are 6 or 8 inches in diameter).

管道清洗预防性的管道清洗提供了许多对水质改善方面的好处,包括部分或完全去除残留的锰。有几种清洁方法可供选择,包括,根据清洗的积极程度的排序,分为管道清洗作业UDF、空气冲刷、冰浆清洗和泡沫拭子。传统的冲洗方法不应该被用于这种类型的清洗,因为它有可能搅动残留污染物而不能彻底去除它们。然而,传统的冲洗可以用来搅动管道内的水,以帮助缓解污染物的释放事件,在这种情况下,管道内的水应该以低流量进行,以避免再让沉积物受到冲击(即,对于直径为6或8英寸的主管道,<150 gpm)。

UDF is the most commonly used main cleaning method because of its relative simplicity. Although highly effective at removing loose deposits, UDF applied at a velocity of 6 ft/sec removes only a small fraction of legacy Mn—typically ≤10% by mass—because of the cohesive nature of Mn films. Consequently, UDF by itself is usually inadequate to prevent major chemical releases, particularly when source or treatment changes are involved. More aggressive main cleaning practices (e.g., foam swabbing) are needed to effectively remove Mn films and minimize chemical release risk.


Despite its limitations, routine UDF is still a recommended maintenance practice to reduce the rate of Mn accumulation, to prevent hydraulic releases (by removing the hydraulically mobile Mn), and for other water quality purposes. Systems that have significant Mn accumulation and a high risk of chemical release should also consider foam swabbing or ice pigging.


Source Treatment. The adage “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” applies to Mn control. It’s much better (and less costly on a life-cycle basis) to proactively treat and remove Mn at the source than to allow it to deposit over miles of pipe and deal with it as a legacy issue. Treatment to minimize Mn loading reduces its rate of accumulation in the distribution system and, by extension, the frequency of necessary main cleaning. Treatment should be designed and operated to continuously remove Mn to the lowest level practical and to at least <0.02 mg/L. The previous article in this series (“Evaluate and Optimize Manganese Treatment,” published in Opflow’s December 2021 issue) discussed Mn treatment approaches that can reliably meet this limit.


Utilities are discouraged from long-term use of treatment approaches that don’t actually remove Mn from the water because these approaches don’t reduce Mn mass loading or accumulation. This includes the use of polyphosphate solutions to chemically sequester dissolved Mn. Sequestration only temporarily masks colored water problems in the bulk water while simultaneously increasing the risk of releasing legacy Mn and other inorganics as a result of chemical interactions between phosphate and pipe scales. Similarly, the blending of multiple water sources, while potentially helpful in lowering the entry-point Mn concentration, reduces neither its mass loading nor its rate of accumulation in the system. Utilities should also be aware that iron- and some aluminum-based coagulant solutions may contain Mn as an impurity, such that their use can add to Mn loading if the Mn isn’t effectively removed in downstream treatment processes.


Chemistry Stabilization. Chemical release risk can be reduced by maintaining consistent water chemistry in the distribution system, with emphasis on the parameters in Table 2. This is critical in zones with significant Mn accumulation that can’t be removed with UDF and for which aggressive main cleaning isn’t feasible. Because water chemistry is affected by several factors, utilities should assess spatial and temporal conditions in their system through water quality monitoring and hydraulic modeling.


Utilities that use multiple sources with dissimilar chemistries face unique challenges because dynamic blending and seasonal operations can cause large chemistry shifts in the distribution system. To address this, treatment might be used to match the finished water chemistries of different sources, although simultaneous compliance needs and/or practical constraints may limit this approach. Alternately, it may be possible to stabilize system chemistry through operational approaches. For example, storage tanks can be operated to receive and mix water from dissimilar sources to promote consistent blends. Conversely, it may be possible to isolate dissimilar sources by restricting their use to separate zones. A potential drawback to each of these operational approaches is reduced supply flexibility.


Planned system changes that pose a high risk of chemical release (e.g., integrating a new source) should be evaluated at the pilot scale beforehand. Pipe loop rigs with harvested native pipes can be used to simulate the anticipated new chemistry regime, assess pipe scale re-equilibration response, and determine appropriate measures for preparing the system.



Distribution systems act as accumulation “sinks” for Mn and other inorganic contaminants that are scavenged by Mn solids. Legacy Mn is reactive and mobile with changes in system chemistry and hydraulics, contributing to degraded water quality at customer taps. Even if stable under current conditions, legacy Mn can be a “ticking time bomb” that manifests as a major upset when source, treatment, or pipeline changes are made. Utilities should assess the occurrence and behavior of legacy Mn in their distribution system and develop a proactive Mn control plan to manage risks.


Case Study 案例研究



In 2016, the City of Woodland, Calif., experienced significant manganese (Mn) destabilization in its distribution system shortly after introducing treated surface water from the Sacramento River. The result was elevated Mn levels at the tap and widespread customer complaints of brown water, which persisted for several months despite the city’s attempts to flush the system. Adding surface water to the historically groundwater system drastically changed the chemistry and caused chemical release of legacy Mn. Specifically, as surface water was introduced, the free chlorine residual increased from ≤0.3 mg/L to 0.8–1.0 mg/L and dissolved inorganic carbon decreased from 80 mg/L to 15 mg/L. Legacy Mn accumulation was unexpected because Mn levels were low in each of the city’s groundwater wells (typically ≤0.01 mg/L) and because the city had, in a proactive move, conducted unidirectional flushing (UDF) on its entire distribution system. Nonetheless, gradual accumulation from low-level Mn loading over many years ultimately resulted in widespread Mn deposits that weren’t effectively removed by preventive UDF because of their cohesive nature, as shown in the accompanying photo. The city took action to resolve the event, restore water quality, and build customer confidence. The distribution system underwent extensive repeat UDF coupled with localized ice pigging and foam swabbing to aggressively clean pipes. The city also conducted “surveillance” water quality monitoring throughout the distribution system and tracked customer complaints to prioritize mitigation measures and find trends in system conditions. Geospatial tracking of customer complaints was an especially useful tool to identify and respond to water quality issues in a timely manner.


附图 单向清洗不能有效去除沉积的残留锰





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