(《2020-6-3令》 截图) 最疑惑的地方就是此令立即生效(This order will be effective immediately)。 重新读了一遍这一段: "We therefore conclude that the public interest now requires the modification, effective
immediately, of Order 2020-6-1 to permit the Chinese carriers currently providing scheduled
passenger air services between the United States and China, in accordance with the schedules
that were filed pursuant to Order 2020-5-4, to operate, in the aggregate, a total of two weekly
round-trip scheduled passenger flights to and from the United States. CAAC may communicate to the Department by letter which carrier(s) it selects to operate each or both of these two services. This selection may be modified with 30 days’ written notice to the Department in advance of the proposed operations." (原文引自《2020-6-3令》)【正确的解读方法】: 1) 我们(美国交通部)认为,处于“公众利益”的需要,必须立即更改《2020-6-1令》中关于中方航司提供中美定期客运的班次 2)允许中方航司,按照《2020-5-4令》申报的班表,运营中美定期客运航班,总计不超过每周2个往返。 3) 中方(CAAC)可以告知美方是选择同一家航空公司每周两班,还是两家航空公司每周一班,但总额不超过两班。 4)若中方需要更改3)中的运营方案(换航空公司,换频率等),需要提前至少30天向美方书面申请 【和之前解读的不同点】 1)立即生效的是,对于《2020-6-1令》的修改,而不是对中方定期客运班机运营限制的开始时间。 2)若目前情况不发生新的改变,《2020-6-1令》将于2020年6月16日生效。但若总统批准,可以先于2020年6月16日生效。 3)对于每周2班航班的选择,将不仅仅是目前运行4个中美航班,而是所有根据《2020-5-4号令》,提交班表的航班。原则上,以下航班均有可能(但实际上估计还是从目前4个航班中选择)。