竞赛 | “绿色天际线·碧桂园·森林城市”地标建筑国际设计竞赛
主办单位:碧桂园集团、COUNTRY GARDEN Pacificview
Organized by: Country Garden Group, CountryGarden Pacificview
Undertakenby: Architecture Technique Magazine
Co-organizedby: All Moving Space
SupportingOrganization: Union International des Architectes
Country Garden﹒Forest City, situated at the mouth of the rivernear the border of Malaysia and Singapore, is spanning about 20 squarekilometers and will be an ecological and smart city created by Country Gardenwith its 24 years’ development experience and green concept joining hands withan international elite team.
“森林城市”全岛填海而成,项目毗邻马来西亚生态湿地、世界第二大红树林保护区 (近万亩),水质纯净,空气清新,更以数十公里海岸线,成为全球向往的宜居乐土。
Forest City is a reclaimed land from seaneighboring to Malaysia ecological wetland and the world’s second largestmangrove forest reserves (about 10,000 acres) and stretches tens of kilometers’coastlines, thus becoming a global habitable land of clean water and air.
By far, some projects like the salescenter, transportation center, fisherman’s wharf have been finished, Forest City hotel is tobe done at the end of this year, and construction of surrounding lands arearound the corner. Therefore, Country Garden Group is open to the public forthe architectural design of landmark building embodying the concept of forestcity so as to further next construction works.
This competition is an act strategizedto guide the future of forest city, improve the efficiency of land use andenhance the quality of space and environment. It aims to accomplish thefollowing three objectives.
To implement the concept ofthree-dimensional transportation, emphasize the connection of transit centerand rail transit, and realize the mode of TOD.
To give the full play to the role of internationally first-classplanning directing the construction of public spaces.
To set the landmark building as an example inthe construction of an ecological city.
This competition includes the design of plotA and B totaling 8.9 hectares and urban design research of plot A, B, C and D totaling24.0 hectares. The design should clearly describe and define the overallobjective and guiding strategy, build up a stable and sustainable urban spacedevelopment framework, specify the architectural groups, interconnection ofdifferent transportation, spatial structure, functions and forms to thestrategic requirement of regional and urban development, develop a masterblueprint framework and spatial planning scheme so as to set up a clear targetand basis for follow-up architectural design.
Conceptual design: a building complexincorporated with extremely iconic, creative, unique, ecological, coastal,concise idea and co-existent in good harmony with peripheral buildings andlandforms.
设计依据 DesignBasis
Malaysia Codes (as seen in Addendum 4)
基本规则 BasicRules
To be open, scientific and practical, thisopen competition will be evaluated by a professional team and selected out thewinning teams.
6.1 竞赛注册 Registration
Competition participants will registeron the specified website to get basic materials and post any questions onlineto which answers will be given in public.
6.2 正式竞赛 Contents
All the participating design units willneed to develop the urban design to include but not limited to: connection of transportationinside and outside the land, group relations, non-motorized transportationsystem, land layout of rail transit stations, over-ground space and etc.;conceptual architectural design to include but not limited to: architecturalmaster layout plan, plan, section and elevation drawings, and design analysisdiagram of green buildings; renderings to include: overall aerial view, perspectiveof buildings and people (no less than two drawings), perspective of key space’sinterior (expression of important public space).
6.3 承办单位组织召开专家评审会
Undertaking unit will organize expertreview meeting to select one winner of first prize, two winners of second prizeand three winners of third prize from professional candidates, two winners ofexcellent prizes and four winners of participating prize from students’ team.
All teams shall register online andreceive complete package of basic materials and photo references afterapplication being confirmed.
日程安排 Timetable
August 13th, 2016--CountryGarden﹒Forest City Landmark ArchitectureInternational Design Competition Press Conference in Beijing.
October15th,2016,--Deadline of the Competition.
October31st,2016,--Deadlineof the Competition.
November 20th,2016,--Expert Review Meeting in Shanghai for all deliverables of the Competition.
November21st,2016,--Jury Meeting and Design Forum of Country Garden﹒ForestCity Landmark Architecture International Design Competition in Shanghai.
2016年11月20日-12月20日,微信投票(就评委评选出的入围作品), 得出最终获奖结果。
November 20th thru December20th, 2016, WeChat voting for Country Garden﹒Forest City Landmark Architecture International Design Competition andfinalization of the weightings of WeChat voting.
2017年1月,碧桂园•森林城市 地标建筑竞赛颁奖典礼,具体时间地点待定。
January, 2017,Awarding Ceremony of Country Garden﹒Forest City LandmarkArchitecture International Design Competition venue to be determined.
设计成果要求 Requirements on Deliverables
Deliverables should refer to local designregulations of Malaysia and be complete, clear and accurate in all aspects.
Deliverables should be done in conformancewith design brief and submitted online on Beijing time.
Deliverables shall be submitted in closedbid with no disclosure of competitor’s information, or else it will beannulled. All deliverables should be submitted online in electronic version andinclude the following two documents:
专业组/学生组 Professional Team/ Student Team | 注册编号 Registration No. |
参赛作品成果 Entry Deliverables |
9.4设计作品规格:每项作品须由2幅展板组成,1189mmx841mm (A0 尺寸), 像素不低于300 dpi, 格式为JPG。展板版面横向排版。
The design works shall be displayed inlandscape mode on two panels with each scaled as 1189mm x 841mm (A0) and thephoto should be no lower than 300 dpi in JPG format.
The display panel can demonstrate all plan,elevation, section view, renderings, analysis diagram and relevant designdescriptions that can fully express the creative intent of the design. Thedrawings must not include any competitor’s information, or else it will be annulled.
评审方式及奖项回报 Evaluation
Undertaking unit will organize expertteam to evaluate those valid deliverables.
10.1竞赛评委:本次竞赛活动邀请8位国内外建筑设计业内著名的专家评委,国内评委包括何镜堂院士、江欢成院士、崔愷院士、孟建民院士及香港著名建筑师严迅奇,国际评委包括AS+GG事务所Adrian Smith,Steven Holl事务所合伙人Roberto Bannura,罗杰斯史达克哈伯建筑事务所合伙人Benjamin Warner。
This competition will invite eightinternationally renowned architects who will conscientiously evaluate everydesign and give open vote based on the full discussion .
10.2 奖金及有关费用 Prize and Other Fees
This internationally open competition willaward 500,000 yuan to first prize winners, 200,000 yuan to second prizewinners, 100,000 yuan to third prize winners in professional team; 80,000 yuanto excellent prize winners and 20,000 yuan to candidate prize winners instudents team. (It’s noted thatall bonus is pre-tax)。 Winners will have the opportunity to establishstrategic partnership with Forest City project in ways of participatingfollow-up design works; the winners of students get the opportunity to practicein the Country Garden or get the opportunity to work in Forest City .
版权问题及法律 Copyright& Legal Issues
All deliverables will be claimed by thedesign team in authorship rights and won’t be returned after evaluation.Moreover, the organizing and undertaking units will reserve rights to borrowany reasonable elements of the deliverables.
The design fees incurred for this competitionhas covered the cost for the buyout of deliverables (intellectual property) byorganizer.
Organizer and undertaker is entitled touse all deliverables for free, including publicizing the competition results,introducing, demonstrating or evaluating the design works via media, magazine,books, periodicals or other mediums.
All design works should be originalwithout any infringement of third party’s intellectual property, and the designparty shall be liable to take all legal consequences and be disqualified fromthis competition in any occasion of infringement.
This competition will be in both Chineseand English in all manners.
The competition schedule developed byorganizer will be in Beijing time.
Winners will bear the travel expenses bythemselves to the award ceremony.
竞赛咨询电话:《建筑技艺》杂志社010-57368781,18610687469( 熊文文)