
李繼忠Zoom綫上探訪 | PS PAID STUDIO VISITS 活動預告

Para Site 蜂巢艺术 2023-10-15



Zoom ID:810 0145 0608



由2020年新銳藝術人才工作坊參與者Akmalia Rizqita及Marta Cacciavillani主持



李繼忠的創作主要關注歷史事件、政治體制和意識形態。李氏關注香港政府管理歷史檔案上乏善足陳情況,以及其拒絕成立〈檔案法〉;因此,李氏透過一系列行動、研究、影像、和裝置來回應固有的歷史陳述和編纂方式。李氏於2017年開展了五個以「遷移與流徙」作命題的相連項目系列——在泛亞洲脈絡中的歷史與社會意涵為基礎,探索人口與物質流轉,以至地源政治論述。在李氏的長期研究項目 「人人檔案」,他跟不同的政府機構展開對話與協商,以探討歷史檔案在社會政治架構上的狀況。李氏在2014年於香港城市大學創意媒體學院完成碩士學位。李繼忠於2018年獲香港藝術發展局頒發「2017藝術新秀獎(視覺藝術)」。近年展覽包括: 「進退維谷」(2020)(北京)、「赤字團」(2019)(北京)、「Seoul Mediacity Biennale 2018」(2018)(首爾)、「上海雙年展2018:禹步—面向歷史矛盾性的藝術」」(上海)(2018)、「造動: 2015 亞洲藝術雙年展」(2015)(台中)。



Akmalia Rizqita,別名Chita(生於1996年),現為印尼雅加達Rubanah Underground Hub項目經理。自其於萬隆的大學生涯開始,她便積極投身於當地藝術界,參與過多個藝術項目及於多個藝術空間擔任兼職。以上經歷令她對藝術管理產生興趣——不但作為一種職業,亦作為一種文化實踐。

Marta Cacciavillani是一名居住於倫敦及米蘭的策展人、寫作者以及編輯。Marta生於意大利,於紐約巴德學院策展研究中心獲碩士學位,以及倫敦中央聖馬丁學院獲藝術與設計評論、傳訊及策展本科學位。她曾從事策展工作的機構包括紐約Art in General、紐約Vera List藝術與政治中心,以及倫敦蛇形畫廊。她曾於以下機構策劃項目:紐約Anthology Film Archives、紐約大學阿布扎比分校畫廊、Hessel Museum of Art、紐約The Knockdown Center、紐約P!畫廊,以及紐約ISCP。她現時為馬德里Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo的駐留策展人。


Para Site藝術空間 & PS Paid Studio Visits

Para Site藝術空間為香港首屈一指的當代藝術中心,亦是亞洲歷史最悠久、最活躍的獨立藝術機構之一。成立宗旨在透過展覽、出版刊物及教育項目等活動,促進在地與國際間的對話,希冀打造一個對當代藝術、社會現象提出批判性論述及理解的平台。

Para Site藝術空間推出PS Paid Studio Visits,一系列免費對公眾開放,與香港年輕藝術家的線上探訪。全球疫情下,許多藝術家工作受到無限期影響,本項目旨在近距離關注本土藝術家及其創作。所有訪問都將為藝術家提供薪酬及一個月的醫療保險。

未來幾個月內,逾60名香港藝術家將會帶領觀眾以不同方式探訪他們的工作室及介紹他們的作品,探訪形式包括錄像、Para Site策展人現場訪問,以及線上會面,歡迎本地及海外的觀眾朋友參與。直播的錄影將會上傳於Para Site網站、Vimeo及YouTube專頁。


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Wed 22 Jul, 8PM

Zoom ID: 810 0145 0608

Password: 186597

In English

Hosted by Akmalia Rizqita and Marta Cacciavillani, participants in the Workshops for Emerging Arts Professionals 2020

LEE Kai Chung performs artistic research on historical events, political systems, and ideology. His work addresses the lack of proper governance over the records and forms of historiography. Through research, social participation and engagement, Lee considers the individual gesture as a form of political and artistic transgression, which resonates with existing narratives of history. In 2017, Lee initiated a pentalogy of projects that are under the notion of Displacement and Diaspora. Taking departure from the socio-historical implication under the Pan-Asia context, the series examines human dispersion, material circulation and their geopolitical relations. Lee’s ongoing research project Archive of the People addresses the political standing of documents and archives in the social setting. Lee Kai Chung was awarded Master of Fine Arts from School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong in 2014. Lee received The Award for Young Artist (Visual Arts) of Hong Kong Arts Development Awards 2017 from Hong Kong Arts Development Council in 2018. Recent exhibitions and projects include Predicament (2020) (Beijing), The Deficit Faction (2019) (Beijing), Seoul Mediacity Biennale 2018 (2018) (Seoul), 12th Shanghai Biennale: Proregress – Art in an Age of Historical Ambivalence (2018) (Shanghai), and  Artist Making Movement – Asian Art Biennial 2015 (2015) (Taichung).

Akmalia Rizqita, or better known as “Chita” (b. 1996) currently works as the project manager of Rubanah Underground Hub, Jakarta, Indonesia. Since her college days in Bandung, she’s been actively involved in the local art scene by working part time in various art spaces and participated in a number of art projects. Those experiences led her to further interest in arts management, not only as a profession but also a cultural practice.

Marta Cacciavillani is a curator, writer and editor based between London and Milan. Born in Italy, Marta received an MA from the Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College, New York, and a BA from Central Saint Martins in Criticism, Communication and Curation of Art and Design, London. She has held curatorial positions at Art in General, NY; The Vera List Center for Art and Politics, NY; and Serpentine Gallery, London. She has curated projects at Anthology Film Archives, New York; NYUAD Art Gallery, Abu Dhabi; Hessel Museum of Art, Annandale-on-Hudson; The Knockdown Center, New York; P! Gallery, New York; ISCP, New York. She is currently Curator in Residence at the Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo in Madrid.

Para Site launches PS Paid Studio Visits, a new, free-to-attend, online series of virtual studio visits with a younger generation of Hong Kong artists.

Para Site will pay each artist a studio visit fee along with one-month health insurance coverage to provide support to this vulnerable community during the global pandemic.

At a time when many parts of the economy supporting artists’livelihoods has ground to a halt for an undefined period of time, Para Site initiates this project as a modest contribution to pay close attention to local artists.

Throughout the next few months, a list of over 60 Hong Kong artists will walk the visitors through their studios and works in different formats including pre-recorded videos, live in-situ visits with Para Site team members, and virtual studio visits via online meeting platforms. During live sessions, colleagues and audience, both local and international, will be invited to attend these artist’s studios. All of the footage will be available on Para Site’s website, Vimeo and Youtube accounts.

Para Site is Hong Kong's leading contemporary art centre and one of the oldest and most active independent art institutions in Asia. It produces exhibitions, publications, discursive, and educational projects aimed at forging a critical understanding of local and international phenomena in art and society.



蜂巢當代藝術中心 正在展出

點擊海報 了解展覽詳情

“HBP XXXVI 進退維谷:李繼忠”,展覽靜場,蜂巢當代藝術中心,2020.7.18-8.19

蜂巢當代藝術中心 同期展覽 |


點擊海報 了解展覽詳情


Hive Center for Contemporary Art


Hive Center for Contemporary Art was founded by XIA Jifeng and stated to operate as a gallery in 2013. Located in the renowned 798 Art Zone in Beijing, the gallery owns five exhibition spaces in a 4000m² building. By representing outstanding artists and providing high quality artconsultant service, Hive Center for Contemporary Art is committed to building itself as one of the most professional contemporary art galleries in China.



Hive Center for Contemporary Art 

E06 798 Art Zone, 100015, Beijing, China

Tel.  +86 010 59789530 / 59789531

官方微信:蜂巢艺术 (ID: HIVEART2013)


Instagram & Facebook:@hiveartcenter

info@hiveart.cn   www.hiveart.cn

