
诉诸内心的无限 | 蜂巢当代艺术中心夏季联展

Hive Art 蜂巢艺术 2022-08-02


Appeal to the Infinite Within




Yang-Tsung Fan, Ji Xin, Liu Gang, Pu Yingwei, Song Kun, Tan Yongqing, Tu Hongtao, Wang Qing, Wang Yi, Joey Xia, Xia Yu, Yu Linhan, Zhang Dejian, Zhang Ji, Zhou Li, Zhu Zhengming


Curator:Xia Jifeng

展览时间 | Exhibition Dates: 


开幕时间 | Opening: 2022.7.23 16:00

地点 | Venue:


Hive Center for Contemporary Art 


北京市酒仙桥路4号798艺术区E06 |

E06, 798 Art District, Chaoyang District, Beijing

蒲英玮 《星落:普京最后的战役》 2022  585×790cm(参展作品)

作为蜂巢当代艺术中心夏季联展,“诉诸内心的无限”特别邀请了范扬宗、季鑫、刘刚、蒲英玮、宋琨、谭永勍、屠宏涛、王顷、王一、夏乔伊、夏禹、于林汉、张德建、张季、周力、祝铮鸣等16位艺术家参与。基于伊曼努尔·康德(Immanuel Kant,1724-1804)在《判断力批判》中的相关理论,展览试图通过大体量的作品,从美学、心理学以及社会学的角度,来考察尺寸对于艺术家自身以及观看者带来的可能影响。


在当代艺术中,巨物作品的创作更多的出现在装置中,如克里斯托的包裹柏林国会大厦以及一系列的大地艺术作品。架上绘画或许受限于陈设空间条件以及商业逻辑的规律,相比之下尺幅以及体量会小很多。尽管如此,尝试巨幅绘画创作的艺术家依然不乏其人,如德国新表现主义画家安塞姆·基弗(Anselm Kiefer)。可以说艺术创作是艺术家认知人类之渺小的具体表现,也是对抗未来不确定性的方式之一。通过其他人无法拥有的能力创作出巨幅绘画,从而在不确定的世界中为自己寻找到一点确定感,同时唤起的人类内在的崇高性和精神性。

Based on the theories of Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) in his Critique of Judgement, the exhibition Appeal to the Infinite Within presents large-scale paintings in order to examine the potential effects of size per se on artists themselves and viewers from an aesthetic, psychological and sociological perspective.

Human civilization has long had a complex and tradition of giant-object worship. Whether it is the Egyptian pyramids, the Great Wall, or the Colossus of Rdodes and Stonehenge, It is amazing that humans have created gigantic objects that seem to be unmatched by their own scale and capabilities. Especially after the Industrial Revolution, skyscrapers and metal machines became the object of a new wave of giant-object worship. Interestingly, the act of giant worship encompasses the paradoxical duality of human beings, highlighting their extraordinary creativity while revealing their own insignificance and vulnerability. According to Kant, the infinity of quantity, power, volume, and the "absolute, supreme" object of the divine can strike fear into the hearts of humans, but they would not be overwhelmed by these things. Rather, they inspire humans to appeal to the infinity of their inner reason and the infinity of their imagination, thus generating a rational power that they believe can overcome everything. Especially when one finds oneself in a safe place, one is more likely to be attracted to more frightening spectacles. Kant calls these objects the sublime because they raise one's mental powers and take them beyond the usual scale, allowing one to discover within oneself a different kind of strength of resistance.

In contemporary art, the tendency towards gigantic objects is more often found in installations such as Christo's wrapping of the Reichstag in Berlin and a series of land art. Paintings, perhaps due to the constraints of the ways of presenting and the laws of commercial logic, are considerably smaller in size and volume. Nevertheless, there are still artists who experiment with large-scale paintings, such as the German Neo-Expressionist painter Anselm Kiefer. It can be said that artistic creation is a tangible expression of the artist's awareness of human’s insignificance and a way of combating the uncertainty of the future. By creating paintings beyond the norm, artists are able to find a little certainty for themselves in an uncertain world, and at the same time, evoking the inherent nobility and spirituality of human beings.


Hive Center for Contemporary Art


Hive Center for Contemporary Art was founded by XIA Jifeng and stated to operate as a gallery in 2013. Located in the renowned 798 Art Zone in Beijing, the gallery owns five exhibition spaces in a 4000m² building. By representing outstanding artists and providing high quality artconsultant service, Hive Center for Contemporary Art is committed to building itself as one of the most professional contemporary art galleries in China.



Hive Center for Contemporary Art

E06 798 Art Zone, 100015, Beijing, China

Tel. 北京 Beijing +86 010 59789530 / 59789531

官方微信:蜂巢艺术 (ID: HIVEART2013)


Instagram: @hivecontemporaryart

Facebook: @hiveartcenter

info@hiveart.cn   www.hiveart.cn

