DINZ最佳 | 洪都梦启 航形魅空【德国室内设计首发】
The following article is from 德国室内设计网 Author DINZ德网传媒
媒 体 鸣 谢
广州设计周空研所 及网易家居 等平台的转载和关注支持。
本案位于中国航空工业的发源地南昌洪都,是中国第一架自制飞机制造之地,项目旁边是当年成功试飞的航道,选址极具历史里程意义。It is located in Hongdu Nanchang, a place of great historical significance, which is the very place that nurtures China's aviation industry, the place that the first airplane was self-made and piloted successfully.
1951年,洪都机械厂成立,奋斗历史即为中国航空工业的缩影。In 1951, Hongdu Machinery Factory was established, the history of which becomes the epitome of the aviation development in China.
结合洪都独具时代及飞行文化的特色,于工业解构细节中调动各感官,在厚重的空间中体知历史。前台作为视觉停留点,更是与历史对话的媒介。窗格既在过去,又为现在。The reception area, it is more than a visual stop, but also amedium of dialogue with history. The panes are from the past but also represent nowadays.
七米高的中空通过前台水泥质感背景墙的斜向切割体现力量感,玻璃幕墙纳入自然光线,充分感受历史变化、提升视觉冲击力。The seven-meter-high hollow expresses the sense of power through the oblique cutting of the concrete textured background wall of the front desk. The glass curtain wall incorporates natural light to fully feel the historical changes and enhance the visual impact.
| 搭建花絮
越过前台深入中庭,便见以解构、重组、穿插形成的多层次表达。整合 展览-体验-销售 功能,推导出垂直空间的闭环营销动线,带来叙事感、仪式感和体验感。
Beyond the front desk and deep into the hall, you will see the multi-level expression formed by deconstruction, reorganization and interspersion. Integrating exhibition - experience - sales function, deducing the closed loop marketing line of vertical space, bringing narrative sense, ritual sense and experience sense.软装由JLa子品牌空间文化策划机构 闳雅堂(JLa Vermillion Gift) 担纲,将中国洪都飞机发展史的代表性时间进行切片,选取三个片段,象征三个世代。The soft decoration is led by JLa Vermillion Gift, a space culture planning agency of JLa sub-brand.It slices typical history pieces of Hongdu for its aviation development, and takes three segments to symbolize three generations.
《 裂变 起源 》
| 《裂变 起源》贯穿室内外
穿越时代的迷雾,来到从零到一的奇点。仰望的梦想变为现实,这是我们引以为傲的历史。It travers through the mist of the times, and reaches the singularity from zero to one.It is history be proud of with dreams being fulfilled.
| 《城市 起航》飞船细节
| 二层休闲区
Thick as stone, plain as wood, clean as mirror, rough as concrete. It allows the space to convey dialogue with nature, and history. Right at this moment, history and future merge into the right exact moment.
历史在时光中被记忆,记忆化成形唤醒历史,在物件中,在空间中继续对话那飞航于空的魅力和梦想。History is remembered through time, and the memory is shaped to awake the history. Incertain object, in particular space, it continues the dialogue and the flying dream.
廣州閎雅堂空間文化策劃有限公司(JLa Vermillion Gift)由 JLa設計集團 創始人、著名香港設計師 梁曦文先生 攜手 資深美學文化顧問 熊熠女士 於2019年成立。
閎雅堂譯為 Vermillion Gift,寓意”天賜無價之禮”,秉持“閎以載物 ”的品牌內涵,閎雅堂始終站在宏遠廣博的高度,詮釋軟裝場景裏 人、空間與情感的存在與發展。與JLa設計集團“自律、尊重” 企業精神相承,JLa設計旗下子公司閎雅堂以 “真誠與敢戰” 作為運營理念,服務範圍涵蓋 軟裝陳設全案、創意藝術裝置、空間文化策劃及運營等板塊。