
校长之声| 第017期:幸福的源泉 The Source of Happiness

市场传播部 海嘉国际双语学校BIBA 2020-08-31

这是校长陪伴你的第17天 | 第017期





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Please refer to the text below: 


作为人,追求幸福是我们与生俱来的内在渴望。什么是幸福呢?如果你想对未来最好的自己进行投资,那么你将把自己,最重要的精力放在哪里呢?最近,一个对“千禧一代”人士的调查显示,80%的人认为,一个重要的生活目标是变得富有,还有50%的人认为另一个重要目标是变得有名。大家也一定看过听过不同的观点,但是科学上的答案是什么?今天想带大家走进以实证研究为基础的,社会科学上的一个研究成果——由哈佛大学Robert Waldinger 教授带来的TED演讲《幸福是什么》。这是哈佛大学历时最长的研究,始于1938年至今几十年间,跟踪记录并缜密分析了724位男性从少年到老年的工作、生活和健康状况。令我们感到惊讶的是,答案既不是金钱,也不是名声,而是良好的人际关系。研究显示社会关系对我们非常有益,关系不在于数量,而是在于质量。良好的关系可以保护我们的头脑,延缓衰老。让我们一起来听听Robert Waldinger 教授怎么说吧。


同学们,看完演讲以后,你认为这样的研究对我们来说,有何启示呢?良好的关系如此重要,我们怎样处理好与父母的关系、与同学的关系、与邻居的关系而让我们变得更加幸福呢?在此,我想推荐给大家一部2019年第91届奥斯卡最佳提名动画片《兔耳袋狸》 ,来带领大家思考这一问题。


在一望无际的澳洲荒原上,烈日炎炎,要找到食物并不容易。一只蓝色皮毛的兔耳袋狸怀中兜着一些红色的果实,一路狂奔。它的身后,一只绿色的蜥蜴紧追不舍,眼看就要追上了,在这千钧一发的时刻,它钻到地洞下面,巧妙地摆脱了蜥蜴。正打算继续赶路,这时候,一只软萌的雏鸟吸引了它的目光。雏鸟翻滚着身体,努力想爬起来,可是不能,兔耳袋狸本能地帮他翻了个身,急忙想继续赶路,把自己辛辛苦苦觅来的粮食,放回家中。就在这时,一群蝎子围住了雏鸟,这时雏鸟又深情地向兔耳袋狸望了一眼,眼看它将成为它人的腹中之物时,让兔耳袋狸动了恻隐之心。兔耳袋狸站了出来,让雏鸟免于危难之境地,却眼睁睁地看着果实被其他动物搬走。后来眼镜蛇、毒蜘蛛等种种“邪恶”天敌接连出现在雏鸟身边,每一次,兔耳袋狸都选择了保护那只雏鸟,放弃果实, 哪怕在比它强大得多的老鹰面前。




最后,我想以Robert Waldinger 教授在演讲中, 借用美国著名文学家马克·吐温的话来寄语你们:“时光荏苒,生命短暂,别将时间浪费在争吵、道歉、伤心和责备上。用心去爱吧,哪怕只有一瞬间,也不要辜负。” 同学们,你们的人生才刚刚开始,期待你们不断增进对“友情”的理解,学会与人相处, 拥有幸福人生!


Delinda Wu 

Assistant Principal of BIBA’s Elementary School 

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Dear students,

As human beings, the pursuit of happiness is our inherent  desire. What is happiness? If you want to invest in the best of yourself in the future, where will you put yourself, your most important resources and energy? A recent survey to millennials asking what their most important goals in life show that 80% believe that an important life goal is to become rich, and 50% of adults believe that another important goal is to become famous. Everyone must have heard different opinions regard what is happiness , but what is the scientific answer based on big data and empirical research methods? Today I want to take you into a scientific research-TED lecture on "What is Happiness" by Professor Robert Waldinger of Harvard University. Harvard University has tracked and recorded 724 men, from adolescents to the elderly, and asked about and recorded their work, life and health status year after year for decades. To our surprise, the answer is neither money nor fame, but good relationships. Specifically, social relations are very beneficial to us. The quality of relationship matters than the quantity. Good relationships can protect our minds and allow us to delay brain aging. Let's watch this video together.

Dear students, after wataching this video, what do you think the implication of this research? How to handle the relationship with parents, classmates, and neighbors to make us happier? Here, I would like to recommend to you one of the best nominated cartoons of the 91st Oscar in 2019, " Bilby," to lead everyone to think about this issue.

In the endless Australian wasteland, the sun is burning and finding food is not easy. A blue fur Bilby ran all the way with some red fruits in his arms. Behind it, a green lizard was chasing after it, and it was about to catch up with it. At this critical moment, it got under the cave and cleverly got rid of the lizard. He is planning to continue on the road, at this time, a soft cute fledgling attracted his attention. The fledgling fledʒlɪŋ rolled over and tried to get up, but couldn't. Bilby instinctively helped him turn over, and wanted to continue on his way to put home the hard-earned food. At this moment, a group of scorpions surrounded the fledglings, the fledgling glanced at the Bilby again. Bilby finally chose to protect the fledglings, and watched the fruit move by other animals. Later, various "evil" natural enemies such as cobras  and poisonous spiders appeared next to the fledgling. Every time, he chose to protect the fledgling and give up the fruit, even in front of the eagle, which was much stronger than him.

At the end of the film, the sun shines purple and red through the white clouds, casting a gentle, crystal-like light. On the top of the cliff, Bilby sitting in the middle of a large piece of red fruit, eating as much as it wants, in front of it is the vast and boundless sea, the sea is shining with bright gold, and a large plumage  bird waiting next to it.

Dear students, what kind of inspiration does the film bring to you? What is the main character chose between the benefit and friendship? Does it suffer lose to do this? Why does the the main character enjoy the endless fruit in the end without having to go to the wasteland for food?

Dear students, “Taohuatan has a depth of thousands of feet, which is not as good as that of Wang Lun.” Friendship is one of the 4R at BIBA. Studying in school, every bit of family life is the touchstone of your "friendship." Behind the friendship is the selflessness between the blue sky and the white clouds, the perfection between the breeze and the floral fragrance, and the warmth of the  alternating sunshine and dew. Dear students, gentlemen is not a tool! In the society of the future, many jobs will be replaced by AI.  Relationship becomes more important. Finally, I would like to address you in the speech of Professor Robert Waldinger in the speech using the famous American writer Mark Twain’s saying: " There isn't time, so brief is life, for bickerings , apologies, heartburnings,callings to account. There is only time for loving, and but an instant, so to speak, for that. ” Dear Students, your life has just begun. I look forward to your continued understanding of“ friendship ”, learning to get along with others and have a happy life!


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