
嘉音 | 写给独一无二的你 A Letter especially for you

市场传播部 海嘉国际双语学校BIBA 2020-08-31
嘉音 | 传递嘉人的声音


幼儿园 刘晓娇老师 Alice Liu

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在这个时期,遇到困难的一定还有你们的爸爸妈妈,他们或许也在尝试以网络的形式来工作,或许疫情期间让工作的进展也变得更加困难,同时他们不得不为了你们的网络学习,要学习下载使用各种的软件,本来只是爸爸和妈妈的角色, 却不得不因为你们在家里的学习,他们要变身为你的家庭老师,没有当过老师的 他们一定也是手忙脚乱的,他们也一定还在努力学习适应如何在家中扮演“老师” 的角色,如果他们还没有学会,请你们一定要多多包容,因为你们的爸爸妈妈真的非常不容易。 

下面我给大家分享一段动画视频,这是一只小狐狸和小恐龙的故事,他们之间或许是亲情也或许是友情亦或是爱情,在性命攸关的时刻,他们都甘愿付出自 己的生命去拯救彼此,就像奋战在一线的那些医生叔叔阿姨们,他们也正在用自 己的生命去与病毒对战,来换取我们一切安好,这是一种怎样的大爱?你们也可以思考一下,在我们身边甘愿为我们付出的人还有谁?我们在被爱的同时,也要去思考我们该如何去爱身边那些爱我们人,疫情让我们有时间在家中与自己的家 人朝夕相处,也希望我们能够在这段时间里,做到心中有爱,热情地爱着这个世界,深情地爱着我们身边的人。 

下面分享一位来自双胞胎妈妈每天陪伴孩子参与网络活动的感受,也希望我们的 爸爸妈妈能够有更多的时间陪伴孩子,父母的陪伴将伴随孩子一生的成长。 


“妈妈,今天不学习吗?”姐姐周六 9 点半问。


 自从上网课以来,几乎每次周末姐姐都会问类似的问题,有时也会自顾自的回答 着:“老师周末是不是也要休息”...每次听到我都很感触,心里暖暖的,感觉孩 子长大了,爱学习了,更确切的说是习惯了学习,因为这份珍贵的习惯也让我每天认真的坚持上网课,或许有的家长会说,我的孩子不愿意上,不想上,没兴趣, 我想说只要你坚持并认为这对孩子有益,总会影响到孩子的。 

我家姐姐妹妹都是 ECC3 的学生,妹妹比较依赖姐姐的陪伴,上幼儿园以来姐妹 分开班级给妹妹的影响大了一些,自信心有点受挫,不太主动参与,这段时间的 网课因为有姐姐和妈妈的陪伴,自信心、学习参与度也有很大提高,这份收获也 是我很高兴和坚持的原因。还有每次看着老师们精心准备的故事、科学实验、儿歌、舞蹈、诗歌、绕口令、手指操等一系列的丰富的活动,作为家长的我都被深 深吸引,也很感慨我小时候怎么都没有这么丰富的幼儿教学呢,特别吸引我的也 是每天学习前必看的,老师们对孩子们学习反馈一条一条的回复,满满的都是鼓 励和爱,每次看到心里都是暖暖的很开心,想到老师们辛苦录制的活动,看到孩 子们的反馈应该也是我这种心情吧!特别是英文老师 Emily,人在美国,每次的 教学课活动、反馈和视频通话都是按照我们的时间需求,完全没有感觉到有时差 的影响,这都是老师们的负责和付出...

还有更加暖心的是从学校发出组织的全体教师通过歌和舞蹈与孩子们见面,拍照 活动,我想对你说,校园视频见面等集体活动,每一次都能让孩子们特别的兴奋, 看几遍都不够,想念校园、想念老师、想念同学们... 

这些学校和老师们的付出让我感动,非常感谢你们让我觉得我们的选择没有错, 海嘉是一个负责、有爱的学校,愿我们与海嘉、与孩子们一起成长,一起度过这 段特殊的日子... 

ECC3A&3B 高婉愉&高婉悦妈妈

ECC Alice Liu

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Dear Children,

I miss you so much! This sudden outbreak has delayed the start of our school, so we have to meet each other online. Like you, I prefer to study, sing, dance, play and hug with you on campus rather than online and in videos. It doesn't matter; the spring is here. I believe we will reunite soon. While we are at home during this period, if we can face it in a different way, we may gain something else.

When interacting with you online for the first time, you were full of questions, "Eh? Why do I see my teacher on my phone?" "Can you hear me?" "Can you see me?" But over time, you started to get used to it, and you started looking forward to meeting with me online. Do you know that when I saw your lovely look when you are exploring in the video, the corners of my mouth would rise unconsciously.  Occasionally you said "Oh, I failed!" "Hmm ... seems not so smooth ..." "How can this not work?" There was a slight upset expression on your face, but you kept trying instead of giving up. At the moment of completion, I saw your happy smiles, and you experienced the joy of success. I firmly believe that you can overcome all the difficulties through your efforts. In my mind, each of you is a seed that is thriving. It is your hard work, determination, and courage to irrigate this seed, let it take roots, germinate, blossom, and bear fruit. No matter how it grows, it is unique.

Dear children, do I seem to be omnipotent, like a superwoman in your mind? I also encountered some difficulties and failures. At first, I was not very good at recording videos and doing video clips. I didn't know how to show a natural expression without seeing your faces, but I didn't give up. I kept trying every day to make the activities more attractive, the videos more creative, and the content more engaging. Dear children, can you see my progress in the video? The video which is just a few minutes may take me 3 or 4 hours to record and edit! But as long as it is helpful for you and your parents during this time, I think it's all worth it!

At the same time, your parents needed to learn to download and use new software for you to interact with your teachers online. From the beginning challenges to the smooth use of the software right now, they also experienced a complicated process. To help you better participate in online activities, your parents are sometimes like teachers, sometimes as friends. In this way, they accompany you every day. Dear children, your parents need to switch between different roles every day, and it is tough. If they are by your side. I hope you can give them a big hug and say to them, "It is not easy. Thank you!"

Here I will share with you an animation "Lost & Found". This is a story between a little fox and a little dinosaur. They may be a family; they may have friendship or love. They are willing to give up their lives to save each other. Like the uncles and aunts who are fighting with the virus on the front line, they are willing to sacrifice their lives to ensure we are all safe. This is a kind of great love! There are many people like them around us, so our hearts should be full of love, we should embrace the world with love, and deeply love the people around us.

At the end of this article, I would like to share with you some words from a mother of twins, who accompanies her children to participate in the ECC online interaction every day. I wish that all the parents can spend more time with your child because it plays a significant role in your child's whole life.

"Feedback from a Mother"

"Mom, don't we study today?" My daughter asked me at 9:30 on Saturday.

"Today is the weekend. Rest time. Please play with your sister," I said.

Since teachers started online interaction with her during this time, she has asked similar questions almost every weekend, and sometimes she even answered herself: "I guess my teacher also need to take a rest on weekends ..." Each time I hear this, my heart is warm. It feels like my children have grown up and loves to learn. To be more precise, she has developed a study habit. This precious habit makes me insist on online interaction every day. Perhaps some parents would say that my child is not willing to participate, just not interested in it. I would like to say that as long as you consider that it is suitable for your child and you stick to it, you can always affect your child.

My two daughters are both students of ECC3. The younger sister is relatively more dependent on her elder sister. The separation of them when they are in the school had a more significant impact on the younger sister. Her self-confidence was a bit low, and sometimes she was not actively involved in the class. During this time, the companionship of her sister and me has greatly improved her self-confidence and participation in learning, which is why I insist on participating in the online interaction every day.

Each time I see a series of activities such as stories, scientific experiments, nursery rhymes, dance, poetry, tongue twisters, fingerplays carefully prepared by teachers, I am deeply attracted even though I am an adult. It is a pity that I did not have these teaching resources when I was a child. There is also another thing that particularly attracts me, and it is already in a must-see list for me every day, that is teachers' feedback to children. It is full of encouragement and love. Each time I check it, I am very happy and my heart is warm. When teachers get feedback from the children, they must be in the same mood as me! I would like to make a special mention here about their English teacher Emily, who is now in the United States, her teaching activities, feedback and video calls are totally in accordance with our needs. I cannot sense the time difference at all. These are the contributions of teachers...

What is even more heart-warming is that all teachers meet our children through group songs and dances. I want to tell you that these activities videos with campus pictures make children particularly excited. Children keep on watching it several times. They miss campus, miss teachers, miss their classmates...

I am moved by the efforts of the school and teachers. Thank you very much. You make me feel that our choice is correct. BIBA is a responsible school with love. May we grow up with our children and BIBA together, and let us accompany each other through these special days...










