
Vol.579 域外 | Legal Theory,Volume 25, Issue 1-2

法律思想 2022-03-20

Legal Theory  


Volume 25, Issue 1-2

《法律理论》不只从法学,也从哲学、政治学、经济学、历史学和社会学等广泛的人文社会科学中吸取研究成果。《法律理论》刊文的主题广泛,包括但不限于分析法理学、规范法理学、法律制度和学说的政策分析、法社会学和法文化学,以及关于法律和法律制度的批判观点。期刊现任编辑为Mitchell N. Berman、Scott Hershovitz、Connie Rosati和Scott J. Shapiro.




Grounding Procedural Rights


N. P. Adams


It is commonly held that we wrong someone if we punish them without first determining whether they are guilty through the process of a sufficiently fair and reliable procedure. This wrong is best explained by pre-institutional moral procedural rights. Recently, Christopher Heath Wellman has argued for the skeptical conclusion that there are no such rights, challenging a widely held orthodoxy. I propose two novel grounds for pre-institutional moral procedural rights and so answer Wellman's skepticism. First, we have rights not to be subject to punitive systems that do not include specific sorts of reliable procedures because otherwise we are subject to unreasonable risks of undeserved punishment. Second, not only do we have rights that others not harm us or unreasonably risk harming us, we have rights that they control for avoiding wrongfully harming us across relevant close possible worlds.



Vague Comparisons and Proportional Sentencing

Jacob Bronsther

当在比较中没有最佳选择,并且诸选择似乎也不相等时,将应用“小改进问题(small improvement problem)”(“问题”),因为对一个选择的小改进不能使它成为更好的选择。我认为模糊性导致了问题,使得选择模糊地相等或模糊地“相关”。然后,我将展开这个问题的一个重要实例,即犯罪和刑罚之间的比较,这是罪有应得的刑罚理念的基础。我认为这种比较不仅模棱两可,而且非常含糊不清,导致出现了大量“并非不相称”(not undeserved)的量刑。但是,我得出的结论是,报应主义(retributivism)只能证明危害性最小的“并非不相称”的量刑是合理的。

The “small improvement problem” (“the Problem”) applies when no option in a comparison is best nor, it seems, are the options equal, because a small improvement to one would fail to make it the better choice. I argue that vagueness causes the Problem, such that the options are vaguely equal or vaguely “related.” I then unpack an important instance of the Problem, the comparison between a crime and a punishment upon which the ideal of a retributively deserved sentence is based. I argue that this comparison is not only vague, but remarkably vague, leading to an expansive array of “not undeserved” sentences. I conclude, however, that retributivism can only justify the least harmful “not undeserved” sentence.



Law-Determination as Grounding:

A Common Grounding Framework for Jurisprudence

Samuele Chilovi, 

George Pavlakos


Law being a derivative feature of reality, it exists in virtue of more fundamental things, upon which it depends. This raises the question of what is the relation of dependence that holds between law and its more basic determinants. The primary aim of this paper is to argue that grounding is that relation. We first make a positive case for this claim, and then we defend it from the potential objection that the relevant relation is rather rational determination. Against this challenge, we argue that the apparent objection is really no objection, for on its best understanding, rational determination turns out to actually be grounding. Finally, we clarify the framework for theories on law-determination that results from embracing our view; by way of illustration, we offer a ground-theoretic interpretation of Hartian positivism and show how it can defuse an influential challenge to simple positivist accounts of law.



Multiple Reasonable Behaviors Cases:

The Problem of Causal Underdetermination in Tort Law

Maytal Gilboa

本文介绍了侵权法中一个重要但又常被忽视的问题:因果(关系)不确定。一旦依“要是没有”检验法(but-for test)来开展的因果调查得到的是两个相互矛盾的结果,而非唯一一个结果,就会出现这个问题。根据前者,过失侵权之被告是造成原告损害的可能原因,而后者则认为不是。本文解释了为何因果不确定问题长期为侵权法学者所忽视,并为法庭上“缺乏因果”之解答所搪塞。本文表明当前的实践在因果不确定的情况下可能导致错误的决定,即使证据表明过失侵权之被告实际上是造成原告损害的可能原因,亦有为被告开脱其责任之可能。此种实践不仅使对潜在被告的威慑缺位,而且还会鼓励策略层面的诉讼操纵行为以助其逃避责任。最后,本文提出了解决方案以应对因果不确定问题,并试图解决目前的做法所带来的困难。

This article introduces a significant yet largely overlooked problem in the law of torts: causal underdetermination. This problem occurs when the causal inquiry of a but-for test produces not one but two results, which are contradictory. According to the first, the negligent defendant is the likely cause of the plaintiff's injury, whereas according to the second, she is not. The article explains why causal underdetermination has escaped the radar of tort scholars and is perceived by courts as lack of causation. It demonstrates that the current practice in cases of causal underdetermination might lead to erroneous decisions, absolving negligent defendants of tort liability even when the evidence suggests that they are in fact the likely cause of the plaintiff's injury. This, in turn, the article asserts, may not only lead to underdeterrence among potential defendants, but also encourage manipulative litigation strategy to escape liability in retrospect. The article then proposes solutions that contend with causal underdetermination and resolve the difficulties that the current practice entails.



The Elusive Object of Punishment

Gabriel S. Mendlow


All observers of our legal system recognize that criminal statutes can be complex and obscure. But statutory obscurity often takes a particular form that most observers have overlooked: uncertainty about the identity of the wrong a statute aims to punish. It is not uncommon for parties to disagree about the identity of the underlying wrong even as they agree on the statute's elements. Hidden in plain sight, these unexamined disagreements underlie or exacerbate an assortment of familiar disputes—about venue, vagueness, and mens rea; about DUI and statutory rape; about hate crimes, child pornography, and counterterrorism laws; about proportionality in punishment; and about the proper ambit of the criminal law. Each of these disputes may hinge on deeper disagreements about the identity of the wrong a statute aims to punish, and these deeper disagreements can be surprisingly hard to resolve, fueled as they are by the complex inner structure of our penal laws and the discretionary mechanisms of their administration.



Theories of Vagueness and Theories of Law

Alex Silk


It is common to think that what theory of linguistic vagueness is correct has implications for debates in philosophy of law. I disagree. I argue that the implications of particular theories of vagueness on substantive issues of legal theory and practice are less far-reaching than often thought. I focus on four putative implications discussed in the literature concerning (i) the value of vagueness in the law, (ii) the possibility and value of legal indeterminacy, (iii) the possibility of the rule of law, and (iv) strong discretion. I conclude with some methodological remarks. Delineating questions about conventional meaning, legal content determination, and norms of legal interpretation and judicial practice can motivate clearer answers and a more refined understanding of the space of overall theories of vagueness, interpretation, and law.

法律思想 | 中国政法大学法理学研究所

