
水泥公园LIVE HOUSE | 发布及第1期预告

搜我空间 SOWERART搜我艺术 2019-11-12


About Cement Park LIVE HOUSE

水泥公园LIVE HOUSE 由搜我空间发起,一般于每周五晚在搜我空间实施,也会不定期以流动的形式在其它空间或户外开展。它是现场艺术的发生地,主要关注行为、表演、剧场、声音等,以多元形式呈现场域的公共营造,探索自由、即兴、实验的艺术表达。  

The Cement Park LIVE HOUSE art project is initiated by SOWERART SPACE, which is usually carried out on Friday night in SOWERART SPACE, and will also be carried out in other spaces or outdoors on an irregular basis. As the scene of Live Art, it focuses on behavior, performance, theater and sound. The Live House presents the public construction in multiple forms to explore the artistic expression of freedom, improvisation and experiment.

复杂的说就是在客厅的水泥(地上想建一座)公园(还想要感觉像在)LIVE HOUSE 的现场喽,各种随随便便的买卖,不过还不知道要卖什么哎,每周五晚 19:30 以后,欢迎行为、表演、剧场、声音等现场艺术的创作者、爱好者前来公园闲逛、创作、即兴、混乱。我们的现场没有专业的舞台场地和服务人员,也没有顶级的体验设备和影音器材,甚至都不知道能持续多久,但是先开始再说吧,试试做一个艺术现场类LIVE HOUSE。

When entering The Cement Park you will feel like in a LIVE HOUSE, although it is built up on the concrete floor. All kinds of casual business, even though we don't know what to sell. We welcome you to join us every Friday night from 7:30 PM, if you are a creator or fan of Live Art, or you just want to walk around.There are no professional arena and staff members, neither top-level equipment, and we even don't know how long will we survive,but we want to do it first, and we are trying best to present as an Art LIVE HOUSE. 


12月22日也就是本周五晚,将开始第一期。我们怀着荣幸的激动的心情宣布,在即将零下的上海“水泥公园LIVE HOUSE ”,迎来了四位激情四射的有志青年艺术家 ~ ~ ~ 的到来··· 带来行为、表演、以及真心话大冒险··· 呜~  他们是——阿湘、潘晨农、孙伟、尹希。

12 DEC, this Friday night, we will start the first show! There will be four Young Artists in the upcoming one to show their Performance Art, they are: A Xiang,Pan Chennong, Sun Wei and Yin Xi.

水泥公园LIVE HOUSE 第1期

The first show of Cement Park LIVE HOUSE

时间/Time:2017.11.22  19:30-21:30

艺术家/Artists:阿湘、潘晨农、孙伟、尹希(A Xiang/Pan Chennong/Sun Wei/Yin Xi)


Address:165 buld, Jiabao Dream Bay, 1000, Pan'an Road, Jiading, Shanghai, SOWERART SPACE(Jiading)


Ticket Price: PRESALE. ¥30RMB; AT DOOR. ¥50RMB. You can buy it by scanning the code or clicking “Read Me” at the bottom.



About the artists


重要的事情说两遍:阿湘是一个即将改行做bar tender的画画老师,傻笑,坑乐队朋友,打杂是她的日常。

The important things say twice: A Xiang is a drawing teacher who is about to change to bar tender, smirk, a bad apple for her band friends, and the miscellaneous is her daily life.

孙伟,出生于辽宁大连,南关岭少年艺术家,马拉松运动员。2017年创建六楼没空间(NO SPACE ON SIX)非盈利艺术机构。

Sun Wei, born in Dalian, Liaoning province, is a young artist of NanGuanLing, a marathon runner.Create the NO SPACE ON SIX in 2017, which is a non-profit arts institution.


Pan Chennong, born in Wuhan, Hubei province. He met poetry about six years ago, and then, was always doing something ralated to poetry. It is hard to say that something must not be a poem.


尹希,1994年出生于上海,中国。 现居住于上海,荷兰,毕业于伦敦艺术大学。

Yin Xi, born in 1994 in Shanghai, China. She now lives in Shanghai, Holland, and graduated from the University of the Arts London.

She travels through poetry, memory, and existentialism, creating a beautiful and uncomforable space or plane in relation to behavior. The continuous use of time, space and dimension to stimulate the audience is a concept that runs through her work. The use of painting, behavior, photography, sound, installation, writing, sculpture and video as the medium for the individual and cooperative projects. She is interested in exploring the language of each medium and interfering with and deconstructing them.



左右滑动可查看更多图片 Scroll around for more pictures


SOWERART SPACE (SAS) is a contemporary art space,which is initiated and operated by SOWERART, And aimed to explore more possibilities of artistic practice and promotion, connect, and provide more supports to artists and curators.


Address and the traffic route


Driving route:Follow the navigation to Jiabao Dream Bay, 1000, Pan'an Road, Jiading, Shanghai. And park your car to the public car park about 10 meters to the east of the gate.

地铁路线:可乘地铁11号线至嘉定西地铁站,4号口出。步行至嘉定区盘安路1000弄(嘉宝梦之湾·南门),进小区后靠右沿道路步行约150米(紧邻河边的一排别墅),右转进入车库(或沿台阶走上来)步行约30米。Subway route: Take the subway line 11 to the West Jiading subway station.Walk to Jiabao Dream Bay, 1000, Pan'an Road, Jiading, Shanghai.Went into the village after about 150 meters along the road to walk on the right (close to a row of villas by the river), turn right into the garage (or up the stairs) walk for about 30 meters.



水泥公园LIVE HOUSE是一个长期持续的艺术项目。

The Cement Park LIVE HOUSE art project is a long-term project. 

一千个热爱音乐的人,有一千个LIVE HOUSE。你以为只有音乐才需要现场?我们却想要尝试首个当代艺术现场类LIVE HOUSE。这里没有专业的舞台场地和服务人员,也没有顶级的体验设备和影音器材,甚至,连场地、时间、艺术家、工作人员以及能够持续生存多久都有可能是不确定的,但我们希望它能在有限的生命里,尽可能地推动行为、表演、剧场、声音等现场艺术的发生、体验、聚集、交流和传播。欢迎现场艺术的创作者、爱好者常来公园聚合,也许,你和当代艺术,只差一个LIVE HOUSE的距离。

There are a thousand kinds of LIVE HOUSE in a thousand music lovers’ eyes. Only the music needs you to show up? NO! We are also trying The LIVE HOUSE, the first contemporary art live show. There are no professional arena and staff members, neither top-level equipment, even though the space, the time, the artists, the members and how long will we survive, are all not sure, but we will make all efforts to promote the behavior, performance, theater, sound, and provide people a platform to gather, communicate and experience. We welcome you to join us sincerely. Perhaps, the distance between you and contemporary art is only a LIVE HOUSE.


If you are interested, want to join our art project,and show your artworks, please contact with us. 

艺术家联系 / Artist Contact

联系人/Contact with:吕德生/Lyu Desheng




If you are interested ,want to join us, or be our media partner /sponsor or other support agencies, please contact with us

商务联系 / Business Contact

联系人/Contact with:胡家亮/Leon Hu




关于搜我艺术 / About SOWERART



SOWERART aims to create a contemporary art sharing service platform through sharing economy, social collaboration and O2O model. Promote art to be the public’s basic needs and service as electricity, promote contemporary art and artists, encourage multiple art ecosystem, more art integrate into public life, promote a society that the public will concern, join and collect contemporary art.

