水泥公园LIVE HOUSE|第22期预告2018.6.9及上期现场
名称:水泥公园LIVE HOUSE第22期
Name:The 22th show of Cement Park LIVE HOUSE
时间/Time:2018.6.9 19:00-21:00
艺术家/Artists:吕德生 | Lyu Desheng、高旭 | Gao Xu
海报设计/Poster Design:项海龙 | Xiang Hailong
Address:165 Buld, Jiabao Dream Bay, 1000, Pan'an Road, Jiading, Shanghai, SOWERART SPACE(Jiading)
Ticket Price: PRESALE. ¥30RMB; AT DOOR. ¥50RMB. You can buy it by scanning the code or clicking “阅读原文”(Read Me) at the bottom.
吕德生 Lyu Desheng
Lyu Desheng, Born in 1990 in Bozhou, Anhui Province. working and living in Shanghai now。
《预设的轨迹或合奏331》,吕德生,水泥公园LIVE HOUSE,搜我空间,2018
高旭 Gao Xu
高旭,青年批评家,生于安徽合肥,本科与研究生就读于美术史论专业。现长期关注国内外当代艺术。高旭的《局座小周报》与水泥公园LIVEHOUSE 的现场同期发布.并在此基础上进行一些行为实践。
Gao Xu, a young critic, was born in Hefei, Anhui Province. Undergraduate and graduate students majoring in art history theory. Now he is concerned about contemporary of international. Gao Xu's " JUZUO WEEKLY" was released at the same time as Cement Park LIVEHOUSE .And on the basis of this to do some performance practices .
《朗读》,高旭,水泥公园LIVE HOUSE,搜我空间,2018
水泥公园LIVE HOUSE 特别项目新增
Louis Clais & Marie Glaize:1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
Louis Clais & Marie Glaize也是上期参加水泥公园现场的艺术家,他们这个项目于上周日在东栅当代艺术中心展览,但是在接下来的水泥公园LIVE HOUSE 现场你也可以继续看到哦,欢迎来参与,画出你抽到的那个神秘月份并上传到www.1to12.org
- 选一支笔。
- 照笔上的指示去做。
- 将图画贴到网站www.1to12.org。
- 之后请将笔交给其他人,请他们一起来参与!
Let's start now!
- Munissez vous d’un stylo.
- Suivez la consigne indiquée dessus.
- Postez votre dessin sur le site www.1to12.org.
- Plus tard, faites participer quelqu’un d’autre en lui donnant votre stylo !
关于 Louis Clais & Marie Glaize
Louis Clais (1987) et Marie Glaize (1990) sont deux artistes français en résidence pour deux mois à Nine Dragons Hills à Zhapu. Ensemble, ils inventent des outils et des situations permettant de créer collectivement et d’observer différentes manières de faire.
水泥公园LIVE HOUSE上周现场回顾
水泥公园LIVE HOUSE第21期
《请画一只你梦想中的狗》, Louis Clais 、Marie Claize,水泥公园LIVE HOUSE,搜我空间,2018
《短读》,Alisson Schmitt,水泥公园LIVE HOUSE,搜我空间,2018
《练习》,苏秋霖,水泥公园LIVE HOUSE,搜我空间,2018
《人生·主人》,麻进,水泥公园LIVE HOUSE,搜我空间,2018
About Cement Park LIVE HOUSE
水泥公园LIVE HOUSE 由搜我空间发起,一般于每周六晚在搜我空间进行,也会不定期以流动的形式在其它空间或户外开展。它是现场艺术的发生地,主要关注行为、表演、剧场、声音等,以多元形式呈现场域的公共营造,探索自由、即兴、实验的艺术表达。
The Cement Park LIVE HOUSE art project is initiated by SOWERART SPACE, which is usually carried out on Saturday night in SOWERART SPACE, and will also be carried out in other spaces or outdoors on an irregular basis. As the scene of Live Art, it focuses on behavior, performance, theater and sound. The Live House presents the public construction in multiple forms to explore the artistic expression of freedom, improvisation and experiment.
Continuous Recruiting
水泥公园LIVE HOUSE是一个长期持续的艺术项目。
The Cement Park LIVE HOUSE art project is a long-term project.
If you are interested, want to join our art project,and show your artworks, please contact with us.
艺术家联系 / Artist Contact
联系人/Contact with:吕德生/Lyu Desheng
If you are interested ,want to join us, or be our media partner /sponsor or other support agencies, please contact with us
商务联系 / Business Contact
联系人/Contact with:胡家亮/Leon Hu
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关于搜我空间 /About SOWERART SPACE
SOWERART SPACE (SAS) is a contemporary art space,which is initiated and operated by SOWERART, And aimed to explore more possibilities of artistic practice and promotion, connect, and provide more supports to artists and curators.
SOWERART aims to create a contemporary art sharing service platform through sharing economy and social collaboration model. Promote art to be the public’s basic needs and service as electricity, promote contemporary art and artists, encourage multiple art ecosystem, more art integrate into public life, promote a society that the public will concern, join and collect contemporary art.