
11.7-11艺术家征集Artists Open Call@上海Shanghai

搜我空间 SOWERART搜我艺术 2019-11-12

11月07-11日 征集艺术家及作品

1.VR/AR & 影视娱乐展,11.01-03,上海世博展览馆



  渐   渐    严                            


Cement Park

水泥公园LIVE HOUSE是由搜我空间发起并持续实施的艺术项目,一般于每周六晚进行,并已持续实施近一年,为艺术家和艺术爱好者们提供交流学习、实验孵化和创作展示的平台。它是现场艺术的发生地,主要关注行为、表演、剧场、声音等,以多元形式呈现场域的公共营造,探索自由、即兴、实验的艺术表达。

本次艺术节是水泥公园LIVE HOUSE项目的延伸和扩展,邀请艺术家、艺术工作者、艺术爱好者参与。届时将有行为、表演、声音、剧场等现场作品和即兴环节,也将有学术论坛、艺术沙龙、聚会趴体等交流环节。艺术节为期五天,每天从下午持续到夜晚,将在几个不同的空间发生。诚邀你带着作品和/或自己本人参加,能来几天都好,当然多多益善。


OPEN CALL for artists and works for 

Cement Park Live Art Festival 

Cement Park Live House is an art project initiated by Sower Art Space that usually happens every Saturday and is reaching its one-year anniversary. It is a platform of communication, mutual learning, experimentation, incubation, creation and presentation for artists and art lovers. It’s a site for live art to happen, focusing on performance, theatre, sound and so on. It presents the public construction of site in multiple forms, and explores the artistic expression of freedom, improvisation and experimentation. 

Cement Park Live Art Festival is an extension and development of the Live House project that involves artists, art workers, and art lovers. There will be live art works in the forms of performance, sound, theatre, and improvisation, along with forum, salon, and party for communication, discussion and celebration. There will be several different sites involved during the 5 days of the festival, from afternoon till late night every day. We warmly invite you to join us with your ideas and works, for as many days as you like.


Available dates, time & locations

11.07 - 08 & 10 下午至晚间 

07 - 08 & 10 NOV early afternoon till late


Sower Art Space (165 Jiabao Dream Bay, 1000 Pan’an Road, Jiading, Shanghai)

11.08 下午

08 NOV afternoon


Yichu Broadcast Room at Shanghai Art Fair (D56-57, World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center, 1099 Guozhan Road, Pudong)

合作 Co-organizer:上海亦初文化 Yichu Culture

11.09 下午

09 NOV afternoon



A city walk from Urban Cross Gallery through several spots to Rose Villa, near central Shanghai.

An alternative route by artists’ choice will happen simultaneously and decided on spot.


11.09 晚间

09 NOV evening till late


Black Box in Changjiang Theatre (35 Huanghe Road, Huangpu District)


11.11 下午至晚间 

11 NOV early afternoon till late


Secret space.

报名方式 Application



Interested artists please contact Mr. Lyu Desheng and provide your brief bio, introduction to your planned work(s), requirements for time, space and so on.

Open call deadline: 31 October 2018.

微信 WeChat: desheng90(可扫二维码添加)

邮件 Email: artist@sowerart.com

电话 Phone: 15800817787

售票方式 Ticketing

早早鸟票 Very Early Bird:80RMB


Available via SOWERART online shop from 16 to 20 October, with a limited quota of 100;

预售 Pre-sale:120RMB


Available via SOWERART online shop and other ticketing platforms, from 21 October to 16 November;

现场 On-spot:180RMB


Available during the Festival, from 7 to 11 November, and sales will be suspended if the number of people exceeds certain limit. 



Artists confirmed to participate


By 11:59 16 October 2018, the following artists have confirmed their participation, names listed in no particular order:

阿钟、Bill Aitchison、“搭桥机动队”小组、高旭、高书艺、龚豪、黄宽、Jared Mimm 、Julie S、寇塔、加正、吕德生、雷轶舟、龙霏琳、麻进、“骂观众”小组(Fish、阿里吃)、潘晨农、彭湘、曲媛媛、Rin、苏非殊、孙奎星、王萌+于淼、王一问、相西石、小白能、杨之龑、朱志超、赵航、张学子 、最高


阿钟 A Zhong

接下来可能会成为著名养鸡专业户的暗房婆婆,PHOSPHENE胶片工作室主创之一。喜欢做梦,胡闹与折腾,而做艺术刚好能让我每天和自己玩得很开心。2014年起开始尝试独立创作,常驻上海。The next may become a famous professional chicken farmers' mother-in-law PHOSPHENE film studio one of the creators. Like to dream, mischievous and tossing. And doing art just makes me have fun with myself every day. Since 2014, I have been trying to create independently and stay in Shanghai.

Bill Aitchison 比尔艾奇森


Performance artist, theater director, now teaches at nanjing university. Aitchison has been a professional artist for more than 20 years and has performed in North America, Europe, the Middle East, China and Australia. He has also visited renowned universities around the world, including University of Cambridge, SOAS, University of London and University of Amsterdam.



A gang of idle personnel dedicated to occupying any bridge to organize recreational activities such as eating, drinking and playing.

高旭 Gao Xu

高旭,青年批评家,生于安徽合肥,本科与研究生就读于美术史论专业。现长期关注国内外当代艺术。高旭的《局座小周报》与水泥公园LIVE HOUSE 的现场同期发布,并在此基础上进行一些行为实践。

Gao Xu, a young critic, was born in Hefei, Anhui Province. Undergraduate and graduate students majoring in art history theory. Now he is concerned about contemporary of international. Gao Xu's " JUZUO WEEKLY" was released at the same time as  Cement Park LIVEHOUSE .And on the basis of this  to do some performance practices.



Born in Wuwei, Gansu Province, doing Master of Arts in Theatre Studies at Nanjing University. Works involve poetry, theatre, and performance art.

龚豪 Gong Hao


Gong Hao, artist, independent curator. Born in December 1991 in Jianli, Hubei Province, graduated from Hubei Institute of Fine Arts specializing in water colour, and founded Pangolin Art Space in November 2017.

黄宽 Huang Kuan


Huang Kuan (Ningling Huang), born in 1980 in Ningxia, graduated in 1999 from Ningxia Art College Oil Painting Department and 2005 from Xi'an Arts Academy Sculpture Department. Now based in Beijing.

Jared Mimm

Jared Mimm,在上海生活工作的美国艺术家,从不同视角开拓影像、现场表演、及装置的艺术创作,并通过有关身体的持续性,仪式性及新密性的创作,重新发现创作主题。Jared Mimm is an American conceptual artist living in Shanghai. He works primarily with video, performance and installation to explore his ideas from a variety of different angles. Reoccurring themes in his work deal with the body,duration, ritual and intimacy.

Julie S

Was born in Ukraine but belongs to the world.
Choreographer, performer, teacher. She works mainly with contemporary dance, physical theatre, contact improvisation and site-specific performance. In her works she mostly interested in social problems, surreal reality, modern technologies and online process, trying to open a window to offline world. Her focus is on interdisciplinary art – in one of the latest works she integrated dance, sound, cinema and art of cooking to affect on several human senses.

寇塔 Dakota Guo


Dakota, born in 1994. Interested in rituals and some familiar gestures of suspension, overflow, and perversion.

加正 Jia Zheng

加正,2013 年毕业于湖北美术学院,现主要生活工作于上海。


跨媒介组合“加正+郑曦”的成员,并创立了一种新融合的表演形式“Practice Art”——一种彻底集中于聆听、觉知和释放的的个人实践。其中可以看到舞蹈、肢体艺术、行为和禅的融合。

Jia Zheng, graduated in 2013 from Hubei Institute of Fine Arts, now based in Shanghai.

Works mainly involve photography of social spectacles, performance, conceptual design of space and commercial art.

Member of the cross-media duo "Jia Zheng + Zheng Xi, and created "Practice Art", a new fusion form of performance and personal practice that focuses completely on listening, feeling, and releasing, and merges dance, physical art, performance and Zen.

吕德生 Lyu Desheng

Lyu Desheng, Born in 1990  in Bozhou, Anhui Province, working and  living in Shanghai now.

雷轶舟 Lei Yizhou

Born in 1992 in Xi'an, graduated in 2017 from Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts.
Tries to discuss the influence exerted on individuals by consciousness, experience, and language through forms such as interaction, performance, and images.



Nellie Phelan, artist, dancer, language enthusiast, dancer, chemistry and French teacher. Grew up in the on a horse farm, studied Chemistry in Philadelphia, studied Painting in Italy, studied Printmaking in Brazil. 2018 Oct-Nov, artist in residence at Dinghai Bridge mutual help society, using painting to slowly observe Dinghai Bridge’s surrounding community.

麻进 Ma Jin

麻进 毕业于中国美院环境艺术专业,从事博物馆设计工作十多年后开始了职业艺术创作生涯,创立了多元立体书法的艺术表现形式,于2016年在上海张江当代艺术博物馆举办全球首个多元立体书法艺术个展,策展人为当代著名策展人李旭。在进行立体书法艺术的发展与实践过程中同时也在水墨、油画、行为表演等多个领域进行艺术创作,实践艺术跨界的创新理想。
Ma Jin, graduated from the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts, majoring in environmental art. After more than 10 years of work in museum design, he began his career in professional art creation, and created the art form of multi-dimensional calligraphy.In 2016, the world's first multi-dimensional calligraphy solo exhibition was held at the Zhangjiang Museum of Contemporary Art in Shanghai, with the curator Li Xu.In the process of development and practice of three-dimensional calligraphy art, also in the ink, oil painting, performance and other fields of artistic creation, practice art cross-border innovation ideal.

“骂观众”小组(费史 Fish & 阿里吃 Alice)

Fish费史,殡葬艺术家,也承接三俗表演。作为低音吉他手参加过番茄工厂、The Wasted Years等乐团,同时也与许多视觉艺术家合作。2018年初发行个人专辑<This is not music>.同时开展声音艺术项目“材料”。目前主要的个人产业是“丁翔殡葬一条龙有限公司”——是个异常的声音艺术厂牌。
阿里吃生于北京,毕业于旧金山艺术学院SFAI, 长期工作生活于旧金山与纽约, 现居上海。作品涉及文字,摄影,装置,行为和多媒体。
Fish, funeral artist, also open to vulgar performances. Bass Guitarist in bands such as Wasted Years and Tomato Factory. Also in cooperation with many visual artists. Launched the first indivisual album This is not Music in early 2018. Conducting the sound project "Material". Currently running "Ding Xiang Funeral Package Ltd.", a strange sound art brand.
Alice, born in Beijing. Graduated from San Francisco Art Institute. Lived and Worked in San Francisco and New York. Now living in Shanghai. Works involved in literacy, photography, installation, performance and multi-media.

潘晨农 Pan Chennong

Pan Chennong, born in Wuhan, Hubei province. He met poetry about six years ago, and then, was always doing something ralated to poetry. It is hard to say that something must not be a poem.








Born in Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province in October, 1979

Teaching from Guangxi Vocational and Technical College from 2007 to 2018

Currently teaching at the School of Art and Engineering, Nanning Vocational and Technical College

Visiting teacher of Guangxi University for Nationalities and Guangxi University of Arts and Sciences

曲媛媛 Qu Yuanyuan

曲媛媛,戏剧编导、表演者,中央戏剧学院博士。 早期研习昆曲、现代舞,后从事集体身体剧场的创作,编导《性别女》、《两个大陆妹新台币25块》等。近几年主要从事围绕风景理论的一系列创作。
Qu Yuanyuan, theatre director/performer, PhD of Central Theatre Academy. Studying Kunqu Opera and modern dance in the early years, and then focusing on the collective physical theatre. A range of project dealing with the theory of landscape is the main core of current works.


Rin is a live action artist. Her confrontational work questions power relating to social, political, and cultural conventions.

苏非殊 Su Feishu






Su Feishu

Poet, artist.

Born in 1973 in Fengdu, Chongqing, now living in Danxia Mountain.

Initiator of "Thing-ism", director of the Poet Factory, founder of the Thing Academy.

He promotes boundary-crossing experiments between poetry and other forms of art, as well as the infiltration of poetry in daily life. He is thought to be one of the most controversial poets in contemporary China due to recent poems and activities.

孙奎星 Sun Kuixing


Sun Kuixing, born in Anhui Province, now studying at the Comprehensive Arts Studio of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts.




Wang Meng + Yu Miao are the two core members of China’s hippest new music and visual art duo. By marrying traditional Chinese instruments with live DJing, electro sounds and abstract light & visual displays, the pair break the boundaries of stage performance and musical innovation, leading audiences to profound and liberating horizons.

王一问 Why Even


Why Even, graduated from Department of Arts at Southampton University in the UK. Independent artist and writer, now living in Shanghai. Works focus on memories of daily life, viscinitudes and related emotions.

相西石 Xiang Xishi


Artist and independent curator, born in 1970 in Xi’an. Has been painting since very young, and was a pupil of the Chinese painting master He Haixia. Graduated from Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts. Works include painting and performance art, and later dedicated to promoting modern and contemporary art in Xi’an. He curated a number of international performance art festivals, and founded “Xi’an Performance Theatre” platform in 2013. Now based in Xi’an.

小白能 Krap Zhao

Shinuan Zhao, They lives in Xiamen now.Works including microsound,tape music,noise,field recoding and performance art.Now more attention is paid to the sound narrative and performance media output, try to combine the folk music with the random tones.

杨之龑 July Yang


A performance maker who travels, studies, and makes in Asia, Europe, and America. Works involve different forms such as theatre, live performance, multi-media. Interested in contemporary urban life.

朱志超 Zvox Chao Zhu

朱彼波(原名朱志超),毕业于布拉格艺术大学 ,高校教师, 江苏省青年美术家协会会员,作品曾在慕尼黑、柏林、布拉格、列日、东京等地展出,创作与研究方向涉及电影、动画、录像艺术、行为艺术等.现工作生活于上海。
Zvox Chao Zhu,Chao is a Chinese film&video artis, after graduated from University of Apply Arts in Prague with master degree, he works as lecture in Shanghai Tech University. He is also one of the founders of “The Others” art group in Nanjing,China,and a member of association of youth artist of Jiangsu Province, China.Chao is mainly focus on Short film and video installation art. Now based in Shanghai.

赵航 Zhao Hang

Artist Zhao Hang's work involves a variety of artistic language forms. In recent years, he created the sound-art series "Na Yin (Take in the Sound)," which leverage utensils such as wine glasses and large jars for pickling vegetables to explore the deep connection between sounds in nature and the artistic cognition. Zhao Hang perceives these ordinary utensils and objects from different angles of the various scientific categories and uses this method to practice Buddhism.

张学子 Zhang Xuezi

北佬 拉丁語教師 以劇場燈光設計為業 現居南京

Northerner, theatre of Latin, theatre lighting design for a living, now based in Nanjing.

最高(张昭昊) Highest (Zhang Zhaohao)



Highest (Zhaohao Zhang), a young artist whose art works including video art and performance art, a director His motivation to do the free and independent new media art is inspired by everydays' mood.


Looking forward to your participation!





