

人大重阳 2019-11-10

人大重阳系列讲座  No.156




  讲座时间:2019年 5月14日(周二)19:00—21:00

主 办 方:中国人民大学重阳金融研究院、中国人民大学中美人文交流研究中心、中国人民大学中国对外战略研究中心

主讲嘉宾阿彼猜•锡伯博士(Dr. Apichai W. Shipper),美国国务院外事学院亚洲区域主席、乔治敦大学亚洲研究项目兼职副教授

嘉宾简介:阿彼猜•锡伯博士是美国国务院外事学院亚洲区域主席(Asia Regional Chair at the Foreign Service Institute of the U.S. Department of State),乔治敦大学亚洲研究项目兼职副教授。他的专长是东亚和太平洋区域研究,包括各国外交政策、移民和公民身份、民间社会和民主化等,已出版《为外国人而战:移民及其对日本民主的影响》等著作,同时还是多个主流报刊的专栏作者。他目前担任期刊《太平洋事务》(Pacific Affairs)的副主编和《批判性亚洲研究》(Critical Asian Studies)的编委。此前他曾任教于南加州大学,讲授政治学与国际关系,并获得该系的杰出教学奖。他先后在康奈尔大学获得政府和亚洲研究本科学位,在麻省理工学院获得政治学博士学位。


主 持 人:王鹏  中国人民大学重阳金融研究院副研究员


1. 电话报名:010-62516025-8039/8207(周一至周五 09:00-17:30)

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【Lecture Series】No.156

Senior official of U.S. State Department: 

Comparative Political Economics Systems

  Time: May 14th, 2019 (Tuesday) 19:00—21:00 Address: Room 602, 6th Floor, Culture Building, No.59 Zhongguancun Avenue, Haidian District, Beijing, China (Postcode 100872)

Sponsor: Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China,   Research Centre for China-US People-to-People Exchange, Renmin University of China,    Centre for Foreign Strategic Studies, Renmin University of China

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Apichai W. Shipper, Asia Regional Chair at the Foreign Service Institute of the U.S. Department of State and Adjunct Associate Professor in the Asian Studies Program at Georgetown University.

Apichai W. Shipper is the Asia Regional Chair at the Foreign Service Institute of the U.S. Department of State and Adjunct Associate Professor in the Asian Studies Program at Georgetown University. His expertise is in area studies and foreign policy of East Asia and the Pacific (EAP) region, migration and citizenship, and civil society and democratization. He is the author of Fighting for Foreigners: Immigration and Its Impact on Japanese Democracy (Cornell University Press, 2008; paperback 2016) and numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals. He currently serves as an Associate Editor of Pacific Affairs and an Editorial Board Member of Critical Asian Studies. Prior to entering public service, he taught political science and international relations at the University of Southern California, where he received the Department of Political Science “Outstanding Teaching” award. He received his A.B. degrees (Government & Asian Studies) from Cornell University, where he serves as a Steering Committee Member on its Alumni Board for Diversity (Mosaic), and Ph.D. (Political Science) from MIT. 

Introduction: DI Dongsheng, Deputy Dean and Associate Professor, School of International Studies (SIS), Renmin University of China (RUC)

Host: WANG Peng, Associate Research Fellow, Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies (RDCY), Renmin University of China (RUC)


1. Tel: Please call 010-62516025-8039 (Workdays from Monday to Friday, 09:00-17:30)

2. Email: Please send “RDCY Seminar No.156-Name-Company-Mobile” to rdcy-baoming@ruc.edu.cn.

3. Please follow us in WeChat (ID: rdcy2013) and leave message “RDCY Seminar No.156-Name-Company-Mobile” for your registration. 

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