编者按:亲爱的外国朋友们!现在中国虽有疫情,但中国人绝非病毒;中国人虽有极少部分人被传染,但中国人绝非病夫。中国人民大学重阳金融研究院执行院长王文第24篇专栏文章《历史会记载疫情下的中国力量、西方傲慢》,于2月10日在《环球时报》英文版“Wang Wen on Changing World”专栏刊出,原英文标题为《History will note China’s strength》,现将中英文内容转发如下:
How will future historians record this Year of the Rat? It's impossible to predict even though so much has happened. Still it seems a few touching moments will surely be included in future textbooks. 未来历史学家们会以怎样的笔法记载刚刚过去的2020年中国春节呢?人们很难预测,但我希望有不少感动事件被记录。
For example, words such as "Stay strong, Wuhan" are written on the billboards of many shops in Tokyo, Japan. South Korean President Moon Jae-in expressed his sympathy to the Chinese people who are fighting the novel coronavirus epidemic, saying that helping a neighbor is helping oneself. History will certainly mark these touching events.比如邻国日本,在东京街头许多店铺的广告牌都写着“武汉加油”的字样,以鼓励中国;韩国总统文在寅公开表达,中国困难就是我们的困难。这些感人的事,注定将会以生命至上、人性之善等正面字样记载入历史。Along with positive voices, two malicious points of view toward the ongoing coronavirus outbreak in China are spreading in the Western countries. One is naming the novel coronavirus the "China virus" or "Wuhan virus." At the end of January, a newspaper in Denmark published a cartoon of the Chinese national flag that replaced the five symbolic stars with virus-like figures. Facing China's protest, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen responded that "we have freedom of expression in Denmark - also to draw."但也有两类令人惊愕、充满恶意的国际论调。一类是“病毒论”。两周前,丹麦某漫画家借武汉疫情,将中国国旗的五星改成了五个病毒。当人们抗议时,该国总理却以“言论自由”为托辞,进行了毫无道理的辩解。Such a position can be seen in other European countries as well. A German magazine insulted China by claiming the novel coronavirus is "made in China." And a host of a local radio program in the Netherlands danced while singing the virus was created by "dirty Chinese people" and "if you don't want to get infected, please stay away from Chinese food."类似的“中国病毒论”在欧洲仍在蔓延,德国某周刊用了一张中国人全副“抗疫”照片作为杂志封面,写上“新型冠状病毒,中国制造”的侮辱字样;一位荷兰电视主持人则把歌词改成“病毒是肮脏的中国人带来的”,公开哼唱。The other malicious attach was calling China "sick man." On February 3, the Wall Street Journal published an opinion piece titled "China Is the Real Sick Man of Asia." The column was filled with ill-disguised arrogance and a sense of superiority that comes out of nowhere. The sinister intention of the newspaper and the author was to humiliate China. 另一类是“病夫论”,在美国发酵。一周前,《华尔街日报》刊发某位学者的评论文章,称《中国是真正的东亚病夫》。这种充满着西方殖民色彩的字样,弥漫着作者难以掩饰的傲慢、自大与不知道从哪里来的莫名优越感,也暴露了报社与作者借百年中国耻辱史试图再羞辱中国的险恶用心。我对他的文章尤其惊讶。I have read the author's book on the history of US diplomacy, an outstanding and broad-view work. But now, he took the epidemic as an opportunity to attack China as "a sick man," I was surprised how could his understanding of China be so unexpectedly narrow? 几年前,我曾阅读过他关于美国外交史的著作,那是一本相当出色、视野开阔的作品,想不到他对中国的认识竟是如此狭隘。The Chinese people, who are becoming increasingly more confident, don't get offended or outraged as easily as they used to. Now, the Chinese people tend to find those authors ridiculous, ignorant and hypocritical. They do not understand China or the world, nor do they have the empathy and passion that people are supposed to have. 不过,说实在的,越来越自信的中国人看到了这两类论调,已不会像过去那样气愤了!更多的是觉得这些作者的可笑、无知、伪善。因为他们不了解中国,也不了解世界,更没有作为一名普通的人类应该具备的同理心与关爱之心。In daily life, if we hear that a member of a family has been diagnosed with an infectious disease, would we laugh, speak sarcastically or blame the person? What would you think if someone made groundless accusations against or even insulted the patient? 在日常生活中,当我们听说某一个家庭里某个成员不幸得了传染病,谁会去嘲笑、挖苦与责备呢?如果当我们听说有人在无端责备、辱骂其他病人时,你的心里会怎样想?一定会鄙视这位嘲笑者的低劣道德。I do sympathize the above-mentioned authors, because history will not record their arguments in a positive way. Their voices will smell like stinky farts, making people frown and walk away. Perhaps some impartial historians will tell later generations how the epidemic in China mirrors the greatness of many people and the paltry sense of compassion a handful of others have demonstrated disgracefully. 从这个层面上看,我挺同情这几位写作者的。因为历史将不会以正面的言辞记载下他们的论调。他们的声音必将会像是这个时代“屁”似的恶臭,散布一阵子后,伴随着人们的嫌弃与回避而最终消逝。或许,某些公正的历史学家们还会以类似的笔触讲述,21世纪第三个十年开始,中国爆发一场新冠肺炎疫情,像是凹凸镜那样,映衬了这个世界许多人的伟大,也暴露了一些人的渺小。Two American scholars are brought to mind. The first is Gordon H. Chang, a Chinese-American lawyer and author, who wrote The Coming Collapse of China about 19 years ago. But China has not collapsed, and he is often teased by other scholars who ask him "when exactly will China collapse?"我忽然想起了两位认识的美国学者。一位叫章家敦,是位华人学者,20多年前,他曾经写过一本书《中国即将崩溃》。后来的情况,当然不是中国崩溃,而是经常会有同行遇到他时的调侃与嘲弄,“家敦,中国崩溃还有几年啊?”The other is David Shambaugh. He could have become a scholar like Harvard professor John Fairbank, and praised by Chinese academics as a renowned third-generation "China hand." But his 2015 article, "The Coming Chinese Crackup," also published in the Wall Street Journal, was his biggest flop. It made him one of the most unpopular and despised US scholars in China.另一位叫沈大伟。他本有希望像当年哈佛大学费正清教授那样,成为第三代著名美国“中国通”被中国学术界所纪念与推崇的。五年前,他在《华尔街日报》,哦,又是《华尔街日报》,发表过一篇《即将到来的中国崩溃》,成为他一生中最败笔的文章,也使他成为在中国不受欢迎、被鄙视的美国学者,尽管我曾努力帮助他再次来中国。Foreign scholars and others should not always criticize China on the pretext of so-called freedom of speech. On the contrary, they should cherish their right to freedom of speech, presenting the love and equality of humanity. Although the outbreak of the novel coronavirus is spreading across China, the Chinese people are not a virus. Although some Chinese people have been infected, China is by no means a sick man of Asia. 所以,亲爱的外国朋友们,不要老是以所谓的言论自由来搪塞你们肆无忌惮的批判,相反,应珍惜你们言论自由的权利,去体现人类的爱与平等。现在,中国虽有疫情,但中国人绝非病毒;中国人虽有极少部分人被传染,但中国人绝非病夫。Several years later, historians may portray the year 2020 as: "The Chinese underwent a tough time over the year. They had to battle the novel coronavirus epidemic at home, and deal with insulting attacks from some foreigners. Yet they are strong and they stay strong. This great country has weathered the year of 2020, like any year over its history of 5,000 years, and they have achieved their goal of making their lives better."再过一些年,历史学家们或许还会这么撰写2020年:“那一年,中国人过得不容易。他们在国内需要防疫病毒;在国外还要面对一些人的诅咒。但他们很坚强,这个伟大的民族如同5000年来坚强地度过每一年那样,平稳地度过了2020年,并让所有人的生活变得越来越美好!”