

人大重阳 2024-02-02


城市国际论坛2023高质量共建丝路  新时代全球商圈











议  程

12月6日全天:中外嘉宾注册12月7日全天:义乌考察调研12月8日09:00-09:40  开幕致辞主持人:叶帮锐,金华市副市长、义乌市市长致辞嘉宾:王   健,金华市委常委、义乌市委书记张东刚,中国人民大学党委书记王   超,中国人民外交学会会长(以实际到场为准)09:40-11:00  主旨演讲主持人:叶康涛,中国人民大学副校长演讲嘉宾(排名不分先后):达尼洛·图尔克(Danilo Türk),斯洛文尼亚前总统、联合国原副秘书长、世界领袖联盟主席尹艳林,全国政协经济委员会副主任、中财办原副主任格泽高滋·科勒德克(Grzegorz W. Kolodko),波兰前副总理兼财政部长,波兰华沙科兹明斯基大学转型、一体化和全球化经济研究中心主任陈文玲,中国国际经济交流中心总经济师穆沙希德·侯赛因·赛义德(Mushahid Hussain Sayed),巴基斯坦参议院国防委员会主席、亚洲政党国际会议联席主席、巴中学会会长翁诗杰(ONG Tee Keat),马来西亚国会下议院前副议长、原交通部部长、现马来西亚亚太“一带一路”共策会主席谢胜文(Siyabonga C. Cwele),南非驻华大使11:10-12:20  战略对话:展望“一带一路”的下一个十年主持人:王   文,中国人民大学重阳金融研究院执行院长对话嘉宾(排名不分先后):帕特里克·奈斯(Patrick Louis P. Nijs),比利时前驻华大使、终身荣誉大使、欧盟中国联合创新中心联合创始人、中欧中心主席孙学工,国家发改委中国宏观经济研究院决策咨询部主任海   博(Tamas Hajba),世界经济合作与发展组织驻华高级顾问吴思科,中国外交部前中东问题特使,中国前驻沙特阿拉伯、埃及特命全权大使柏纪言(Fabien Pacory),中国法国工商会副主席、法国对外贸易顾问委员会(中国区)委员14:00-16:40  主旨论坛 I城市高峰对话:国际贸易支点城市合作的新突破引导性问题:1. 赋能新业态,释放后疫情时代国际贸易新活力2. 创新合作模式,畅通国际商贸的国内国际双循环主持人:刘   英,中国人民大学重阳金融研究院合作研究部主任、研究员发言嘉宾(排名不分先后):格泽高滋·科勒德克(Grzegorz W. Kolodko),波兰前副总理兼财政部长,波兰华沙科兹明斯基大学转型、一体化和全球化经济研究中心主任吴思科,中国外交部前中东问题特使,中国前驻沙特阿拉伯、埃及特命全权大使柏纪言(Fabien Pacory),中国法国工商会副主席、法国对外贸易顾问委员会(中国区)委员武   健,中国光大银行原副行长翁诗杰(ONG Tee Keat),马来西亚国会下议院前副议长、原交通部部长、现马来西亚亚太“一带一路”共策会主席皮尔皮兰(Reza Pirpiran),伊朗伊斯兰共和国驻华大使馆参赞杨忠宏,义乌商务局局长金杨华,浙江金融职业学院党委书记、教授14:00-16:40  主旨论坛 II商业领袖对话:“一带一路”与国际贸易的新篇章引导性问题:1.“一带一路”十周年的义乌发展经验与义乌全球品牌2.更加开放的中国,中国国际贸易改革与发展新未来主持人:蔡彤娟,中国人民大学重阳金融研究院宏观研究部主任、研究员发言嘉宾(排名不分先后):穆沙希德·侯赛因·赛义德(Mushahid Hussain Sayed),巴基斯坦参议院国防委员会主席、亚洲政党国际会议联席主席、巴中学会会长赵勒成(Ch.Rentsen),蒙古国蒙中经贸文化促进会会长、蒙古国成吉思汗集团董事长白   明,商务部研究院学位委员会委员、研究员孟   函(Mohamed El Abdallah),黎巴嫩中阿合作与发展协会中国分公司协调员孔   军,中国中东投资贸易促进中心副总经理谢胜文(Siyabonga C. Cwele),南非驻华大使孙学工,国家发改委中国宏观经济研究院决策咨询部主任丁   刚,《人民日报》高级编辑俞   洋,大成Dentons欧洲战略投资总监柏   雪,浙江智捷元港国际供应链科技有限公司联合创始人、首席财务官14:00-16:50 主旨论坛 III物流枢纽对话:构筑国际枢纽,共建“一带一路”主持人:贺登才,中国物流与采购联合会副会长发言嘉宾(排名不分先后):宫之光,中国物流学会副会长、世界城地组织亚太区物流委员会智库专家王建伟,义乌市国际陆港集团党委书记、董事长,义乌工商职业技术学院客座教授、产业导师卡依沙尔,新疆商贸物流集团党委委员、副总经理袁   萌,浙江智捷元港国际供应链科技有限公司创始人、首席执行官卫毓民,山东现代物流创新创业共同体、临沂商贸物流产业研究院执行院长刘建林,复旦大学管理学院副教授、上海物流研究院研究员15:55-16:05 “杭州电商创新试验飞地”项目签约仪式16:05-16:20 “一带一路十周年:你我同见证”义乌市“陆港杯”国际摄影大赛颁奖仪式16:20-16:50 沙龙论剑 主题:强化枢纽地位,共谋“一带一路”融通发展

The Third Belt and Road Initiative Cities International Forum 2023 (Yiwu)

High-Quality Silk Road Cooperation  A New Era for Global Commerce

Hosts:Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs (CPIFA)Renmin University of China (RUC)Yiwu Municipal People’s GovernmentOrganizers:Yiwu China Commodity City Holding Co., Ltd.Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China (RDCY)Co-organizer:Yiwu Institute for Market Development Studies (YIMDS)Date:December 6-8, 2023Venue: Yiwu, ZhejiangLanguages:English, Chinese (simultaneous interpretation)


Day 1: Wednesday, December 6, 2023

All Day:  Registration

Day 2: Thursday, December 7, 2023

All Day:  Yiwu local visit

Day 3: Friday, December 8, 2023

09:00-09:40 Opening Ceremony


Ye BangruiVice Mayor of Jinhua, Mayor of Yiwu

Speakers (in no particular order):

Wang Jian, Member of CPC Jinhua Standing Committee, Party Secretary of Yiwu Municipal Committee

Zhang Donggang, Chair of the University Council, Renmin University of China

Wang Chao, President of Chinese Peoples Institute of Foreign Affairs

(To be determined according to actual attendance)

09:40-11:00 Keynote Speeches


Ye Kangtao, Vice President of Renmin University of China

Speakers (in no particular order):

Danilo Türk, Former President of Slovenia, Former UN Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs, President of the World Leadership Alliance - Club de Madrid

Yin Yanlin, Deputy Director of the Economic Affairs Committee of the CPPCC, Former Deputy Director of Office of Central Financial and Economic Commission of the CPC

Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Poland, Director of Transformation, Integration and Globalization Economic Research at Kozminski University in Warsaw

Chen Wenling, Chief Economist of China Center for International Economic Exchange (CCIEE)

Mushahid Hussain Sayed, Chairman of Senate Defence Committee, Co-Chairman of International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP), Chairman of Pakistan-China Institute

ONG Tee Keat, Former Deputy Speaker of House of Representatives of Parliament, Former Malaysian Minister of Transport, President of the Belt and Road Initiative Caucus for the Asia-Pacific, Malaysia

Siyabonga C. Cwele, South African Ambassador to China

11:00-11:10  Break

11:10-12:20  Strategic Dialogue: Outlook of BRIs Next Decade


Wang WenExecutive Dean of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China (RDCY)

Speakers (in no particular order):

Patrick Louis P. Nijs, Former Ambassador of Belgium in China, Co-founder of the EU-China Joint Innovation Center, DECC President

Sun Xuegong, Director of Decision Advisory Department, Academy of Macroeconomic Research, National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC)

Tamas Hajba, Senior Advisor for China, Head of the Beijing Office, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

Wu Sike, Former Special Envoy of the Chinese Government on the Middle East Issue, Former Chinese Ambassador to Saudi Arabia and Egypt

Fabien Pacory, Vice President of CCI France Chine, CCE - French Foreign Trade Advisor in China

14:00-16:40 3 Parallel Sub-forum

14:00-16:40  Sub-forum 1

City Dialogue: 

A New Breakthrough in the Cooperation of International Trade Pivot Cities

Guiding questions:

1. Empower new business formats and release new vitality in international trade in the post-epidemic era.

2. Innovate cooperation models and smooth the domestic and international dual circulation of international trade.


Liu YingDirector of Cooperative Research Department, Research Fellow of RDCY

Panelists (in no particular order):

Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Poland, Director of Transformation, Integration and Globalization Economic Research at Kozminski University in Warsaw

Wu Sike, Former Special Envoy of the Chinese Government on the Middle East Issue, Former Chinese Ambassador to Saudi Arabia and Egypt

Fabien PacoryVice President of CCI France Chine, CCE - French Foreign Trade Advisor in China

Wu Jian, Former Vice President of China Everbright Bank

ONG Tee Keat, Former Deputy Speaker of House of Representatives of Parliament, Former Malaysian Minister of Transport, President of the Belt and Road Initiative Caucus for the Asia-Pacific, Malaysia

Reza Pirpiran, Counselor, Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in China

Yang Zhonghong, Director-General of the Yiwu Municipal Commerce Bureau

Jin Yanghua, Secretary of the Party Committee of Zhejiang Financial College, Professor

14:00-16:40 Sub-forum 2

Business Leaders Dialogue: New Chapter for BRI and International Trade

Guiding questions:

1. Yiwus development experience and Yiwus global brand over the last 10 years of BRI.

2. A more open China, a new future for Chinas international trade reform and development.


Cai TongjuanDirector of Macro Research Department, Research Fellow of RDCY

Panelists (in no particular order):

Mushahid Hussain Sayed, Chairman of Senate Defence Committee, Co-Chairman of International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP), Chairman of Pakistan-China Institute

Ch.Rentsen, President of the Mongolia-China Economic, Trade and Culture Support  Association, Chairman of the Mongolian Ikh Ezen Chinggis Khaan Group

Bai Ming, Member of the Academic Degree Committee and Researcher of the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation

Mohamed El Abdallah, China Coordinator of Arab Chinese Cooperation & Development Association (ACCDA)

Kong Jun, Deputy General Manager of China Middle East Investment and Trade Promotion Centre (Chinamex)

Siyabonga C. Cwele, South African Ambassador to China

Sun Xuegong, Director of Decision Advisory Department, Academy of Macroeconomic Research, National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC)

Ding Gang, Senior Editor with People's Daily

Yu Yang, Director of European Strategic Investment of Dentons

Bai Xue, Co-Founder & CFO, Zhejiang Zhijie Yuangang International Supply Chain Technology Co.,Ltd

14:00-16:5Sub-forum 3

Logistics Hub Dialogue: 

Building an International Hub and Joint Construction of BRI

14:00-15:45 First Half: Keynote Speeches


He DengcaiVice President, China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing (CFLP)

Speakers (in no particular order):

Gong Zhiguang, Vice President of China Society of Logistics, Think Tank Expert of Logistics Committee at the United Cites and Local Governments Asia-Pacific

Wang Jianwei, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Yiwu International Land Port Group, Visiting Professor and Industrial Mentor of Yiwu Industrial & Commercial College

Kayisar, Party Committee Member and Deputy General Manager of Xinjiang Commerce and Logistics Group

Yuan Meng, Founder & CEO, Zhejiang Zhijie Yuangang International Supply Chain Technology Co.,Ltd

Wei Yumin, Executive Director of Shandong Modern Logistics Innovation and Entrepreneurship Community and Linyi Trade and Logistics Industry Research Institute

Liu Jianlin, Associate Professor of School of Management, Researcher of Shanghai Logistics Research Institute, Fudan University

15:45-15:55 Break

15:55-16:50 Second Half: Signing & Awards & Salon


Hangzhou E-commerce Innovation Experimental Enclave Project Signing Ceremony


The 10th Anniversary of BRI: You and I Witness It Together Award Ceremony of the Yiwu Land Port Cup International Photography Competition


Salon Discussion: Strengthening hub status and jointly seeking BRI integrated development






// 人大重阳    












