An American judge has ruled that Google violates U.S. trade laws by operating its search engine as an illegal monopoly.一名美国法官裁定,谷歌以非法垄断的方式运营其搜索引擎,违反了美国贸易法。 The ruling accuses Google of paying smartphone makers to ensure that Google's search engine is set as the default system on new devices.该裁定指控谷歌向智能手机制造商付费,以确保谷歌的搜索引擎被设置为新设备的默认系统。 The U.S. Justice Department brought the antitrust case against Google's parent company, Alphabet.美国司法部对谷歌母公司Alphabet提起了反垄断诉讼。 U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta said his decision took into account all evidence and statements presented during the trial, which ended in May.美国地方法官阿米特·梅塔说,他的这一判决考虑了审判期间提供的所有证据和陈述,该审判于5月份结束。 When the first part of the trial ended, it was up to Mehta to decide whether any of Google's operations were illegal.该审判的第一阶段结束后,梅塔将判决谷歌的一些操作是否非法。 Mehta wrote in his ruling, "Google is a monopolist, and it has acted as one to maintain its monopoly."梅塔在其裁定中写道:“谷歌是一个垄断者,它一直扮演着垄断者的角色来维持其垄断地位。” Technology experts have estimated Google enjoys control of about 90 percent of the online search market and about 95 percent of smartphones.技术专家估计,谷歌掌控着大约90%的在线搜索市场和大约95%的智能手机市场。 A recent study by the California-based investment company BOND found that Google's search engine processes an estimated 8.5 billion requests per day worldwide.总部位于加州的投资公司BOND最近的一项研究发现,谷歌的搜索引擎每天在全球范围内处理大约85亿个搜索请求。 That result was nearly double the number of daily search requests recorded in 2012.这一结果几乎是2012年记录的每日搜索请求数量的两倍。 Google's online advertising business helps fuel the majority of Alphabet's 307 billion dollars in yearly revenue.谷歌的在线广告业务贡献了Alphabet 3070亿美元年收入的大部分。 The ruling could open the door for a second trial for the court to establish ways for Google to fix its operations to obey current laws.这一裁定可能为该法院进行二审以确定谷歌如何调整其运营以遵守现行法律提供了方便条件。 Some experts say one possible fix could be for Google's current business structure to be broken up.一些专家表示,一个可能的解决方案是拆分谷歌目前的业务结构。 Such changes could greatly reshape the current systems for online advertising.这些变化可能会极大地重塑当前在线广告系统。 Alphabet criticized the court's ruling and said it plans to appeal.Alphabet批评了该法院裁定,并表示计划上诉。 "This decision recognizes that Google offers the best search engine," the company said in a statement.“这一判决就是承认谷歌提供了最好的搜索引擎,”该公司在一份声明中表示。 It added, "however, that the ruling does not permit the company to make it easily available."它补充说:“然而,该判决不允许Alphabet公司使其搜索引擎轻松为人所用。” U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland called the decision "a historic win for the American people".美国司法部长梅里克·加兰德称这一判决是“美国人民的历史性胜利”。 He noted, "no company, no matter how large or influential should remain above the law."他指出,“任何公司,无论规模多大或影响力多大,都不应该凌驾于法律之上。” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre called the decision a "pro-competition ruling" and "a victory for the American people".白宫新闻秘书卡琳·让-皮埃尔称这一判决是“有利于竞争的裁决”和“美国人民的胜利”。 She said she believes all people "deserve an internet that is free, fair, and open for competition".她说,她认为所有人“都应该拥有一个自由、公平和开放竞争的互联网”。 In explaining his ruling, Mehta noted Google had paid 26.3 billion dollars in 2021 alone to make sure its search engine was included as the default system on smartphones and browsers.梅塔在解释其裁定时指出,谷歌仅在2021年就支付了263亿美元,以确保其搜索引擎被包括在智能手机和浏览器的默认系统中。 Such payments, the judge wrote, have permitted Google to keep its strong market share over worldwide internet search.该法官写道,此类费用支付使谷歌能够在全球互联网搜索领域保持其强大市场份额。 Keeping the default position represents a huge business advantage for Google over its competitors, Mehta added.梅塔补充说,谷歌搜索引擎被包括在默认系统中代表着谷歌相对于竞争对手的巨大业务优势。 The judge noted that under the current system, it would be nearly impossible for any other company to secure the same kind of default agreement with smartphone makers.这位法官指出,在现行制度下,任何其他公司几乎都不可能与智能手机制造商达成同样的默认协议。 "Such a deal would require a company willing to pay partners upwards of billions of dollars in revenue sharing," Mehta said.梅塔说:“这样的交易需要一家愿意向合作伙伴支付高达数十亿美元收入分成的公司。” Discussions in court about how Google's operations should change are set to begin on September 6 in Washington D.C.关于谷歌运营应如何改变的法庭讨论将于9月6日在华盛顿特区开始。 The ruling is the first major decision in a series of cases brought against big technology companies in recent years, including Google, Apple, Meta and Amazon.这项裁定是近年来针对大型科技公司提起的一系列案件中的第一项重大判决,这些公司包括谷歌、苹果、Meta和亚马逊。 Those cases involve antitrust, privacy and other issues.这些案件涉及反垄断、隐私和其他问题。 I'm Bryan Lynn.布莱恩·林恩为您播报。