今年6月,故事星球的戏剧老师兼电影导演Anji开设了面向成年人的Monologue Workshop 戏剧独白线上工作坊,每班限额10人,招募已经发出就立刻满员,紧急加开第二期后,一天之内也再度满员……许多家长来询问,什么时候会开面向青少年的组呢?这不,暑假就来啦!7月,在Storyland超受欢迎、创意爆棚的Anji老师和Ice老师,不仅将开设Monologue Workshop,还会开设同样很受欢迎的另外两门主题工作坊:Social Micro Documentary(微型纪录片电影制作课),以及Audio Post Production(超级音乐人之声音制作课),以线上授课的形式展开。每个主题仅开设一组,每组限额10人,年龄要求11岁以上,英文程度为相当于美国小学四年级及以上程度,需进行初步评估。授课平台为Zoom,线上远程,全英文授课,不用出门也可以享受国际级别的大师课堂。这三门课程是Storyland为有志于在国际艺术课程的孩子开设系列课程的第一次尝试。暑期之后,该系列课程还将持续进行。让有志于发展艺术才能,接轨国际艺术教育的孩子更早做好准备。
Monologue, strong dramatic form of self-expression, connecting with the world and deliver your story and message. Usually Monologue is performed by one actor/person and given to the audience in a so call form of “monoplay”.This is a very strong form of expression also because of tension. During 5-10 minutes all concentration is on one person, who is on the stage, on the centre of screen, performing Monologue. During this course we will go through the most interesting elements and parts of Monologue building:Monologue Structure (how to create it?)
Understanding your Voice as very important tool of storytelling
Vocal abilities
Felling & Emotions in your monologue
Performing a speech
“Internal” & “External” Monologue
And much more
Students will work with teacher, experiencing new knowledge, having theory and practice, analysing best examples of monologues and, as a result will create their own Monologue pieces! During the final class the whole group will perform their monologues online! The video recording will be made and after final editing, students will receive their Monologues recorded and edited in a form of short film.
This workshop will let students experience new interesting form of expressing themselves through affordable and accessible filmmaking.New era of digital filmmaking gives young authors opportunity to express them with affordable budget. The main goal here is to be able to express yourself in laconic, short and coherent way. Creative artiste in the internet content age have to open up and work with social media. Online communities, pages, societies and groups - today you can have the whole career life there.Recently, very short, direct stories, so-called “flash fiction” or “ micro-fiction” became very popular. It all started and inspired by short story, written once by E. Hemingway, published in The New Yorker.Students will learn the art of creating short, pointed, concentrated Micro Docs for public pages and social media. The course will involve the most important cinematic and filmmaking techniques in visual narration, as well as documentary writing, arranging and managing the materials. Enter The World of Social Media Micro Documentaries
Pre Producing An Original Micro Doc. Working with information, collecting ideas, story inspiration, arranging materials. Research.
Smartphone Cinematography. Basic techniques, shooting practicum.
Shaping scenario, scriptwriting. Visual narration and storytelling.
Character, Location, Plot. Prepare the shooting. Watching and discussing great examples of micro docs.
Editing and Optimizing for Social Media / Exploring Micro Docs Series and The Ways to work with Montage. Documentary editing as way of thinking.
Working with sound, effects, music, color. Emphasising the strongest parts of your story.
Social disctribution
Individual session with tutor for working together on finalising the project/micro doc
Online Graduation Screening
4)可与Audio Post Production同步学习。
参考作品:Veronica制作的关于明星咖啡连锁品牌星巴克的短纪录片“Starbuck STAR?"This workshop is to educate students and give them a professional understanding of underestimated profession of Music Supervisor and Audio Post Production.Obviously, most of the music for the contemporary Visual Art has been written by music composers but there are plenty of documentaries, advertisement, movies are using music from audio stocks and it is Music Supervisor responsibility to much director’s request of music with whatever is on the music market and obtain a license to place that music in the video product. It is crucial for Music Supervisor to understand how music works, how determine the mood, style of music and genre which will be appropriate for current visual media.The whole courses can be divided into three partsExplanation of variety of music sub genres in movies and documentaries. Providing examples and tools to be able to determine correct genre of music to support picture to express feelings of Sadness, Happiness, Relief, Doubt, Hopelessness, Resentment, Attraction, Sensuality,Love.We will discuss main elements such as Rhythm, Tempo, Harmony and Melody of the music genre which will help students to become more familiar with the music structure.PART II: Music copyrights and licenseIntroduction to a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation)
Basic understanding of the interface and workflow process.
Basic editing skills: Import, Cut, Fades, Levels, Balance, Exporting.
Syncing audio tracks with video content using DAW.
4)可与Social Micro Documentary同步学习。
本期工作坊需要家长为孩子准备笔记本电脑或台式电脑,预先安装Adobe Audition软件,如有条件可开通VPN,以便能够访问Google和其他素材网站。
Anji 的艺术教育背景出色而丰富,曾在New York BLADE Academy of Performing Arts——世界上最好的表演艺术院校之一"Cours Florent" School in Paris学习戏剧与表演。她还在俄罗斯国立电影学院学习电影制片人和编剧,这是世界上最早开设电影学院的院校,同时也是当今世界上最受尊敬的艺术院校。目前Anji正在进行她在法国国际视听和制作中心 CIFAP (Centre International de Formation a L'audiovisual et de Production) 的研究项目。
Anji 已有两部电影短片在国际电影节上获得提名并获奖(“LOVt”,“花园”),刚刚完成大型纪录片“InDance.Italia:Renaissance”,正在筹备自己的下一部电影。
Ice是一名作曲家、声音设计师、音乐制作人,同时也是一名Disc Jockey、节奏制作人,加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)电影制作专业研究生。Ice的本科毕业于被誉为世界最好的音乐制作和Disc Jockey院校,POINT BLANK academy(英国伦敦),专业是作曲及音乐制作。