United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon:Message on World Environment Day
5 June 2016
This year's observance[惯例;遵守;仪式;庆祝] of World Environment Day shines a much-needed spotlight on the illegal trade in wildlife. There is grave[严重的;重大的;严峻的] cause for alarm. Elephants are being slaughtered[屠宰,屠杀] for their ivory[象牙], rhinos['raɪnəʊ][犀牛] for their horns[角;犄角], and pangolins[穿山甲] for their scales[鳞,鳞片]. From sea turtles[海龟] to tigers to rosewood[红木;紫檀], thousands of species of wild animals and plants are being driven ever closer to extinction. The businesses and individuals involved are motivated solely by short-term gain[短期利得/利益] at the expense of long-term benefit to communities and habitats. In many instances, they act in collusion with[串通;与…勾结] transnational organized crime networks and groups actively involved in destabilizing nations.
The United Nations and its many partners have resolved to tackle this illicit[违法的;不正当的] trade, including by setting clear targets to put an end to poaching[非法狩猎]in the Sustainable Development Goals[可持续发展目标], adopted last year by all 193 Member States[成员国]. Last month, at the second United Nations Environment Assembly[第二届联合国环境大会] in Nairobi[内罗比(肯尼亚首都)], we launched a UN "Wild For Life" global campaign, led by the UN Environment Programme[联合国环境规划署] (UNEP), the UN Development Programme[联合国开发计划署] (UNDP), the UN Office on Drugs and Crime[联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室] (UNODC) and the Convention on the International Trade in Wild Species of Fauna and Flora[濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约] (CITES). The campaign asks everyone to pledge to[保证;承诺;发誓] end the illegal trade in wildlife, from ordinary citizens, who can ensure they do not buy prohibited products, to governments, who can pursue change though implementing effective policies to protect species and ecosystems.
联合国和它的许多伙伴决心打击这种非法贸易,为此在去年所有 193个会员国通过的可持续发展目标下制定了终止偷猎的明确的具体目标。上个月,在内罗毕举行的第二届联合国环境大会上,我们发起了由联合国环境规划署(环境署)、联合国开发计划署(开发署)、联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室(毒品和犯罪问题办公室)和濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约(濒危物种公约)牵头的一场联合国全球运动“为生命呐喊”。运动要求不论普通公民还是各国政府,每个人都承诺结束野生动植物非法贸易,普通公民可以确保不购买违禁产品,各国政府则可以通过执行有效政策保护物种和生态系统而寻求变革。
Angola[安哥拉], which is this year's World Environment Day global host, has served notice[(对…)发出正式通知;宣称.声称;宣布] that it will no longer tolerate the sale of illegal wildlife products, and is strengthening legislation and increasing border controls as part of efforts to restore elephant populations that were devastated[毁坏;摧毁] by the country's civil war. Such action sends a strong message that wild species of plants and animals are a precious commodity that must be sustainably managed and protected from illegal trade.
On this World Environment Day, I urge people and governments everywhere to overcome indifference[漠不关心;冷淡], combat greed and act to preserve our natural heritage[自然遗产] for the benefit of this and future generations.