The enemies plundered all the valuable things they could find in the village.
▷plunder ['plʌndə]
【释义】Plunder can mean stolen goods or money obtained illegally, like plunder that thieves hide somewhere, or the act of taking those things — a burglar who plunders the jewelry store.
to from a , during a
(尤指战争期间的)掠夺,抢劫,劫掠After the the , the was plundered by .总统逃出该国后,士兵洗劫了总统府。Tragically, the were plundered and the .不幸的是,那些墓被盗,墓里的东西被弄得七零八落的。
to or something from something, in a way that does not or is more than it need be
骗取;窃取;侵吞,侵占Someone has been plundering from the .有人在盗用公司资金。The of is in if we to plunder it as we do.如果我们继续像现在这样竭泽而渔的话,地球的未来就岌岌可危了。