

2016-09-03 LearnAndRecord

China's reform and opening-up a great process, says Xi

Delivering a keynote speech on Saturday at the Business 20 (B20) summit in Hangzhou, Chinese President Xi Jinping called China's reform and opening-up a great process[改革开放的伟大进程].

Firstly, it is a process of exploration. There has been no precedent in human history for a country with a population of over 1.3 billion to realize modernization, he said.


Secondly, it is a process of action and hard work. China has been firmly taking economic contruction as the center, he said.


Thirdly, it is a process of common prosperity. Development for the people, by the people and to the benefit of the people - is the fundamental purpose of China's reform and opening-up and its modernization drive.


Lastly, it is a process during which China has been walking towards the world and the world has been walking to China, said the president.


China confident, capable of keeping growth at medium-high speed

China stands at a new historical starting point today. This is a starting point for China to develop a comprehensively deepening reform, to continuously push forward economic and social development, to adjust to new normal by transforming development mode, to continuously be open to and have an in-depth interaction with the world.


China has confidence and is capable of keeping growth at a medium to high speed and can bring more opportunity to the world when China develops itself.


China will unswervingly[坚定不移地;矢志不渝;毫不动摇地] carry on a comprehensive reform and exploit a more promising future. China has developed a new normal economy. It is the only route for China's economy to evolve into more advanced pattern, more rational structure and more optimized division of labor.


China must carry out reforms if it wants growth at a medium to high speed. Such growth is not possible if China follows the beaten track[因循守旧]. China will lose great opportunity if it is afraid to step out. The direction of China's reform is clear and will not change. China will march forward courageously without hesitation.


China's reform have entered a difficult time. (But China has to see the reform to the end with courage and determination). China will continuously push forward supply-side structural reform, solve the main contradiction in the current economic development, improve the quality and efficiency of supply system by optimizing the allocation of production factors and adjusting industrial structure, stimulate market's vitality and balanced development.


China will adhere to the system and mechanism of innovation, breaks the existing pattern of interests, promote the rule of law in an all-around way, allow market play a decisive role in the resources allocation and let government better play its role.




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