每日N词 | nemesis-报应,天谴 | 20170115
The fleeing murderer escaped the bullets of two pursuing policeman ran into a third who proved to be his nemesis.
孩子们正为他们中谁是最高的而争吵。 逃跑的罪犯受到警察的追捕,他躲过了两发子弹,但第三发被击中,得到了他应得的惩罚。
▷nemesis ['neməsɪs](n.)
【释义】Use the word nemesis to describe someone or something that always causes you major problems, like the runner on another school's track team who, for years, has been beating your time by a fraction of a second.
(a of) or that is and cannot be
The to be the president's nemesis.提高税收让总统在接下来的选举中自食恶果。
Someone's nemesis is a or thing that is very for them to .
每日N词 | interlude-插曲,间歇 | 20170114