
马克龙大获全胜 欧洲终松一口气

2017-05-09 LearnAndRecord

Macron's victory brings relief 

to some European allies

BRUSSELS, May 8 (Xinhua) -- The election of Emmanuel Macron as French president on Sunday has brought relief to some European allies.

By defeating the National Front's Marine Le Pen, the far-right one[1] who had threatened to take France out of the (EU), the centrist's[2] emphatic victory offers comfort to those who had feared another populist[3]upheaval would follow Britain's vote to quit the EU.



[3]populist: representing or relating to the ideas and opinions of ordinary people 平民主义的;民粹主义的 

a populist manifesto 平民主义宣言 

a populist leader 民粹主义领袖

Macron's win is certainly good news for political supporters of the European project as his program focuses on a deeper integration and better cooperation between the various countries in the EU.

Macron has consistently reasserted the European idea and raised the possibility that France and  will conjure[4] a revival of European idealism.

[4]conjure: to make something appear by magic, or as if by magic 变戏法;用魔法变出;像变魔术般变出 

In an instant, the magician had conjured (up) a dove from his hat. 


*conjure sth up 还有另一个意思: to make a picture or idea appear in someone's mind 想象出;联想起 

The glittering ceremony conjured up images of Russia's imperial past. 


German Chancellor , through her spokesman, immediately hailed Macron's win as[5] a "victory for a strong and united Europe."

[5]hail sb/sth as sth: to praise a person or an achievement by comparing them to someone or something very good 赞扬…为 

She's been hailed as one of the best young dancers today. 


The film was hailed as a masterpiece in its day. 


Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel said Macron's victory was also a "clear rejection" of a "dangerous retreat plan for Europe."

After the victory of Prime Minister Mark Rutte over far-right candidate Geert Wilders in Dutch election, and the recent collapse of the eurosceptic[6] UK Independence Party in the local elections in Britain, France is opting for a "project geared towards better Europe," Michel reckoned.


Macron offers a pro-business, pro-Europe, outward-looking and optimistic vision. He has been among those who advocate the creation of a  budget to be controlled by a eurozone finance minister, and the floating of Eurobonds to boost economic convergence[7] and narrow the EU's north-south gap.

[7]economic convergence(经济趋同性):The idea of convergence in economics (also sometimes known as the catch-up effect) is the hypothesis that poorer economies' per capita incomes will tend to grow at faster rates than richer economies. As a result, all economies should eventually converge in terms of per capita income.

Macron's pro-EU beliefs pose potential problems for British Prime Minister Theresa May and her Brexit negotiators. He does not favor a hard Brexit, but will be a tough negotiator in British talks to leave the EU, according to the French president-elect's chief economic adviser Jean Pisani-Ferry.

Ferry said Britain and Europe shared "mutual interest" in maintaining economic prosperity.

Last year, Macron reacted with dismay to the prospect of Britain leaving the EU, describing the referendum result as a "crime" for which Britain should be punished by a "total exit."

As supportive of the EU as he is, Macron has also warned he would consider pulling France out of the EU if the bloc[8] does not reform.

[8]bloc: a group of countries or people that have similar political interests 集团,阵营(指具有类似政治利益的国家或人的群体) 

The European Union is a powerful trading/trade bloc


the former Eastern/Communist bloc countries 


Denis MacShane, former Europe minister under British ex-prime minister Tony Blair, said, "Macron has put the need to reform and re-energize Europe at the forefront of all his speeches and at his election meeting."

"He has been very hard on Brexit, describing it as a "crime" and saying there can be no concessions to the UK which must not be seen to benefit from Brexit." Giles Merritt, the highly respected Brussels-based EU commentator, said, "Winning a dramatic election victory without the support of a conventional party and with no Members of Parliament points to some significant shifts in France's political landscape."

Next month's legislative elections for the National Assembly will give a clearer guide. If the candidates who will campaign under the banner of Macron's new En Marche (On The Move) movement become a substantial parliamentary bloc, then France's new president will indeed be a trend-setter[9] , said Merritt.

[9]trendsetter: a person, organization, etc. that starts new fashions, especially in clothes (尤指在服饰方面)引领时尚者,开创新潮流者 

They are not only the biggest fast food chain, but also the industry's trendsetter


But a setback for populism doesn't necessarily mean its defeat. Macron's pro-European stance as a presidential candidate now needs to be endorsed by French voters in the coming round of parliamentary elections, and then turned into solid EU policies.











