

2017-05-24 LearnAndRecord

Manchester Concert Bombing: What We Know Tuesday


One day after a bombing at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England, killed at least 22 victims and wounded dozens more, police have identified a suspect: Salman Abedi, 22, who also died in the attack. The Greater Manchester Police says it's investigating whether anyone helped to carry out the attack.

Thousands of people packed[1] Manchester's Albert Square for a vigil[2] Tuesday evening, mourning those who were lost, praising emergency workers for their help and vowing not to be intimidated by the threat of terrorism.

[1]pack: to come or bring together in large numbers or to fill a space 聚集;挤进,塞满 

Thousands of fans are packing into the stadium. 


[2]vigil: an act of staying awake, especially at night, in order to be with a person who is very ill or dying, or to make a protest, or to pray (陪伴病人、祈祷、表达不同政见等的)不眠时间;(尤指)值夜,守夜

Supporters of the peace movement held an all-night candlelit vigil outside the cathedral. 


More than 18,500 people have donated to a fundraising page that the Manchester Evening News set up to benefit victims, which hit the goal of £500,000 ($650,000) in less than 12 hours.

Monday night's concert had drawn thousands of children and young people — many of whom were trying to leave when the blast hit.

On Tuesday morning, some parents were still trying to determine the status of loved ones who were at the American pop singer's show. While an official list of victims has not been released, those who died include an 8-year-old girl, an 18-year-old college student and a man in his late 20s. Nearly 60 people had injuries severe enough that they were taken to hospitals.

Authorities have made at least one arrest. On Tuesday, the Greater Manchester Police tweeted, "With regards to last night's incident at the Manchester arena, we can confirm we have arrested a 23-year-old man in South Manchester."

ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack, via a statement issued Tuesday that promises more bloodshed, according to jihadist-monitoring group SITE. It's not yet known what kind of ties the bomber may have had with the group.

Here's a roundup[3] of the latest information and the facts that have been gathered so far:

[3]roundup:  In journalism, especially television or radio, a roundup of news is a summary of the main events that have happened.(尤指电视或广播的)新闻摘要,内容提要 [可数名词]

We'll also have an election roundup from the streets of New York to the Via Veneto.


The attack

The explosion struck an area between Manchester Arena and the adjacent Victoria Train Station. Police say the first report came in at 10:33 p.m. local time — a time that seems to have been chosen because it meant crowds of concertgoers were starting to head home from the arena, which seats around 21,000.

After the large blast struck, chaos took over at the arena. 

"A bang went off, and everyone stopped and screamed. ... We basically hit the deck," witness Josh Elliott told BBC Radio 5 Live. "It was bedlam[4] ... it was horrific. We got up when we thought it was safe and got out as quickly as possible. People were just crying and in tears. ... Police cars were everywhere."

[4]bedlam: a noisy situation with no order 喧闹,混乱喧闹的场面[不可数名词]

It was bedlam at the football stadium after the match was suspended. 


The morning after the bombing, emergency response personnel were still working in the area of the attack, police said in urging people to stay away from the arena.

On Tuesday morning, a security alert prompted an evacuation[5] at the city's Arndale shopping center, further rattling[6] nerves in Manchester. Police say a man was arrested, adding, "This is not currently believed to [be] connected to last night's attacks."

[5]evacuate: to move people from a dangerous place to somewhere safe (把人从危险的地方)撤离,撤出,疏散,转移 

The police evacuated the village shortly before the explosion. 


[6]rattle: If something or someone rattles you, they make you nervous 使紧张;使不安

The news from Body Shop rattled the rest of the retail sector.


Reactions in Manchester

"We are grieving today, but we are strong," Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham said Tuesday. A huge crowd gathered in the city's Albert Square for a vigil that began at 6 p.m. local time.

At the vigil, the crowd gave a loud ovation[7] after hearing poet Tony Walsh read his ode to Manchester titled, "This Is The Place." They also observed[8] a moment of silence for the victims and their families.

[7]ovation: an occasion when a crowd of people expresses great enjoyment and/or approval of something with loud and long clapping 欢呼;热烈鼓掌 

She was given a standing ovation (= the crowd stood up while they clapped) at the end of her speech. 


[8]observe: to obey a law, rule, or custom 遵守,奉行(法律、规则或习俗)

The old people in the village still observe the local traditions. 


"This is an unbelievable turnout[9]" Bishop of Manchester David Walker said of the huge crowd. "It shows that they are the few, but we are the many. We are Manchester."

[9]turnout: the number of people who are present at an event, especially the number who go to vote at an election 到场人数;(尤指)投票人数 

Good weather on polling day should ensure a good turnout


Walker added, "We are the successful world city we are because people have come from all parts of the world, and we have welcomed them, and they have made their homes here — and they have become Manchester, too."

The attack sparked a "high response" from people wanting to donate blood, prompting the National Health Service to say, "We have all the blood required at the present time." The agency had initially asked for potential donors to register but then cut off new registrations, again citing an overwhelming response.

"A lot of people are coming and bringing sandwiches and pastries, and showing their support," Soraya reports. "There definitely is a solidarity here and a protectiveness and also a resilience."

British education officials say the attacks could have wide effects at schools, and that teachers should take students' reactions into account in deciding whether to hold exams.

While the area around the attack remains cordoned off[10] , police said Tuesday, "We want to remind people that Manchester will not be defeated — the city is open for business."

[10]cordon off: If police or soldiers cordon off an area, they prevent people from entering or leaving it, usually by forming a line or ring.(设置警戒线)包围,警戒,封锁  

Police cordoned off part of the city centre.








