

2017-06-04 LearnAndRecord


英国首相特蕾莎·梅就伦敦恐袭事件发表讲话表示:Enough is enough!


Statement on London Bridge and Borough Market terror attacks

Jun 04, 2017 03:58 BST

Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley said:

“Since late yesterday evening [Saturday, 3 June], the Metropolitan Police Service[1] has been responding to incidents in the London Bridge and Borough Market areas of south London. We are treating this as a terrorist incident and a full investigation is already underway, led by the Met's Counter Terrorism Command.

[1]Metropolitan Police Service 伦敦警察厅,直译意为“首都警务机构”,伦敦警方官方网站的中文名称则为伦敦都市警部,是英国首都大伦敦地区的警察机关。

“You will understand that our knowledge of the incident is still growing but what we understand at the present time is:

  • At 22:08hrs yesterday evening we began to receive reports that a vehicle had struck pedestrians on London Bridge.

  • The vehicle continued to drive from London Bridge to Borough Market.

  • The suspects then left the vehicle and a number of people were stabbed, including an on-duty British Transport Police officer who was responding to the incident at London Bridge. He received serious but not life-threatening injuries. His family has been informed.

  • Armed officers responded very quickly and bravely, confronting three male suspects who were shot and killed in Borough Market. The suspects had been confronted and shot by the police within eight minutes of the first call. The suspects were wearing what looked like explosive vests but these were later established to be hoaxes[2].

[2]hoax:a plan to deceive someone, such as telling the police there is a bomb somewhere when there is not one, or a trick 恶作剧,骗局

The bomb threat turned out to be a hoax.


· 晚10时08分,警方接到报告,一辆汽车在伦敦桥上冲撞行人。同时还接到报告称,博罗市场发生持刀伤人事件,警方马上响应,并在现场向犯罪嫌疑人开火。

· 此外,也对沃克斯豪尔区也生的事件进行了响应。

· 6月4日,0时25分,发生在伦敦桥和博罗市场的事件被宣布为恐袭事件。

· 发生在沃克斯豪尔的伤人事件与其他两起事件无关。

“The ongoing operation is led by the Met, working closely with British Transport Police, City of London Police, the London Ambulance Service and the London Fire Brigade.

[3]the London Fire Brigade 伦敦消防队

“At this stage, we believe that six people have died in addition to the three attackers shot dead by police. And at least 20 casualties have been taken to six hospitals across London.

“I'd like to repeat our request for the public to avoid the following areas: London Bridge and Borough Market. This is to allow emergency services to deal with this incident.

“The investigation is being led by the Counter Terrorism Command and we would ask anybody who has images or film of the incident to pass those to police by uploading it at www.ukpoliceimageappeal.co.uk.

“Our thoughts are with all those involved and those responding to both incidents. Those who are concerned about a loved one can contact the Casualty Bureau on 0800 0961 233.

“We are reviewing and planning to strengthen our policing stance across London over the forthcoming days, and there will be additional police and officers deployed across the Capital.

“I would like to ask the public to remain vigilant[4] and let us know if they see anything suspicious that causes them concern and dial 999 immediately.”


[4]vigilant:always being careful to notice things, especially possible danger 警觉的;警戒的;警惕的

Following the bomb scare at the airport, the staff have been warned to be extra vigilant.


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