每日N词 | sheer-mania | 20170627
For a student with an A average to quit school two months before graduation is sheer mania.
▷sheer [ʃɪr](adj.)
【释义】If people can see through your shirt, it's sheer. This can also mean something steep, like a cliff, or anything extreme, like sheer nerve.
used to emphasize how very great, important, or powerful a quality or feeling is; nothing except
The suggestion is sheer nonsense.这个建议纯粹是胡言乱语。
extremely steep; almost vertical
a sheer mountain side陡峭的山坡
Sheer clothing or material is so thin, light, and delicate that you can see through it.
sheer nylon tights透明尼龙连裤袜
▷mania ['meɪniə](n.)
【释义】Mania is an extreme interest, desire, or craze. If you dye your dog's fur to match the colors of your favorite football team, you might be suffering from sportsmania.
a very strong interest in something that fills a person's mind or uses up all their time
So why your sudden mania for exercise?你为什么突然热衷于锻炼了?
a state in which someone directs all their attention to one particular thing
Van Gogh suffered from acute persecution mania.凡‧高患有严重的被害妄想症。
a state of extreme physical and mental activity, often involving a loss of judgment and periods of euphoria
每日N词 | kleptomania-偷窃狂,盗窃癖 | 20170626