
「BBC」小米正式递交上市申请 究竟值多少钱?

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

Xiaomi launches $10bn Hong Kong stock market listing

2018年 5 月 3 日,小米公司正式向香港证券交易所提交招股说明书,成立了 8 年的小米终于正式开启上市之路。

Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi has filed to list[1] on Hong Kong stock market, in a move that is expected to raise up to $10bn (£7.5bn).

[1]listto make a company's shares available on a particular financial market (公司)上市

Last year, eight new companies were listed on the Lahore stock exchange.


The stock market flotation[2] will be the world's biggest debut in 2018, and the largest since fellow China tech giant Alibaba's raised $25bn in 2014.

[2]flotationan occasion when a company's shares are sold to the public for the first time (公司股票的)发行

The Glasgow-based company is to launch a stock market flotation this summer.


Xiaomi has bounced back after admitting last year it had grown too quickly.

As well as China, it is a major player in India where it rivals Samsung to be the most the popular handset maker.

[3]bounce backto start to be successful again after a difficult period, for example after experiencing failure, loss of confidence, illness, or unhappiness 恢复;恢复元气;重振旗鼓

Last year the Xiaomi moved into the Spain market and reports suggest it is also looking to get into the US to take on Apple.

While it has not revealed how much it is hoping to raise in the initial public offering (IPO)*, the analyst estimate of $10bn would value the firm at just short of $100bn.

*IPO:initial public offering (the act of selling shares in a company for the first time)(公司股票的)首次公开发行,上市

The decision to choose to list in Hong Kong is a boost for the territory. It has just changed its stock market rules to try and attract more tech firms as it competes against other markets such as New York and Shanghai.

Xiaomi announced the plans as it revealed sales of 114.62bn yuan (£13.2bn; $18bn) in 2017, up 68% compared with the previous year. However it made a net loss of 43.9bn yuan compared with a net profit of 491.6bn yuan in 2016 as it continues to burn through[4] cash.

[4]burn through sthto spend money quickly

招股说明书披露的数据显示了它的成长性:2015 年,小米的经营收入达到 668.11 亿元,而在传说中困难的 2016 年,小米仍实现了 684.34 亿元的总收入。到了 2017 年,小米的营收几乎翻了一倍,达到了 1146 .25 亿元。与此同时,小米的盈利也逐年增长:2015 年小米亏损 3.03 亿元, 2016 年实现净利润 18.9 亿元,2017 年经调整未经审核的净利润达到了 53.6 亿元。

Besides smartphones, Xiaomi makes other internet-connected home appliances and gadgets, including air purifiers and rice cookers. Currently most of its profits come from internet services, and it has set up apps offering music and other entertainment like Chinese rival Tencent.

"We have changed how hundreds of millions of people live, and we will become a part of the lives of billions of people globally in the future," co-founder Lei Jun wrote in the prospectus for the flotation.







