

LR君 LearnAndRecord 2020-10-07


A Chinese music-video app is making WeChat sweat

Tik Tok has become the world’s most downloaded iPhone app, barring games

○trill 可作动词也可作名词,表示“发出抖动的声音(如字母 r 的音)”,或者“颤音”,也可以指鸟叫声“啼啭,唧唧啾啾”。而“seeker”表示“寻找者;追求者;探求者”,如“求职者 job seeker”,这里的trill-seeker想表达的是热衷于「抖音」这个应用的人们。

○make someone sweat: sweat 汗水、流汗,这里引申为“让某人焦急、烦恼”。举个🌰 It seemed that the authorities had delayed the news just to make us sweat. 当局推迟发布新闻似乎就是要让我们着急。

○barring 表示“除非,除了…以外”,unless something happens,举个🌰 Barring a miracle, he won't walk again. 除非出现奇迹,他是不可能再行走了。

○Tik Tok是抖音国际版的英文名,如今在iPhone应用商店里已经是除了游戏之外,下载量最高的一款应用了。

music-video app 音乐视频App

○short-video app 短视频App

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A PUBLIC spat between two warring and wildly popular Chinese apps has had the feel of a teenage dance-off.


○warring意思是“交战的,敌对的”,举个🌰 交战的各方 warring factions/parties

○dance-off的英文解释为:A competition, or a round in a competition, in which a number of dancers compete against each other until a winner is declared. 可以理解为“斗舞”或者“尬舞”,想要表达的意思应该是微信和抖音两大巨头之间的“交战”让人感觉像是小孩子间在玩闹“斗舞”一样。

“Sorry, Douyin Fans”, ran an article from the short-video app on its WeChat account, in which it accused the mobile-messaging service of disabling links to Douyin's most popular videos.



○run [熟词僻义] 在文中“run an article”的意思是“发表;刊登;播放”,举个🌰 The company is running a series of advertisements in national newspapers. 公司正在全国性报纸上刊登一系列广告。

○disable links 封杀/封禁链接

“All hail Douyin the drama queen,” retorted Tencent, WeChat's parent, which said it had acted because the content was “inappropriate”.

○戏精怎么说?经济学人告诉你“drama queen”:表示的是a person who tends to react to every situation in an overdramatic or exaggerated manner 作秀行家;小题大做的人,反应激烈夸张的人,举个🌰 You're such a drama queen! It's no big deal. 你太小题大做了!这不是什么大不了的事情。

○Wechat's parent 这里的parent很明了,就是“创始的 (组织); 母 (公司)”,那么Douyin's parent是谁呢?下一段告诉你,Bytedance 字节跳动(公司)。


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On June 1st Tencent sued Douyin's parent company, Bytedance, for 1 yuan (15 cents) and demanded it apologise for its accusations—on its own platforms (and presumably without the snark). Tencent also alleged unfair competition. Within hours Douyin counter-sued for 90m yuan.


○snark:critical comments that are made in order to hurt someone's feelings; a comment of this type 刻意中伤的批评

Bytedance and Tencent later swapped accusations of tolerating smear campaigns against the other on their apps, and filed police reports about defamatory posts.


○smear campaign: a deliberate plan to tell untrue stories about an important person in order to make people lose respect for them – used especially in newspapers 抹黑行动〔指蓄意诽谤重要人物以损害其名声的行为,尤用于报纸上〕,也可以用“smear tactic”或者直接是“smear”。


○defamatory 形容词,表示“诽谤的”(Speech or writing that is defamatory is likely to damage someone's good reputation by saying something bad and untrue about them.) 举个🌰 The article was highly defamatory. 这篇文章充满诽谤。

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Rarely has an upstart so piqued Tencent, a Chinese gaming and social-media titan which in November became Asia's first company worth over half-a-trillion dollars.

○upstart: 指的是“目中无人的新人[年轻人];自命不凡的家伙”someone who behaves as if they were more important than they really are and who shows a lack of respect towards people who are more experienced or older,举个🌰 a cheeky young upstart 一个无礼的后生小子

Rarely has an upstart so piqued Tencent, ... 这里是rarely否定副词放句首引导的倒装句,正常语序应该是An upstart has rarely so piqued Tencent, ...

其中pique是“使生气;使愤恨;使恼怒”的意思。此外,pique还可以表示“激起(某人)的好奇心/兴趣(等等)pique sb's curiosity, interest, etc.  举个🌰 The noise continued, piquing her curiosity. 那种声音没有停,激起了她的好奇心。

titan 意思是“巨人,大力士;泰斗,大师”(If you describe someone as a titan of a particular field, you mean that they are very important and powerful or successful in that field)

对比前两天在(泰国被困洞穴少年们后来怎么样了?)学过的另一个词 luminary也是有类似含义“方家; 大师; 泰斗”(If you refer to someone as a luminary, you mean that they are an expert in a particular subject or activity.)

At first blush WeChat and Douyin (which translates as “trill”) appear to inhabit distinct worlds.

○at first blush乍一看”的意思。微信和抖音两个Apps好像完全不搭嘎?一个是提供即时通讯的应用,一个是提供短视频娱乐应用。

The former is a super-app in which more than 1bn users not only chat but also order food, give to charity and pay utility bills.


订餐 order food

捐款(慈善) give to charity

付水电费 pay utility bills ...

Douyin is a bottomless, eclectic feed of looped 15-second videos, a cross between Snapchat, Vine (now defunct) and Musical.ly, which Bytedance bought in November. The clips, shot by users, range from a dexterous noodle-maker in Chongqing to a shimmying peacock in a bamboo grove, all set to music.

bottomless 表示“无穷无尽的;取之不尽的事物; 无底洞

○eclectic: 近义词是“diverse”,意思是“兼收并蓄的;博采众长的”(including a mixture of many different things or people, especially so that you can use the best of all of them),举个🌰 galleries with an eclectic range of styles and artists 收藏各个流派和艺术家作品的美术馆

○feed一词,或者你可能听过“feed流”这样的说法,熟悉互联网行业的人可能会比较了解,实际上就是持续向用户提供内容更新的信息流,比如朋友圈,微博,以及这里说的抖音这种形式,你可以以时间线或者兴趣度一条一条地往下刷或者说阅读。可以看下Web feed或者News feed的英文解释:a data format used for providing users with frequently updated content.

○dexterous /'dekst(ə)rəs/ 意思是“〔手法〕灵活的,灵巧的

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○Different though the services are, ... 这里是though引导的让步状语从句,形容词different前置的倒装,强调了两个Apps尽管所提供的服务不同,但是...。同时,这里提到了我们上一段所说的,今日头条的newsfeed机制

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○feat: something that is an impressive achievement, because it needs a lot of skill, strength etc to do 业绩,功绩,壮举

○outfit: You can refer to an organization as an outfit. 这里表示“机构”,举个🌰 He works for a private security outfit. 他在一家私人保安公司工作。

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○resuscitate: 意思是“使复兴,复活”If you resuscitate something, you cause it to become active or successful again. 举个🌰 He has submitted a bid to resuscitate the weekly magazine. 他已经竞标以使那个周刊起死回生。

○angst: 这里是“焦虑不安,烦恼”的意思,英文解释为:strong feelings of anxiety and unhappiness because you are worried about your life, your future, or what you should do in a particular situation.

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oomph /ʊmf; uːmf/ 作为名词,表示“精力,活力”(a quality that makes something attractive and exciting and that shows energy),举个🌰 It's not a bad song, but it needs more oomph. 这首歌还不错,但还需要更多的活力。

○hardly lost its oomph 几乎没有失去活力,微信还“活”得好好的!后面给出证据了:单单一个微信就占了去年全国34%的移动数据流量。

早在2014年经济学人一篇讲述美国经济的文章就用过lose oomph”已经失去活力来形容美国经济。

○ire 就是“愤怒”anger 的意思

private message / private-messaging function 站内消息/ 私信

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○lose its innovative edge 失去创新优势/能力

○register在这里的意思是“受到注意;注意到,记住”实际上就是realize或者notice的意思,举个🌰 She had told me her name before, but I guess it didn't register. 她以前告诉过我她的名字,不过我好像没在意。

○window [熟词僻义] 在文中不是“窗户”的意思,而是表示“转瞬即逝的机会,短暂的时机”a short period of time that is available for a particular activity (window of opportunity),举个🌰 Delay might open a window of opportunity for their rivals. 延期也许会给他们的对手带来可乘之机。

○window for a counter-attack 反攻,反击的机会

○naysayer: 表示“爱唱反调的人;反对者;否定者”,someone who says something is not possible, is not good, or will fail

○treatise: 它的意思是a serious book or article about a particular subject 专著,专题论文,这里指的就是《腾讯没有梦想》这篇“文章”,阅读量高过了百万。

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