

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

今年1月份闹得沸沸扬扬的「世界首富亚马逊CEO要离婚」一事你还记得吗?近日,杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)和妻子麦肯齐(MacKenzie Bezos)同时在推特上公布了相应的离婚“条款”。

麦肯齐(MacKenzie)仅保留两人原先共有亚马逊股份的25%(市值约360亿美元),剩余的75%给了前夫贝佐斯(Bezos),此外,两人共有的华盛顿邮报(The Washington Post)、蓝色起源(Blue Origin)等公司股份全部也都给了贝佐斯。因此,贝佐斯仍稳居世界首富的宝座。

Why MacKenzie Bezos Only Got 25 Percent of Ex-Husband Jeff's Fortune in $137 Billion Divorce

MacKenzie Bezos is walking away with $36 billion from her high-profile divorce to Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos, but that amount is just a small fraction of his fortune.
MacKenzie, 48, received 25 percent of her ex's massive wealth when the two finalized their divorce agreement on Thursday, three months after announcing they were separating.

walk away

表示“(从困境中)脱身,一走了之”,英文解释为“to stop being involved in a situation because it is difficult to deal with or does not give you any advantages”举个🌰:

You can't just walk away from a marriage at the first sign of a problem.



表示“引人注目的,备受关注的;经常出镜(或见报)的;高姿态的”,英文解释为“attracting a lot of attention and interest from the public and newspapers, television, etc.”如:a high-profile public figure 一位备受关注的公众人物。


表示“最终确定(计划、协议等),把(计划、日期等)最后定下”,英文解释为“If you finalize something such as a plan or an agreement, you complete the arrangements for it, especially by discussing it with other people.”举个🌰:

We'll finalize the details later.


For his part, Bezos, 55, remains the richest person in the world post-divorce with a net worth of about $110 billion, according to Forbes. Bezos' net worth pre-split was estimated at $137 billion.
But why is MacKenzie only receiving a quarter of Bezos' fortune? The answer lies in how they divided their assets.
The Amazon chief is retaining 75 percent of the former couple's Amazon shares, which is about 12 percent of the company, while MacKenzie, a book author, is keeping roughly 4 percent, according to The New York Times.


离婚前,夫妻双方共拥有亚马逊共计16%的股份。离婚后,麦肯齐(MacKenzie)仅保留其中的25%或者说四分之一(a quarter),即16%×25%=4%,剩余75%归贝佐斯(Bezos)所有,即16%×75%=12%

MacKenzie revealed details of what assets they had divided, writing she had given Bezos all of her interest in The Washington Post and his space company Blue Origin.
“Grateful to have finished the process of dissolving my marriage with Jeff with support from each other and everyone who reached out to us in kindness, and looking forward to the next phase as co-parents and friends,” she tweeted.


表示“解散;解除;终止(婚姻关系或业务协议)”,英文解释为“When a marriage or business arrangement is dissolved, it is officially ended.”举个🌰:

Their marriage was dissolved in 2019.



· dissolve into tears/laughter表示“情不自禁地哭/笑了起来”(to suddenly start to cry or laugh)举个🌰:

When he saw her picture, he dissolved into tears.


She continued, “Happy to be giving him all of my interests in the Washington Post and Blue Origin, and 75% of our Amazon stock plus voting control of my shares to support his continues contributions with the teams of these incredible companies.”
“Excited about my own plans,” she added. “Grateful for the past as I look forward to what comes next.


MacKenzie, a book author, is now one of the richest women in the world, according to The Washington Post. She follows behind the $54 billion fortune of L'Oreal heiress Francoise Bettencourt Meyers and the $44 billion wealth held by Alice Walton.
She is almost tied in third place with Mars candy company heiress Jacqueline Badger Mars, who has a net worth of $37 billion.


heiress /ˈɛərɪs/表示“(大笔财产的)女继承人”,英文解释为“a woman who will receive or has received a lot of money or property after the death of an older member of her family”。

tie/be tied

表示“(在比赛或竞赛中双方)得分相同,打成平局”,英文解释为“If two players, teams etc tie or are tied in a game or competition, they finish it with an equal number of points”举个🌰:

We tied (for first place) in the English test.


注:据华盛顿邮报介绍,离婚后的麦肯齐将成排名世界第三的女富豪,和玛氏食品(Mars)创始人的孙女Jacqueline Badger Mars并列第三,仅次于欧莱雅集团的继承者Francoise Bettencourt Meyers和沃尔玛创始人的长女爱丽丝·沃尔顿(Alice Walton)。

MacKenzie and Bezos announced their divorce in January through a joint statement after 25 years of marriage and four children together.
A source told PEOPLE in January, Bezos and MacKenziegrew apart without even knowing it.
Added the insider, “Jeff is so busy in many areas where he is communicating with all kinds of people and traveling. On the other hand, MacKenzie is low-key, writing fiction and working on other projects while raising their children.”


表示“有节制的;低调的”,英文解释为“If you say that something is low-key, you mean that it is on a small scale rather than involving a lot of activity or being made to seem impressive or important.”举个🌰:

The wedding will be a very low-key affair.



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