

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26
《亲爱的,热爱的》(Go Go Squid),2019年中国偶像剧,改编自《蜜汁炖鱿鱼》。Go Go Squid! is a 2019 Chinese television series based on the novel Stewed Squid with Honey.

'Cinderella stories' hold staying power in modern age
China Daily
As the summer heat keeps people inside and glued to their TV screens, this season presents a golden opportunity to show off the best Chinese TV dramas.


源自欧洲童话,美丽的灰姑娘(Cinderella)受两个丑陋的姐姐虐待,被迫白干所有活儿,直至后来,才遇上了白马王子并与之缔结良缘。表示“”,英文解释为“From the European fairy tale about a beautiful girl, Cinderella , who was treated in a cruel way by her two ugly sisters. She had to do all the work and received no reward or thanks until she met and married Prince Charming.”

Cinderella还有另一个含义,表示”未得到应有注意的人(或事物)”,英文解释为“a person or thing that has been ignored and deserves to receive more attention”举个🌰:

For years radio has been the Cinderella of the media world.


staying power

表示“耐力,持久力”,英文解释为“the ability or energy to continue doing something difficult until it is finished”如:a team with staying power 有耐力的一支球队。

类似的:stamina /ˈstæmɪnə/

表示“持久力,耐力,毅力”,英文解释为“physical or mental strength that lets you continue doing something for a long time without getting tired”举个🌰:

You need stamina to be a long-distance runner.


be glued to sth

表示“全神贯注地盯着…看,目不转睛地看”,英文解释为“to be unable to stop watching something”举个🌰:

We were glued to the television watching the election results come in.


Last year, the inspiring story of the heroine Wei Yingluo rising from a lowly maidservant to a royal concubine made the period drama The Story of Yanxi Palace the most Googled TV show of 2018. This year, a modern romance series titled Go Go Squid is likely to follow suit.


表示“女佣,女仆”,英文解释为“a female servant”。


表示“(旧时的)妾,姨太太,小老婆”,英文解释为“a woman in the past who lived with and had sex with a man who already had a wife or wives, but who was socially less important than the wives”。

period drama

表示“历史剧”,英文解释为“a drama set in a particular historical period”。


follow suit

表示“仿效”,英文解释为“to do the same thing as someone else”举个🌰:

When one airline reduces its prices, the rest soon follow suit.


Starring actress Yang Zi and actor Li Xian, the 42-episode drama provides a blueprint on how to woo the ideal boyfriend.


表示“追求(异性);求爱”,英文解释为“to try to persuade a woman to love him and marry him”。

Yang plays the role of Tong Nian, a talented online singer who falls in love at first sight with a cybersecurity professional named Han Shangyan played by Li. From their "meet-cute" at an internet café to their interactions in daily life, the couple has given many viewers an example of a perfect relationship.

meet cute

美丽的邂逅,In film and television, a meet cute is a scene in which the two people who will form a future romantic couple meet for the first time, typically under unusual, humorous, or "cute" circumstances.

Since its July 9 debut on Zhejiang TV and Dragon TV, Go Go Squid has aroused heated discussion on Chinese social media. For instance, the show's official hashtag has been viewed more than 12 billion times on Sina Weibo, China's Twitter-like social media platform.

Two broadcast stations have also changed their official Weibo logos to the posters of the drama, an unprecedented bid for higher ratings and appeal to a wider audience.

And just like Jamie Dornan in the film Fifty Shades of Grey, Li has become the latest "McDreamy" for viewers in China. It is no exaggeration to see many young Chinese women have shown their admiration for the actor on social media.


Fifty Shades of Grey is a 2015 American erotic romantic drama film directed by Sam Taylor-Johnson, with a screenplay by Kelly Marcel.


Jamie Dornan as Christian Grey, a 27-year-old billionaire, entrepreneur, and CEO of Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.

McSteamy and McDreamy

McDreamy [mik-dreem-ee]

来源于《实习医生格雷》(Grey's Anatomy),指的是:(Grey's AnatomyA man who is charming, devilishly handsome and basically the kinda guy every girl goes to sleep dreaming about.

还有另一个词叫:McSteamy [mik-steem-ee],

Based on the nicknames for two characters from the TV show Grey’s Anatomy, McDreamy is a colloquial term for a handsome man who would make an ideal husband while a McSteamy is his sexy, lothario counterpart.

When discussing attractive males, some men and women use the term McDreamy to refer to a responsible, caring, nice guy, whereas McSteamy would be the rebel who seduces one into a torrid love affair.

Many males think those female fans are crazy, and wonder why what they see as an unrealistic love story would touch the hearts of so many women. But sometimes men just don't understand the power of the "Cinderella story".

Everlasting appeal

Let's turn back the clock to the early 2000s, when the megahit drama Meteor Garden featured a cast of young idols. Many people in younger generations have precious memories of that show. I still remember nearly all my female classmates arguing who was the coolest man on the show during breaks.


meteor /ˈmiːtɪə/ 表示“流星”,英文解释为“a piece of rock or metal that travels through space, and makes a bright line in the night sky when it falls down towards the Earth”。

《流星花园》英文译名:Meteor Garden

Meteor Garden is a 2001 drama starring Barbie Shu, Jerry Yan, Vic Zhou, Vanness Wu and Ken Chu. It is loosely based on Japanese shōjo manga series Boys Over Flowers (花より男子 Hana Yori Dango) by Yoko Kamio.

No one imagined such a romance would have such cultural influence with the Chinese mainland and Asia as a whole. But to my mind that's the beginning of the Chinese Cinderella story on the small screen.

In subsequent years, an endless stream of similar romance dramas has emerged, and many of which have broken ratings records. From Frog Prince in 2005 to Romantic Princess in 2007 to Fated to Love You in 2008, Chinese TV watchers have yet to get bored with the classic story of an ordinary woman winning the affection of powerful men.

《王子变青蛙》The Prince Who Turns into a Frog/ Frog Prince
《公主小妹》Romantic Princess
《命中注定我爱你》Fated to Love You

Why do these romances maintain their appeal?

Firstly, more often than not male characters in those dramas come from rich or powerful families. They boast perfect academic backgrounds and enjoy high status in society. They are born to be winners and their suitors are standing in line — metaphorically speaking. However, most are lonely and have slightly off-kilter personalities, and they often put true love before family background and personal gain. Under such circumstances, a pure and kind woman from an ordinary family can get their attention and ignite their curiosity. Because of this setting, many women develop empathy for the female protagonist, and they often put themselves in her shoes.

more often than not

表示“往往,多半;通常,常常,一般”,英文解释为“most of the time”举个🌰:

More often than not, a student will come up with the right answer.



表示“求婚者”,英文解释为“a man who wants to marry a particular woman”。


表示“拥有(值得自豪的东西)”,英文解释为“to have or own something to be proud of”举个🌰:

Ireland boasts beautiful beaches, great restaurants, and friendly locals.



表示“奇特的,奇异的”,英文解释为“unusual in a strange or interesting way”,如:her off-kilter sense of humour 她那奇特的幽默感。

Secondly, most of the male characters appear to be perfect boyfriends — but not every girl can win them over. Therefore, when "Cinderella" decides to pursue her "Mr. Right", the love journey might not be so smooth. The onscreen couple may encounter all kinds of challenges and difficulties, but when the happy ending finally comes most viewers will be pleased and assume everyone lives happily ever after.

Last but not least, most audiences are often faced with great pressure in daily life. Most just want to see a warm and encouraging story in their spare time, and doing so is a perfect way to relax and free themselves from the fetters of the real world. After all, there's nothing wrong with seeking a little comfort.


有脚镣的意思,通常用复数,此处指“桎梏;束缚;羁绊”,英文解释为“something that severely limits you”,如:the fetters of motherhood 为人母的束缚。

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