

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


How to manage your time more effectively?


Five golden rules of time management

The Guardian

Time management is a contentious subject. Many of the prescriptions of experts and consultants can be both counter-intuitive and critical of how workplaces are actually governed. Its maxims tend to take issue with micro-management and call for people to take control of their own time, work and personal lives. Ultimately, time management is a personal goal process, but there are a few key areas which everyone should consider. These five golden rules are designed for both entrepreneurs and their staff and should help you to become more productive than ever.

The to-do list

Every successful time manager has a to-do list of some sort and entrepreneurs are no exception. Sir Richard Branson believes in lists so much that he adorned the inner sleeves of his biography with them. To-do lists are typically done daily and are meant to help us focus on what's urgent and important. Time management expert and business consultant Mike Gardner recommends writing a to-do list at the same time every day. "It's generally agreed that they should be done at the same time every day, for me it's the night before," he says. To-do lists are great for left-brain logical types, but for some they can be a problem. However, an action list of three things, which can only be done by the individual, should work for most people, he says. "I recommend that people write down three things they want to achieve and focus on those first. Take it as far as you can and then move on to the next thing."

One task at a time

Concentration works best when it is focused on a task in hand. Constant interruptions break our train of thought and increase the time it takes to do tasks. It's not always possible to prevent every interruption, but don't float between tasks. Also, try to limit distractions and persuade others to leave you alone when you're busy. "A two minute phone call takes away about 15 minutes of productivity if it interrupts an important task, similarly emails are very distracting," says Gardner. "I recommend only checking emails three times per day, in the morning, midday and evening. Also, I let calls go to voicemail if I am busy. In truth most people can do this. We wouldn't respond if we were in a meeting or at the hospital, so it is doable. Often it's about training others as to how you work and taking control," says Gardner.

Automate where possible

With online tools emerging all the time, our existing working practices quickly become old-fashioned. A regular review of your current methods might well reveal ways of improving efficiency through automation. "If you've done it more than three times then create a system to do it for you," advises Nicola Bird, CEO and founder of online coaching company Jigsawbox. Bird built up her company while also raising a family and is a strong advocate of simplifying life wherever possible. Her company uses a range of easy to operate systems to handle emails, follow up on sales and handle admin. All systems must also undergo the 'Tilly Test' (named after Bird's young daughter), which means they must be so simple that even a child could understand them. "If you automate your income streams you can focus on the important things in life," she says.

Parkinson's law

"Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion," declared British civil servant Cyril Parkinson. It's a point which many have taken exception to over the years, but there does seem to be some truth in it. It's remarkable how much we can all achieve when pushed, so cut down on your workload by slashing the time spent doing it. Gardner reckons that if we really enjoy a task we tend to stretch out the time it takes to complete it and there's a great deal of procrastination in the workplace. "Sometimes we should say: 'that's good enough'. It's not that we should not do good work, but that often we achieve 80 % of the task in 20% of the time we spend doing it. The rest of the time is spent attempting to perfect it, when really we should stick to time limits and complete the task."

Take a break

The final rule of time management is the most paradoxical of them all - do nothing. If we work around the clock, we become less productive, creative and prone to making costly mistakes. Everyone needs sleep, some time off and a little time to step back and think about things. Angela Muir, head of leadership and people practice at Ashridge Business School, says all business owners need to take breaks, although the exact amount of time required is a personal decision. "There's no 'one size fits all' approach for holidays, the key things are about autonomy and control," she says. Muir also says that business owners that get too sucked into the world of work can dramatically reduce their effectiveness. A lack of sleep can reduce productivity by as much as 80% and mistakes are bound to follow.

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Five golden rules of time management

The Guardian

Time management is a contentious subject. Many of the prescriptions of experts and consultants can be both counter-intuitive and critical of how workplaces are actually governed. Its maxims tend to take issue with micro-management and call for people to take control of their own time, work and personal lives. Ultimately, time management is a personal goal process, but there are a few key areas which everyone should consider. These five golden rules are designed for both entrepreneurs and their staff and should help you to become more productive than ever.


contentious /kənˈtɛnʃəs/ 表示“引起争议的”,英文解释为“A contentious issue causes a lot of disagreement or arguments.”举个🌰:

Sanctions are expected to be among the most contentious issues.



1)表示“方案;计划;建议;秘诀”,英文解释为“A prescription is a proposal or a plan that gives ideas about how to solve a problem or improve a situation.”举个🌰:

So what is his prescription for success?


2)表示“处方”,英文解释为“A prescription is the piece of paper on which your doctor writes an order for medicine and which you give to a pharmacist to get the medicine.”举个🌰:

The new drug will not require a physician's prescription.


3)表示“处方药”,英文解释为“A prescription is a medicine that a doctor has told you to take.”举个🌰:

I'm not sleeping even with the prescription he gave me. 



表示“反直觉的;与正常预期相反的”,英文解释为“the opposite of what you would expect or what seems to be obvious”举个🌰:

These results seem counter-intuitive.



maxim /ˈmæksɪm/ 表示“格言;箴言;座右铭”,英文解释为“A maxim is a rule for good or sensible behaviour, especially one in the form of a saying.”举个🌰:

I believe in the maxim "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."


take issue with sb

表示“向某人提出异议;开始与某人争论;很不赞同”,英文解释为“to start disagreeing or arguing with sb about sth”举个🌰:

I must take issue with you on that point.


The to-do list

Every successful time manager has a to-do list of some sort and entrepreneurs are no exception. Sir Richard Branson believes in lists so much that he adorned the inner sleeves of his biography with them. To-do lists are typically done daily and are meant to help us focus on what's urgent and important. Time management expert and business consultant Mike Gardner recommends writing a to-do list at the same time every day. "It's generally agreed that they should be done at the same time every day, for me it's the night before," he says. To-do lists are great for left-brain logical types, but for some they can be a problem. However, an action list of three things, which can only be done by the individual, should work for most people, he says. "I recommend that people write down three things they want to achieve and focus on those first. Take it as far as you can and then move on to the next thing."

left-brain logical types

● 左半脑主要负责逻辑理解、记忆、时间、语言、判断、排列、分类、逻辑、分析、书写、推理、抑制、五感(视、听、嗅、触、味觉)等,思维方式具有连续性、延续性和分析性。因此左脑可以称作“意识脑”、“学术脑”、“语言脑”。

● 右半脑主要负责空间形象记忆、直觉、情感、身体协调、视知觉、美术、音乐节奏、想像、灵感、顿悟等,思维方式具有无序性、跳跃性、直觉性等。右脑像万能博士,善于找出多种解决问题的办法,许多高级思维功能取决于右脑。把右脑潜力充分挖掘出来,才能表现出人类无穷的创造才能。所以右脑又可以称作“本能脑”、“潜意识脑”、“创造脑”、“音乐脑”、“艺术脑”。【来源:百度百科——斯佩里左右脑分工理论】


One task at a time

Concentration works best when it is focused on a task in hand. Constant interruptions break our train of thought and increase the time it takes to do tasks. It's not always possible to prevent every interruption, but don't float between tasks. Also, try to limit distractions and persuade others to leave you alone when you're busy. "A two minute phone call takes away about 15 minutes of productivity if it interrupts an important task, similarly emails are very distracting," says Gardner. "I recommend only checking emails three times per day, in the morning, midday and evening. Also, I let calls go to voicemail if I am busy. In truth most people can do this. We wouldn't respond if we were in a meeting or at the hospital, so it is doable. Often it's about training others as to how you work and taking control," says Gardner.

in truth

表示“(强调真实情况)的确,事实上”,英文解释为“used to emphasize the true facts about a situation”举个🌰:
She laughed and chatted but was, in truth, not having much fun.


表示“可做;可行”,英文解释为“able to be done”举个🌰:

It's not doable by Friday.


Automate where possible

With online tools emerging all the time, our existing working practices quickly become old-fashioned. A regular review of your current methods might well reveal ways of improving efficiency through automation. "If you've done it more than three times then create a system to do it for you," advises Nicola Bird, CEO and founder of online coaching company Jigsawbox. Bird built up her company while also raising a family and is a strong advocate of simplifying life wherever possible. Her company uses a range of easy to operate systems to handle emails, follow up on sales and handle admin. All systems must also undergo the 'Tilly Test' (named after Bird's young daughter), which means they must be so simple that even a child could understand them. "If you automate your income streams you can focus on the important things in life," she says.


1)表示“拥护者;支持者;提倡者”,英文解释为“An advocate of a particular action or plan is someone who recommends it publicly.”如:an advocate for hospital workers 医院工作人员的支持者。

2)表示“为 (某团体) 谋利益者”,英文解释为“An advocate for a particular group is a person who works for the interests of that group.”如:advocates for the homeless 为无家可归者谋利益的人。

3)表示“辩护律师”,英文解释为“An advocate is a lawyer who speaks in favour of someone or defends them in a court of law.”


表示“行政工作”,英文解释为“Admin is the activity or process of organizing an institution or organization.Admin is an abbreviation of Administration.”

Parkinson's law

"Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion," declared British civil servant Cyril Parkinson. It's a point which many have taken exception to over the years, but there does seem to be some truth in it. It's remarkable how much we can all achieve when pushed, so cut down on your workload by slashing the time spent doing it. Gardner reckons that if we really enjoy a task we tend to stretch out the time it takes to complete it and there's a great deal of procrastination in the workplace. "Sometimes we should say: 'that's good enough'. It's not that we should not do good work, but that often we achieve 80 % of the task in 20% of the time we spend doing it. The rest of the time is spent attempting to perfect it, when really we should stick to time limits and complete the task."

*Parkinson‘s law: the idea that work will always take as long as the time available for it 帕金森定律(工作总是到时限最后一刻才会完成)


表示“大幅度削减”,英文解释为“To slash something such as costs or jobs means to reduce them by a large amount.”举个🌰:

Car makers could be forced to slash prices.


stretch out

表示“延长(…的期限)”,英文解释为“to make a process or task continue for a longer period of time than was originally planned”举个🌰:

I'd like to stretch my mortgage payments out over a longer period if possible.如果可能的话,我想把按揭贷款的期限延长一些。


procrastination /prəˌkræstɪˈneɪʃn/ 表示“耽搁;拖延”,英文解释为“the act of delaying something that must be done, often because it is unpleasant or boring”举个🌰:

This is no time for procrastination - we need decisive action.


Take a break

The final rule of time management is the most paradoxical of them all - do nothing. If we work around the clock, we become less productive, creative and prone to making costly mistakes. Everyone needs sleep, some time off and a little time to step back and think about things. Angela Muir, head of leadership and people practice at Ashridge Business School, says all business owners need to take breaks, although the exact amount of time required is a personal decision. "There's no 'one size fits all' approach for holidays, the key things are about autonomy and control," she says. Muir also says that business owners that get too sucked into the world of work can dramatically reduce their effectiveness. A lack of sleep can reduce productivity by as much as 80% and mistakes are bound to follow.


paradoxical /ˌpærəˈdɒksɪkəl/ 表示“自相矛盾的”,英文解释为“If something is paradoxical, it involves two facts or qualities that seem to contradict each other.”举个🌰:

Some sedatives produce the paradoxical effect of making the person more anxious.


around the clock

表示“夜以继日”,英文解释为“If something is done around the clock or round the clock, it is done all day and all night without stopping.”举个🌰:

Rescue services have been working around the clock to free stranded motorists.


one size fits all

表示“各方面都顾及的;通用的”,英文解释为“suitable for everyone or every purpose”,如:a one-size-fits-all approach to education 刀切的教育方法。

get/be sucked into

表示“被卷入”,英文解释为“to become involved in a situation when you do not want to be involved”举个🌰:

I got sucked into the argument because I was a friend of the family.


be bound to

1)be bound to表示“一定会;很可能会”,英文解释为“certain or likely to happen, or to do or be sth”举个🌰:

There are bound to be changes when the new system is introduced.


2)bound表示“前往,开往”,英文解释为“If a vehicle or person is bound for a particular place, they are travelling toward it.”,通常用法:be bound for,举个🌰:

The train was bound for Hangzhou.



本次列车终点站广兰路,到浦东国际机场方向的乘客请在广兰路换乘。The terminal station is Guanglan Road. You can transfer to the train bound for Pudong International Airport at Guanglan Road.

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