

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,国外社交媒体上流传一种奇怪的美食技能,俗称“给黄瓜挤奶”(To Milk a Cucumber),切开一片黄瓜,两端相互摩擦,据说口味会更清新更好吃。





A kitchen hack TikTok has gone viral after claiming “milking” a cucumber can remove bitterness from the vegetable.

This week, a woman who goes by @BasicallyPerkfect shared the hack on the video-sharing platform, where it has since been viewed more than 1m times.

According to the woman, who is from New Orleans, Louisiana, she learned the trick from her sister-in-law, who said she was going to “milk” a cucumber while slicing up vegetables for a veggie tray.

“I was like: ‘Excuse me?’” she said. “I know most little tricks and I had never heard of that.”

However, according to the woman, the trick actually works to remove bitter taste from cucumbers.

“I don't know if you've ever had a cucumber that's a little bit bitter, like it just doesn't taste fresh. That's because you have to milk your cucumbers,” she said.

In the TikTok, she explains that, to milk a cucumber, you have to cut the end off before rubbing it against the cut part of the vegetable in circular motions.

“You can already see that white stuff coming out,” she says as a white, milky substance builds up.

While the hack isn’t well-known, there are videos on YouTube that also show the method for removing the white substance called cucurbitacin, which, according to Oregon State University is the cause of the bitterness in cucumbers.

"Wild cucumbers contain relatively large concentrations of cucurbitacin and are highly bitter," OSU vegetable breeder Jim Myers said, "while their domestic cousins we grow in the garden and buy in the store, tend to have less but varying amounts of the bitter compound."

According to the university, cucurbitacin is mainly found in the “vegetative parts” of the plants such as the leaves, stem and roots, but it can spread to the fruit.

On social media, the hack has mostly been met with surprise from people who did not realise it is possible to draw the bitterness out.

“I can't tell if this is for real or not... guess I gotta go rub a cucumber,” one person commented on the TikTok.

Another said: “The things TikTok teaches me.”

However, others said they usually rely on the method before eating a cucumber.

“I’m from Georgia and my parents are farmers! I’ll never eat a cucumber without doing this, but we call it ‘drawing the bitter out,’” one person wrote.

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A kitchen hack TikTok has gone viral after claiming “milking” a cucumber can remove bitterness from the vegetable.


首先,🥒怎么说?cucumber /ˈkjuːˌkʌmbə/ 表示“黄瓜”,英文解释为“A cucumber is a long thin vegetable with a hard green skin and wet transparent flesh. It is eaten raw in salads.”


📍海参 sea cucumber:an invertebrate animal that lives in the sea, with a thick body that is covered with lumps.

📍(as) cool as a cucumber表示“(尤指出奇地)镇静,冷静,泰然自若”,英文解释为“very calm or very calmly, especially when this is surprising”举个🌰:

She walked in as cool as a cucumber, as if nothing had happened.


🎬根据石黑一雄小说改编的电影《告别有情天》(Remains Of The Day)中回来:When the butler is back to refresh the teapots, he says, cool as a cucumber, 当管家帮他们的茶续杯时,他十分镇定地说道,


作动词,表示“给…挤奶”,英文解释为“If someone milks a cow or goat, they get milk from it, using either their hands or a machine.”举个🌰:

Farm workers milked cows by hand.



a kitchen hack 可以理解为厨房窍门,厨房妙招,hack作名词,此处有“好的方案;好的建议”的含义,英文解释为“a good solution or piece of advice”举个🌰:

Here are 10 life hacks that will change your life for the better.


This week, a woman who goes by @BasicallyPerkfect shared the hack on the video-sharing platform, where it has since been viewed more than 1m times.

According to the woman, who is from New Orleans, Louisiana, she learned the trick from her sister-in-law, who said she was going to “milk” a cucumber while slicing up vegetables for a veggie tray.


替换了上文的hack,表示“技巧;诀窍;窍门”,英文解释为“a way of doing sth that works well; a good method”举个🌰:

The trick is to pick the animal up by the back of its neck.


slice (up)

表示“把…切成(薄)片”,英文解释为“to cut sth into slices”,如:to slice (up) onions 把洋葱切成片,举个🌰:

Slice the cucumber thinly.


“I was like: ‘Excuse me?’” she said. “I know most little tricks and I had never heard of that.”

However, according to the woman, the trick actually works to remove bitter taste from cucumbers.

“I don't know if you've ever had a cucumber that's a little bit bitter, like it just doesn't taste fresh. That's because you have to milk your cucumbers,” she said.

In the TikTok, she explains that, to milk a cucumber, you have to cut the end off before rubbing it against the cut part of the vegetable in circular motions.

rub /rʌb/

1)表示“擦;磨;搓”,英文解释为“to move your hand, or sth such as a cloth, backwards and forwards over a surface while pressing firmly”举个🌰:

She rubbed her chin thoughtfully.


2)表示“(使)相互摩擦;搓”,英文解释为“to press two surfaces against each other and move them backwards and forwards; to be pressed together and move in this way”举个🌰:

She rubbed her hands in delight.


“You can already see that white stuff coming out,” she says as a white, milky substance builds up.

While the hack isn’t well-known, there are videos on YouTube that also show the method for removing the white substance called cucurbitacin, which, according to Oregon State University is the cause of the bitterness in cucumbers.


葫芦素,是一类生物化学复合物中的任何一种,某些植物-尤其是葫芦科(Cucurbitaceae)的成员,其包括普通的南瓜和葫芦-生产并用作对食草动物的防御。Cucurbitacin is any of a class of biochemical compounds that some plants — notably members of the family Cucurbitaceae, which includes the common pumpkins and gourds — produce and which function as a defence against herbivores. (Wikipedia)

"Wild cucumbers contain relatively large concentrations of cucurbitacin and are highly bitter," OSU vegetable breeder Jim Myers said, "while their domestic cousins we grow in the garden and buy in the store, tend to have less but varying amounts of the bitter compound."


表示“化合物”,英文解释为“a substance formed by a chemical reaction of two or more elements in fixed amounts relative to each other”举个🌰:

Common salt is a compound of sodium and chlorine.


According to the university, cucurbitacin is mainly found in the “vegetative parts” of the plants such as the leaves, stem and roots, but it can spread to the fruit.

On social media, the hack has mostly been met with surprise from people who did not realise it is possible to draw the bitterness out.

“I can't tell if this is for real or not... guess I gotta go rub a cucumber,” one person commented on the TikTok. Another said: “The things TikTok teaches me.”

However, others said they usually rely on the method before eating a cucumber.

“I’m from Georgia and my parents are farmers! I’ll never eat a cucumber without doing this, but we call it ‘drawing the bitter out,’” one person wrote.

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