

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Cambridge Dictionary 的定义是:A male parent (父亲,爸爸).

Oxford Dictionary 的定义是:A man in relation to his child or children.

Merriam Webster 的定义是:A man who has begotten a child.

Wiktionary 的定义是:A (generally human) male who begets a child.

📍 其中的 beget 其实也是「成为…的父亲」(to be the father of)的意思,另外 beget 还有更正式的用法表示「引起,导致」,如:


Poverty begets hunger, and hunger begets crime.


A father is the male parent of a child. Besides the paternal bonds of a father to his children, the father may have aparental, legal, and social relationship with the child that carries with it certain rights and obligations.

这里顺代对比下可能会混淆的几个词:paternal & maternal & parental

📍 paternal:of or like a father 父亲的;父亲般的,如:He's very paternal (= showing the affectionate feelings of a father) with the baby. 他对孩子充满父爱。

📍 maternal:behaving or feeling in the way that a mother does towards her child, especially in a kind, loving way 母亲的;母亲般的,如:maternal instincts 母亲的天性。

📍 parental:relating to parents or to being a parent 父母的,如:parental advice/influence 父母的忠告/影响。



📍 Father

1. One person who does the work of twenty, and never gives up

2. Tough on the outside, soft inside.



📍 Father

a male parent, protector, provider



Fun loving, dragon slaying, spider catching,

taxi driving, shoulder ride giving, bad joking,

remote controlling, brave, smart, bank manager

... ... our hero


📍 Dad

holder of the wallet, keeper of advice,

dryer of tears, and fixer of all things.






Solar Eclipse - The Dr. Binocs Show - Educational Videos For Kids


Solar eclipse 2020: See June's annular eclipse on Sunday


Lucky stargazers in the Eastern Hemisphere will see an annular solar eclipse on the heels of the summer solstice on Sunday. This type of eclipse is characterized by its stunning "ring of fire" since it's not a total eclipse and edges of the sun can still be seen around the moon.

"Annular eclipses are similar to total eclipses in that the moon, Earth and sun are aligned so that the moon moves directly in front of the Sun as viewed from Earth," said Alex Young, associate director for science in the heliophysics science division at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.

"But a total eclipse does not happen, that is the moon does not completely block out the visible disk of the sun because the moon is farther away and so its apparent size in the sky is [slightly] smaller than the sun. This means that a tiny ring of annulus of the solar disk is visible around the moon."

Solar eclipses occur about two weeks before or after a lunar eclipse, Young said. There was a lunar eclipse on June 5 and the next one occurs on July 5.

👉 How to watch

Although this isn't a total solar eclipse, you still need to watch the eclipse using safety measures.

"Because the Sun is so incredibly bright, it is still too bright to look at with unprotected eyes," Young said. "You need safe solar viewing glasses or special filters for use with telescopes or binoculars."

Any glimpse of the sun's brightness is not only uncomfortable — it's dangerous. Looking directly at the powerful brightness of the sun can cause damage to the retina, the light-sensitive part of the eye. Even the smallest amount of exposure can cause blurry vision or temporary blindness. The problem is, you won't know whether it's temporary at first.

Whether you use the cardboard eclipse glasses or a handheld card with a single rectangular view, the most important feature is the filter. Make sure your eclipse glasses meet the ISO 12312-2 international safety standard. Eclipse glasses can be worn over regular eyeglasses.

To test for safety, the only thing you can see through a safe solar filter is the sun itself. If you look through and the sun is too bright, out of focus or surrounded by a murky haze, or if you can see things like ordinary household lights, the glasses aren't safe.

If you're tempted to reuse eclipse glasses that are three years or older, they were made before the international safety standard was in place and come with a warning that says you can't look through them for more than three minutes at a time. These should be discarded, according to the American Astronomical Society.

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Solar eclipse 2020: See June's annular eclipse on Sunday


Lucky stargazers in the Eastern Hemisphere will see an annular solar eclipse on the heels of the summer solstice on Sunday. This type of eclipse is characterized by its stunning "ring of fire" since it's not a total eclipse and edges of the sun can still be seen around the moon.


stargazer /ˈstɑːɡeɪzə/ 表示“天文学家;占星家”,英文解释为“A stargazer is someone who studies the stars as an astronomer or astrologer.”


hemisphere /ˈhɛmɪˌsfɪə/ 表示“半球”,英文解释为“A hemisphere is one half of the earth.”如:the northern hemisphere 北半球,the southern hemisphere 南半球,the depletion of the ozone layer in the northern hemisphere 北半球臭氧层的消耗。


日环食(annular solar eclipse),据百度百科,日环食是日食(solar eclipse)的一种。发生时太阳的中心部分黑暗,边缘仍然明亮,形成光环。这是因为月球在太阳和地球之间,但是距离地球较远,不能完全遮住太阳而形成的。

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partly obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth. An annular solar eclipse occurs when the Moon's apparent diameter is smaller than the Sun's, blocking most of the Sun's light and causing the Sun to look like an annulus (ring).(Wikipedia)

☀️ annular /ˈænjʊlə/ 表示“环状的;轮状的”,英文解释为“shaped like a ring”;

☀️ eclipse /ɪˈklɪps/ 表示“日食;月食”,英文解释为“an occasion when the moon passes between the earth and the sun so that you cannot see all or part of the sun for a time; an occasion when the earth passes between the moon and the sun so that you cannot see all or part of the moon for a time”

on the heels of

heel本身表示「脚后跟」,整个短语字面意思就非常直白,在...的脚后跟上,因此解释为“…之后紧跟着发生,紧随…而来;紧跟”,英文解释为“to happen very soon after something”,通常用法:come/follow hard/hot on the heels of sth,举个🌰:

For him, disaster followed hard on the heels of his initial success.


🎬 电影《忍者神龟》(Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)中的台词提到:He did so on the heels of a renewed contract with Eric Sacks and Sacks Industries. 这是在他与埃里克· 赛克斯以及赛克斯企业重新签订相关合同之后采取的举措


solstice /'sɒlstɪs,'sɒlstəs,ˋsɑlstɪs/ 表示“至,至日”,英文解释为“the time when the sun is furthest north or south of the equator”,如:the summer/winter solstice (= the longest or shortest day of the year) 夏至/冬至

和“至”有关的就是“分”了,equinox /ˈiːkwɪˌnɒks, ˈɛk-/,表示“昼夜平分日;指春分或秋分”,英文解释为“An equinox is one of the two days in the year when day and night are of equal length.”举个🌰:

In the Chinese calendar, the Spring Equinox always occurs in the second month.



1)表示“极有魅力的;绝妙的;给人以深刻印象的”,英文解释为“extremely attractive or impressive”举个🌰:

She looks absolutely stunning!


2)表示“令人惊奇万分的;令人震惊的”,英文解释为“extremely surprising or shocking”,如:a stunning defeat 惨败。

🎬 电影《惊天魔盗团2》(Now You See Me 2)中的台词提到:And the stunning revelation that FBI agent Dylan Rhodes ... 还有惊天大揭露联调局特工迪伦·罗兹…

📺 美剧《黑袍纠察队》(The Boys)第一季中的台词提到:Stunning! Absolutely stunning. 惊艳全场,太惊艳了!

"Annular eclipses are similar to total eclipses in that the moon, Earth and sun are aligned so that the moon moves directly in front of the Sun as viewed from Earth," said Alex Young, associate director for science in the heliophysics science division at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.

☀️ total eclipses 全食

☀️ annular eclipses 环食

☀️ heliophysics 太阳物理学

"But a total eclipse does not happen, that is the moon does not completely block out the visible disk of the sun because the moon is farther away and so its apparent size in the sky is [slightly] smaller than the sun. This means that a tiny ring of annulus of the solar disk is visible around the moon."

block out

表示“遮挡(光线)”,英文解释为“Something that blocks out light prevents it from reaching a place.”举个🌰:

He pulled down the shades, blocking out the bright sunlight.


🎬 电影《因父之名》(In the Name of the Father)中的台词提到:All they've done is block out the light. 他们所做的就是遮住外面的光。

🎬 还是电影《因父之名》(In the Name of the Father),后一句紧接着说:They can't block out the light in here. 但他们遮不住这里的光。


1)disk = disc,表示“磁盘”,如下图,这是一个暴露年龄的东西,很多人应该都没见过这个东西,不知道是什么,它的英文解释为:a device for storing information on a computer, with a magnetic surface that records information received in electronic form;

2)此处显然不是这个意思,它还可以表示“盘状物;圆盘;圆片”(A disc is a flat, circular shape or object.)

Solar eclipses occur about two weeks before or after a lunar eclipse, Young said. There was a lunar eclipse on June 5 and the next one occurs on July 5.

🌛 lunar eclipses 月食

☀️ solar eclipses 日食

👉 How to watch

Although this isn't a total solar eclipse, you still need to watch the eclipse using safety measures.

"Because the Sun is so incredibly bright, it is still too bright to look at with unprotected eyes," Young said. "You need safe solar viewing glasses or special filters for use with telescopes or binoculars."


binoculars /bɪˈnɒkjʊləz/ 表示“双筒望远镜”,英文解释为“an instrument, like two small telescopes fixed together, that makes objects that are far away seem nearer when you look through it”。


1)表示“筛选(过滤)程序”,英文解释为“a program that stops certain types of electronic information, email, etc. being sent to a computer.”

2)表示“滤器;过滤器”,英文解释为“a device containing paper, sand, chemicals, etc. that a liquid or gas is passed through in order to remove any materials that are not wanted”。

3)此前在尴尬!视频会议忘关摄像头......文中提到有公司主管在线会议时,误开滤镜特效,会议全程整个人变成土豆头🥔时,就提到:she could not figure out how to remove the filter. 主管一直搞不清要怎么关掉滤镜。此处的filter指的则是滤镜。

Any glimpse of the sun's brightness is not only uncomfortable — it's dangerous. Looking directly at the powerful brightness of the sun can cause damage to the retina, the light-sensitive part of the eye. Even the smallest amount of exposure can cause blurry vision or temporary blindness. The problem is, you won't know whether it's temporary at first.


什么是retina,其实文中有解释了,retina, the light-sensitive part of the eye. 眼睛中的感光部位,也就是具有感光功能的结构,指的就是视网膜”,英文解释为“Your retina is the area at the back of your eye. It receives the image that you see and then sends the image to your brain.

blurry /ˈblɜːrɪ/

表示“模糊不清的”,英文解释为“without a clear outline; not clear”,如:a blurry picture 模糊的照片。

Whether you use the cardboard eclipse glasses or a handheld card with a single rectangular view, the most important feature is the filter. Make sure your eclipse glasses meet the ISO 12312-2 international safety standard. Eclipse glasses can be worn over regular eyeglasses.

To test for safety, the only thing you can see through a safe solar filter is the sun itself. If you look through and the sun is too bright, out of focus or surrounded by a murky haze, or if you can see things like ordinary household lights, the glasses aren't safe.


murky /ˈmɜːkɪ/ 表示“昏暗的;阴暗的;朦胧的”,英文解释为“dark and unpleasant because of smoke, fog, etc.”如:a murky night 昏暗的夜。

If you're tempted to reuse eclipse glasses that are three years or older, they were made before the international safety standard was in place and come with a warning that says you can't look through them for more than three minutes at a time. These should be discarded, according to the American Astronomical Society.


表示“引诱,诱惑;吸引”,英文解释为“to make someone want to have or do something, especially something that is unnecessary or wrong”举个🌰:

The offer of free credit tempted her into buying a new car.


🎬 电影《霍比特人:意外之旅》(The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey)中的台词提到:May I tempt you with a cup of chamomile? 要来一杯甘菊茶吗?

🎬 电影《纳尼亚传奇3:黎明踏浪号》(The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader)中的台词提到:It will do everything in it's power to tempt you. 它会用尽一切手段来诱惑你们。


表示“丢弃”,英文解释为“If you discard something, you get rid of it because you no longer want it or need it.”举个🌰:

Read the manufacturer's guidelines before discarding the box.


📺 美剧《黑名单》(The Blacklist)第一季中的台词提到:We use it once, and then we discard them. 我们用一次 就丢掉。

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