
萧亚轩:谢谢你你的一切 再见

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,萧亚轩疑似与男友黄皓分手,在社交平台发文:“雙方的想法不太一樣 雙方都有自己的想法 女方還有自己的夢想 男方也有自己的想法 祝福彼此一切平安健康 彼此都能找到自己想要的方向 謝謝你你的一切 再見”。



Singer Elva Hsiao says her boyfriend, who is 16 years her junior, has moved out

The Straits Times

Has Taiwanese singer Elva Hsiao broken up with her boyfriend, budding actor Justin Wong, who is 16 years her junior?

That seems to be the case after Hsiao said "I am done" in a video posted on her Instagram account early on Tuesday (July 6).

Hsiao, who turns 42 in August, wrote in Chinese: "Both sides have their own different ideas. The woman has her own dreams, while the man has his own ideas.

"I wish both of us well and hope we can find the directions we want. Thank you for everything and goodbye."

Her fans asked in the comment section whether she has broken up with Wong, and some urged her not to give up. The news went viral on the Chinese Internet, with the topic "Elva Hsiao and Justin Wong broke up" trending on Weibo.

However, in an exclusive interview with Taiwan's Apple Daily on Tuesday, Hsiao claimed that they did not "break up" but merely "took a pause " in their relationship.

She admitted that there was a big quarrel between them on Monday night, as Wong, who grew up in Canada, wanted to return to Vancouver to visit his parents and asked her to accompany him.

Hsiao declined his request as she has to go for an operation at the end of this month as she has not fully recovered from being bitten on her face by her dog in February. She said that Wong has moved out of her house to stay with a friend.

Hsiao said they have quarrelled over similar matters a few times. She was not sure if there is any future between them, she added.

Hsiao went public with Wong in August 2019 after they were first spotted together in late 2017. Since then, Wong has appeared in Hsiao's official music video for her song In A Heartbeat (2019) and the couple have also taken part in Chinese reality dating show Meeting Mr Right last year.

Hsiao is also Wong's manager.

The couple have not appeared on social media together since she posted a photo of them together with the caption "Thank you for everything" in April.

Singer Elva Hsiao still badly scarred five months after dog bite

The Straits Times

Singer Elva Hsiao has revealed that she has not fully recovered from being bitten on her face by her adopted dog in February.

In an Instagram post on Friday (July 2) night, the 41-year-old uploaded a black and white photo with two plasters and a visible scar near her mouth.

"I'm not afraid, but God, please help me through," she wrote in the caption in English. "I don't like how I look."

Recent photos shared by her on social media had that part of her face obscured either by her hair or her hand.

She reportedly spent more than a month in hospital after the incident in February, in which both she and her boyfriend, actor Justin Huang, 25, were attacked by their adopted dog.

In an interview two months after the accident, she said she had skin necrosis, meaning the skin tissue had died.

She will need to undergo more surgical procedures, but they are currently on hold due to the pandemic. Thus, her recovery has been slow and her doctor has asked her to be patient.

However, she revealed that she was distraught every time she looked at herself in the mirror while changing the dressing.

The Taiwanese pop diva, who frequently shares photos of her dogs in Instagram, said she did not blame the dog, who was abused by its previous owner, and she believed that the attack was not intentional.

She added that she hoped the public will not have misgivings about adopting a dog.

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Singer Elva Hsiao says her boyfriend, who is 16 years her junior, has moved out

The Straits Times

Has Taiwanese singer Elva Hsiao broken up with her boyfriend, budding actor Justin Wong, who is 16 years her junior?

中国台湾歌手萧亚轩(Elva Hsiao)与小她16岁的新晋演员黄皓(Justin Wong)分手了吗?


表示“开始发展的;崭露头角的”,英文解释为“beginning to develop or show signs of future success in a particular area”举个🌰:

While still at school she was clearly a budding genius.



be ... years sb's junior / be sb's junior (by...) 表示“小某人…岁;比某人小…岁”,英文解释为“to be younger than sb, by the number of years mentioned”举个🌰:

She's four years his junior.


My sister is my junior by three years (= three years younger than me).



📍be ... years sb's senior就是“大某人...岁,比某人大...岁”举个🌰:

She married a man 20 years her senior.


That seems to be the case after Hsiao said "I am done" in a video posted on her Instagram account early on Tuesday (July 6).

周二(7月6日)早些时候,萧亚轩在她的Instagram账户上发布了一段视频,说 “I'm done”,看来情况就是这样了。

Hsiao, who turns 42 in August, wrote in Chinese: "Both sides have their own different ideas. The woman has her own dreams, while the man has his own ideas.


"I wish both of us well and hope we can find the directions we want. Thank you for everything and goodbye."


Her fans asked in the comment section whether she has broken up with Wong, and some urged her not to give up. The news went viral on the Chinese Internet, with the topic "Elva Hsiao and Justin Wong broke up" trending on Weibo.



go viral字面意思就是“像病毒一样传播、扩散”,引申为“走红,十分流行,疯狂传播”,比如朋友圈xxx刷屏了,也可以说go viral,英文解释为“used to describe something that quickly becomes very popular or well known by being published on the internet or sent from person to person by email, phone, etc.”举个🌰:

Within days the film clip went viral.



trend作动词,表示“(某一时刻在社交媒体或网站上)被提及最多的词语(主题或名字)”,英文解释为“to be one of the words, subjects, or names that is being mentioned most often on a social media website or a news website at a particular time”,举个🌰:

Within minutes of the incident her name was trending on Weibo.


trend本身也可以直接作名词,原意有“趋势;趋向;倾向;动态;动向;热点”,英文解释为“a general direction in which a situation is changing or developing”。

📍trending hashtags或者说a trending topic,可以指微博上的“#热门话题#”;类似的,Youtube首页上的Trending对应的中文就处理为“时下流行”。

However, in an exclusive interview with Taiwan's Apple Daily on Tuesday, Hsiao claimed that they did not "break up" but merely "took a pause" in their relationship.



1)表示“昂贵的;高档的;豪华的”,英文解释为“expensive and only for people who are rich or of a high social class”,如:an exclusive private club 豪华私人俱乐部。

2)表示“专用的,专有的;独有的,独占的”,英文解释为“limited to only one person or group of people”,如:an exclusive interview 独家采访,举个🌰:

This room is for the exclusive use of guests.


She admitted that there was a big quarrel between them on Monday night, as Wong, who grew up in Canada, wanted to return to Vancouver to visit his parents and asked her to accompany him.



quarrel /ˈkwɒrəl/ 表示“争吵,不和”,英文解释为“an angry disagreement between two or more people or groups”举个🌰:

We have no quarrel with the people of your country (= we have no reason to disagree with or dislike them).


Hsiao declined his request as she has to go for an operation at the end of this month as she has not fully recovered from being bitten on her face by her dog in February. She said that Wong has moved out of her house to stay with a friend.


Hsiao said they have quarrelled over similar matters a few times. She was not sure if there is any future between them, she added.


Hsiao went public with Wong in August 2019 after they were first spotted together in late 2017. Since then, Wong has appeared in Hsiao's official music video for her song In A Heartbeat (2019) and the couple have also taken part in Chinese reality dating show Meeting Mr Right last year.

萧亚轩于2019年8月公开与黄皓的关系,此前他们于2017年底首次被发现在一起。此后,黄皓出现在萧亚轩的歌曲《当你和心跳一起出现(In A Heartbeat)》(2019)的官方MV中,两人还在去年参加了中国的约会真人秀节目《女儿们的恋爱(Meeting Mr Right)》。

go public

1) 表示“公开,公之于众”,英文解释为“to tell everyone about something that was secret”举个🌰:

The planners are almost ready to go public on the road-building scheme.


2) 表示“(公司)公开发售股票,上市”,英文解释为“to become a public company”举个🌰:

The company went public in 2017.


🎬电影《美国队长3:内战》(Captain America: Civil War)中的台词提到:Tips have been pouring in since that footage went public. 录像公布后收到了很多线报。

🎬电影《心理游戏》(The Game)中的台词提到:CRS won't go public. They're family owned. 「消服会」不上市,它是家族企业。

Hsiao is also Wong's manager.


The couple have not appeared on social media together since she posted a photo of them together with the caption "Thank you for everything" in April.



可以作动词,也可以作名词,表示“(图片或卡通的)说明文字”,英文解释为“A caption is the words printed underneath a picture or cartoon which explain what it is about.”如:a captioned photograph 一幅带有文字说明的照片,举个🌰:

The local paper featured me standing on a stepladder with a caption, "He climbs the ladder to success."


Singer Elva Hsiao still badly scarred five months after dog bite

The Straits Times

Singer Elva Hsiao has revealed that she has not fully recovered from being bitten on her face by her adopted dog in February.


In an Instagram post on Friday (July 2) night, the 41-year-old uploaded a black and white photo with two plasters and a visible scar near her mouth.



🩹 plaster表示“橡皮膏,创可贴”,英文解释为“a small piece of sticky cloth or plastic that you use to cover and protect a cut in the skin”;

🩹 sticking plaster表示“护创胶布,创可贴”,英文解释为“a piece of material that you can put over a small cut in the skin in order to protect it and keep it clean”;

"I'm not afraid, but God, please help me through," she wrote in the caption in English. "I don't like how I look."


Recent photos shared by her on social media had that part of her face obscured either by her hair or her hand.



表示“遮蔽;使朦胧;使听不清”,英文解释为“to prevent something from being seen or heard clearly”举个🌰:

The view was obscured by mist.


She reportedly spent more than a month in hospital after the incident in February, in which both she and her boyfriend, actor Justin Huang, 25, were attacked by their adopted dog.

据报道,在2月份的事件之后,她在医院住了一个多月,在这次事件中,她和她的男朋友,25岁的演员黄皓(Justin Huang),都被他们收养的狗袭击了。

In an interview two months after the accident, she said she had skin necrosis, meaning the skin tissue had died.


necrosis /neˈkrəʊsɪs/

表示“(人体某部分的)坏死”,英文解释为“Necrosis is the death of part of someone's body, for example because it is not getting enough blood.”

She will need to undergo more surgical procedures, but they are currently on hold due to the pandemic. Thus, her recovery has been slow and her doctor has asked her to be patient.


However, she revealed that she was distraught every time she looked at herself in the mirror while changing the dressing.



distraught /dɪˈstrɔːt/ 表示“极其不安的,非常焦虑的”,英文解释为“extremely worried, nervous, or upset”举个🌰:

The missing child's distraught parents made an emotional appeal for information on TV.



表示“(包扎伤口用的)敷料,纱布”,英文解释为“a covering that is put on a cut or an area of damaged skin to protect it”。

The Taiwanese pop diva, who frequently shares photos of her dogs in Instagram, said she did not blame the dog, who was abused by its previous owner, and she believed that the attack was not intentional.



表示“著名女歌唱家,著名女歌手”,英文解释为“a very successful and famous female singer”如:a pop diva 流行乐女歌星。

She added that she hoped the public will not have misgivings about adopting a dog.



表示“(对未来事件的)疑虑,担忧”,英文解释为“a feeling of doubt or worry about a future event”举个🌰:

Many teachers expressed serious misgivings about the new tests.









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