
吃瓜 · 吴亦凡

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26





Kris Wu's alleged predatory behaviour causes brands to cut ties with him

Channel News Asia

Amid claims of luring underaged girls into having sex with him, luxury and lifestyle brands are distancing themselves from the Chinese-Canadian singer and actor. Wu has denied the allegations.

As luxury and lifestyle companies continue to engage Chinese celebrities as brand ambassadors, one star has landed in hot waters. Several brands in China have deleted or hid their advertisements featuring top celebrity Kris Wu after controversial claims that he lured underaged girls for sex emerged.

Wu, former member of K-pop band EXO, is one of the top brand ambassadors in China, serving as the face of Louis Vuitton, Bvlgari, Porsche, L’Oreal, Lancome, Kans and more. He is also the face of Tencent’s popular video game King Of Glory and kitchen appliances manufacturer Vatti.

Shanghai-based beauty brand Kans was the first to cut ties. On Sunday (Jul 18), the brand announced on Weibo that it had terminated Wu’s endorsement contract.

Porsche, Vatti and King Of Glory meanwhile deleted all Weibo posts mentioning Wu by Sunday. Louis Vuitton temporarily hid all posts featuring Wu but made them public again shortly after, WWD reported.

Wu was accused of predatory behaviour and infidelity by rumoured girlfriend Du Meizhu, a 19-year-old college student, on Jul 8. She shared unverified screenshots of alleged conversations between Wu and underaged girls on Weibo.

Du further revealed that Wu used various methods to identify and lure young girls for sex such as using a special WeChat account to contact them under the guise of casting them as female leads for music videos, or signing them under his label. He allegedly lured them into playing drinking games.

In a statement, Wu and his team denied the allegations, calling it “malicious slander”. They claimed to have filed a defamation lawsuit against Du.

Wu also took to Weibo to deny the accusations. “I have only seen Ms Du once during a friendly gathering on Dec 5. Nobody was plied with alcohol, no phones were taken away, and absolutely none of those 'details' she described took place,” Wu wrote.

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Kris Wu's alleged predatory behaviour causes brands to cut ties with him

Channel News Asia

Amid claims of luring underaged girls into having sex with him, luxury and lifestyle brands are distancing themselves from the Chinese-Canadian singer and actor. Wu has denied the allegations.



1) 此处作动词,表示“引诱”,英文解释为“To lure someone means to trick them into a particular place or to trick them into doing something that they should not do.”举个🌰:

They did not realize that they were being lured into a trap


2) 该词作名词除了表示“诱饵”,还可以表示“诱惑力;魅力”,英文解释为“A lure is an attractive quality that something has, or something that you find attractive.”举个🌰:

The excitement of hunting big game in Africa has been a lure to Europeans for 200 years. 


underaged & underage

词典里可能只查到underage,实际上也有underaged这个说法,两者的区别:As adjectives the difference between underaged and underage is that underaged is underage; being or occurring below the legal age for a given activity while underage is below the normal or legal age for some activity, such as drinking or having sex.

As a noun underage is a deficit or shortfall in funds, inventory, or capacity.


1)表示“(人)未到法定年龄的”,英文解释为“A person who is underage is legally too young to do something, for example to drink alcohol, have sex, or vote.”举个🌰:

Underage youths can obtain alcohol from their older friends. 


2)表示“(行为)未到法定年龄的”,英文解释为“Underage activities such as drinking or smoking are carried out by people who are legally too young to do them.”如:his efforts to stop underage drinking and drug abuse 他阻止未到法定年龄的人喝酒和吸毒的努力。

此前,「王者荣耀」启动最严格实名策略文中,路透社(Reuters)就提到:China’s biggest gaming and social media firm Tencent Holdings unveiled new checks aimed at restricting access to its popular games for underaged players, amid a government campaign to tackle gaming addiction among Chinese children.


表示“(未经证实的)指责,指控”,英文解释为“a statement, made without giving proof, that someone has done something wrong or illegal”举个🌰:

Several of her patients have made allegations of professional misconduct about/against her.


As luxury and lifestyle companies continue to engage Chinese celebrities as brand ambassadors, one star has landed in hot water. Several brands in China have deleted or hid their advertisements featuring top celebrity Kris Wu after controversial claims that he lured underaged girls for sex emerged.



表示“雇用;聘用”,英文解释为“to employ sb to do a particular job”举个🌰:

He is currently engaged as a consultant.


land in

表示“使陷入(困境)”,英文解释为“to get sb/yourself into a difficult situation”举个🌰:

His hot temper has landed him in trouble before.


in hot water

表示“陷入困境”,英文解释为“If you are in hot water, you are in trouble.”举个🌰:

The company has already been in hot water over high prices this year. 



1)作名词,原意表示“特色;特征;特点”,英文解释为“something important, interesting or typical of a place or thing”,此前在iOS 14来了!文中就出现了多次的feature,介绍iOS 14各种新功能,新特点,举个🌰:

Which features do you look for when choosing a car?


2)feature作动词,表示“以…为特色;由…主演;以…为主要组成”,英文解释为“to include a particular person or thing as a special feature”,作动词往往可以理解为“有...”(功能/特色),举个🌰:

Many of the hotels featured in the brochure offer special deals for weekend breaks.


The film features Cary Grant as a professor.


📍在英文歌中会经常看到这种说法,xxxa feat. xxxb,此处feat.实际上就是feature的缩写,大概意思是歌曲中穿插另外一个人的演唱或表演,xxxa和xxxb共同演绎,合作演出。据百度百科,feat.的是后面这个歌手(或者组合)他在这首单曲里面或者这张专辑里面并不是主角,前面那个人才是这首歌的灵魂或者主人。


表示“显露(事实、结果)”,英文解释为“If a fact or result emerges from a period of thought, discussion, or investigation, it becomes known as a result of it. ”举个🌰:

No new evidence emerged during the investigation.


Wu, former member of K-pop band EXO, is one of the top brand ambassadors in China, serving as the face of Louis Vuitton, Bvlgari, Porsche, L’Oreal, Lancome, Kans and more. He is also the face of Tencent's popular video game King Of Glory and kitchen appliances manufacturer Vatti.

吴亦凡是韩国流行音乐组合EXO的前成员,是中国的顶级品牌大使之一,担任路易威登(Louis Vuitton)、宝格丽(Bvlgari)、保时捷(Porsche)、欧莱雅(L’Oreal)、兰蔻(Lancome)、韩束(Kans)等的代言人。他也是腾讯广受欢迎的电子游戏《王者荣耀》(King Of Glory)和厨房电器制造商华帝(Vatti)的代言人。


表示“(常为用电的)家用器械”,英文解释为“An appliance is a device or machine in your home that you use to do a job such as cleaning or cooking. Appliances are often electrical.”举个🌰:

He could also learn to use the vacuum cleaner, the washing machine and other household appliances.


Shanghai-based beauty brand Kans was the first to cut ties. On Sunday (Jul 18), the brand announced on Weibo that it had terminated Wu’s endorsement contract.


cut ties with sb.

表示“与……切断联系;与……断绝关系”,英文解释为“To end or discontinue a relationship—romantic or otherwise—with someone or some group.”


1)表示“终止”,英文解释为“When you terminate something or when it terminates, it ends completely.”举个🌰:

Her next remark abruptly terminated the conversation.


2)也可以指“终止妊娠,人工流产”(to end a pregnancy intentionally, usually by a medical operation)举个🌰:

After a lot of agonizing she decided to terminate the pregnancy.



endorsement 名词,endorse 动词,1)表示“(公开)赞同,支持,认可”,英文解释为“to say publicly that you support a person, statement or course of action”举个🌰:

I wholeheartedly endorse his remarks.


2)表示“(在广告中)宣传,代言(某一产品)”,英文解释为“to say in an advertisement that you use and like a particular product so that other people will want to buy it”;

3)表示“(在支票背面)签名,背书”,英文解释为“to write your name on the back of a cheque so that it can be paid into a bank account”;

🎬电影《侏罗纪公园》(Jurassic Park)中的台词提到:After careful consideration, I've decided not to endorse your park. 仔细考虑以后 我决定不为你的公园背书




1)作名词,表示“合同;契约”,英文解释为“a legal document that states and explains a formal agreement between two different people or groups, or the agreement itself”如:a contract of employment 雇用合同。

2)作动词,熟词僻义,表示“染(重病)”,英文解释为“If you contract a serious illness, you become ill with it.”如:to contract a virus/a disease 感染病毒/疾病。

🎬电影《震荡效应》(Concussion)中的台词提到:of contracting a brain related injury such as dementia, Alzheimer's, depression or CTE? 造成相关的大脑损伤,如痴呆、阿尔茨海默氏症,抑郁症,或CTE?

Porsche, Vatti and King Of Glory meanwhile deleted all Weibo posts mentioning Wu by Sunday. Louis Vuitton temporarily hid all posts featuring Wu but made them public again shortly after, WWD reported.


Wu was accused of predatory behaviour and infidelity by rumoured girlfriend Du Meizhu, a 19-year-old college student, on Jul 8. She shared unverified screenshots of alleged conversations between Wu and underaged girls on Weibo.



1)表示“(人或组织)掠夺(性)的,掠夺成性的”,英文解释为“Predatory people or organizations are eager to gain something out of someone else's weakness or suffering.”举个🌰:

People will not set up new businesses while they are frightened by the predatory behaviour of the banks. 


2)表示“好色成性的”,英文解释为“used to describe someone who expresses sexual interest in a very obvious way”举个🌰:

I hate going to bars on my own because men look at you in such a predatory way.



表示“传闻的”,英文解释为“used to refer to a fact or piece of news that might be true or invented, and quickly spreads from person to person”举个🌰:

The rumoured stock market crash has yet to take place.



表示“未经证实的”,英文解释为“not having been confirmed, substantiated, or proven to be true”.


screenshot表示“屏幕截图”,英文解释为“an image created by copying part or all of the display on a computer screen at a particular moment, for example in order to demonstrate the use of a piece of software”。


表示“指称的”,英文解释为“An alleged fact has been stated but has not been proved to be true.”举个🌰:

They have begun a hunger strike in protest at the alleged beating.


Du further revealed that Wu used various methods to identify and lure young girls for sex such as using a special WeChat account to contact them under the guise of casting them as female leads for music videos, or signing them under his label. He allegedly lured them into playing drinking games.



表示“表现形式;外貌;伪装;外表”,英文解释为“a way in which sb/sth appears, often in a way that is different from usual or that hides the truth about them/it”举个🌰:

His speech presented racist ideas under the guise of nationalism.



表示“分配角色;选派角色”,英文解释为“to choose actors to play the different parts in a film/movie, play, etc.; to choose an actor to play a particular role”举个🌰:

He has cast her as an ambitious lawyer in his latest movie.


In a statement, Wu and his team denied the allegations, calling it “malicious slander”. They claimed to have filed a defamation lawsuit against Du.



表示“恶意的;恶毒的,意在伤人的”,英文解释为“If you describe someone's words or actions as malicious, you mean that they are intended to harm people or their reputation, or cause them embarrassment and upset.”举个🌰:

That might merely have been malicious gossip.



表示“口头诽谤;口头诽谤罪”,英文解释为“a false spoken statement intended to damage the good opinion people have of sb; the legal offence of making this kind of statement”如:a vicious slander on the company's good name 对那家公司良好声誉的恶意诽谤。


表示“诬蔑;诽谤;中伤”,英文解释为“the act of damaging sb's reputation by saying or writing bad or false things about them”举个🌰:

The company sued for defamation.


Wu also took to Weibo to deny the accusations. “I have only seen Ms Du once during a friendly gathering on Dec 5. Nobody was plied with alcohol, no phones were taken away, and absolutely none of those 'details' she described took place,” Wu wrote.


ply sb with sth

表示“持续向(某人)提供(通常指食物、饮料)”,英文解释为“to keep giving a person something, usually food or drink”举个🌰:

He's been plying me with drinks all evening.










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