

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Security operation for Queen's death includes social media blackouts

The Guardian

The UK government's vast security operation to manage the immediate aftermath of the death of the Queen include official social media blackouts and a ban on retweets.

These plans, codenamed Operation London Bridge, which were first revealed in a Guardian Long Read in 2017 and have now been seen in full by Politico, detail the scale of the arrangements for the funeral and government anxieties about whether the UK has the resources to execute them.

The social media strategy plays a prominent role, including plans to change the royal family’s website to a black holding page with a short statement confirming the Queen’s death, while the gov.uk website and all governmental social media pages will display a black banner. Non-urgent content will not be published and retweets will be banned unless cleared by the government’s head of communications.

The documents show plans for the Queen’s coffin to be taken on a procession from Buckingham Palace to the Palace of Westminster, where it will lie on a raised box known as a catafalque, which will be open to the public for 23 hours a day for three days. Tickets with a time slot will be issued for VIPs.

The state funeral will be held 10 days after her death and heralded as a “day of national mourning”, but it will not be an official bank holiday. If it falls on a weekday it will be left to the discretion of employers to give their staff the day off, and there will be no substitute day off if it falls on a weekend.

The documents add detail to previous reporting, which revealed that the prime minister will be informed by a civil servant that “London Bridge is down”, while the death will be announced via a newsflash on the PA Media wire.

The emergence of the documents is not thought to reflect any deterioration in the health of the Queen, who is 95 years old.

The plans for Operation London Bridge and Operation Spring Tide, which sets out how Charles will accede to the throne, contain granular detail such as the potential for public anger if Downing Street cannot lower its flags to half-mast within 10 minutes of the announcement.

The documents also showed concerns from the Foreign Office over how to arrange entry for significant numbers of tourists, from the Home Office on how to handle potential terror alerts, and from the Department for Transport on overcrowding in the capital.

Internally, the day will be referred to as “D-day”, with each subsequent day leading up to the funeral referred to as “D+1,” “D+2” and so on. The UK parliament and the devolved legislatures in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will adjourn and parliament will be recalled if it is not sitting.

The Ministry of Defence will arrange for gun salutes to take place at all saluting stations and a national two-minutes’ silence will be announced.

This article was amended on 3 September 2021 to include express reference to the Guardian Long Read of 2017 to which the original version of the article linked.

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Security operation for Queen's death includes social media blackouts

The Guardian

The UK government's vast security operation to manage the immediate aftermath of the death of the Queen include official social media blackouts and a ban on retweets.



表示“(战争、事故、不快事情的)后果,创伤;(不快事件)结束后的一个时期”,英文解释为“The aftermath of an important event, especially a harmful one, is the situation that results from it.”举个🌰:

A lot of rebuilding took place in the aftermath of the war.



1)表示“灯火管制时期;断电时期;断电,停电”,英文解释为“a time when all lights must be hidden by law, or when there is no light or power because of an electricity failure”;

2)表示“消息封锁”,英文解释为“the action taken to make certain that information about something is not reported to the public”如:a news blackout 新闻封锁。

3)表示“暂时晕倒;暂时失去知觉”,英文解释为“a short period when someone suddenly becomes unconscious”。

📍去年,国外社交媒体上发起了一个名为“Blackout Tuesday”的活动,通过发纯黑图片的方式将整个社交媒体“陷入黑暗”,以声援“Black Lives Matter”运动。


tweet作名词,表示“发布在推特上的信息”,其实指的就是“推文”,英文解释为“a short remark or piece of information published on Twitter”;作动词,指的就是“发推文,发推特”(to publish a short remark or piece of information on Twitter),retweet就是转发推文,举个🌰:

He tweeted that he was just about to meet the president.


These plans, codenamed Operation London Bridge, which were first revealed in a Guardian Long Read in 2017 and have now been seen in full by Politico, detail the scale of the arrangements for the funeral and government anxieties about whether the UK has the resources to execute them.

这些代号为“伦敦桥行动”(Operation London Bridge)的计划在2017年《卫报》的长篇阅读中首次披露,现在美国媒体Politico看到了全文,详细说明了葬礼安排的规模和政府对英国是否有资源来执行这些计划的焦虑。


表示“揭露;泄露;透露”,英文解释为“to make known or show something that is surprising or that was previously secre”举个🌰:

He was jailed for revealing secrets to the Russians.



execute常见的意思表示“(尤指有计划地)实施,履行,表演”,英文解释为“to do something that has been carefully planned formal”举个🌰:

The whole play was executed with great precision.


此外,还有“(依法)将…处死”的意思,英文解释为“to kill someone, especially legally as a punishment”,

One group claimed to have executed the hostage.


The social media strategy plays a prominent role, including plans to change the royal family's website to a black holding page with a short statement confirming the Queen's death, while the gov.uk website and all governmental social media pages will display a black banner. Non-urgent content will not be published and retweets will be banned unless cleared by the government's head of communications.



表示“重要的;著名的;杰出的”,英文解释为“important or well known”举个🌰:

He played a prominent part in the campaign.



banner有“横幅,横幅标语”的意思,英文解释为“a long piece of cloth on which something is written, often carried between two poles”,举个🌰:

The onlookers were shouting, cheering, and waving banners.


📍banner advertisement或者banner ad,指的是“(互联网或报纸上的)横幅广告,广告条”。

此外,banner也有“旗帜,口号,主张,信仰”的意思(a belief or principle),通常用法:under the banner of ...,举个🌰:

They won the election under the banner of lower taxes.



作动词,表示“批准,许可;允许”,英文解释为“to give official permission for something”举个🌰:

Despite local opposition, the plans for the new supermarket have been cleared by the council.


The documents show plans for the Queen's coffin to be taken on a procession from Buckingham Palace to the Palace of Westminster, where it will lie on a raised box known as a catafalque, which will be open to the public for 23 hours a day for three days. Tickets with a time slot will be issued for VIPs.



coffin /ˈkɒfɪn/表示“棺材;棺椁;棺木”,英文解释为“a box in which a dead body is buried or cremated”。


表示“行列,队伍”,英文解释为“a line of people who are all walking or travelling in the same direction, especially in a formal way as part of a religious ceremony or public celebration”如:a wedding procession 婚礼的队伍。


catafalque /ˈkætəˌfælk/ 表示“灵柩台”,英文解释为“a temporary raised platform on which a body lies in state before or during a funeral”。

The state funeral will be held 10 days after her death and heralded as a “day of national mourning”, but it will not be an official bank holiday. If it falls on a weekday it will be left to the discretion of employers to give their staff the day off, and there will be no substitute day off if it falls on a weekend.



herald /ˈhɛrəld/ 1)作动词,表示“预示…的开始;(尤指通过庆祝或赞扬)宣布(常指好事)”,英文解释为“to be a sign that something important, and often good, is starting to happen, or to make something publicly known, especially by celebrating or praising it”,如:如:the evening that heralded the end of the baking hot summer 预示着炙热的夏天即将结束的那个夜晚,举个🌰:

Her new album has been heralded by a massive media campaign.


2)作名词,表示“预兆”,英文解释为“Something that is a herald of a future event or situation is a sign that it is going to happen or appear.”举个🌰:

I welcome the report as a herald of more freedom.


📍The Sydney Morning Herald 悉尼先驱晨报

bank holiday



表示“决定权;决策力;决断能力;处理权;酌情决定权”,英文解释为“the right or ability to decide something”举个🌰:

Students can be expelled at the discretion of the principal (= if the principal decides it).


I leave the decision to your discretion (= for you to decide).


📍补充莎士比亚的名言:Discretion is the better part of valour. 中文译为:谨慎即大勇;知进退方可言大勇;知慎近乎勇;勇敢者贵在审慎。英文解释为“used to say that it is better to be careful than to take unnecessary risks”。


1)作名词,表示“代替者;代替物;代用品”,英文解释为“a person or thing that you use or have instead of the one you normally use or have”,如:a meat substitute 肉食替代品。

2)作动词,表示“用…代替,代之以”,英文解释为“to use something or someone instead of another thing or person举个🌰:

You can substitute oil for butter in this recipe.


The documents add detail to previous reporting, which revealed that the prime minister will be informed by a civil servant that “London Bridge is down”, while the death will be announced via a newsflash on the PA Media wire.

这些文件为之前的报道增加了细节,这些报道显示,首相将被一名公务员告知“伦敦桥倒了(London Bridge is down)”,而逝世的消息将通过公共广播媒体的即时新闻简宣布


表示“简明新闻,新闻快讯”,英文解释为“a short news report on radio or television, giving the most recent information about an important or unexpected event”。


PA system,public address system的缩写,表示“用于公共场合作广播公告的设备系统”,英文解释为“public address system (= equipment for making sound, especially someone's voice, louder in a public place)”举个🌰:

They've just announced on the PA that our flight's been delayed.


The emergence of the documents is not thought to reflect any deterioration in the health of the Queen, who is 95 years old.



deteriorate /dɪˈtɪərɪəˌreɪt/ 作动词,表示“恶化”,英文解释为“If something deteriorates, it becomes worse in some way.”举个🌰:

She was taken into hospital last week when her condition suddenly deteriorated.


The plans for Operation London Bridge and Operation Spring Tide, which sets out how Charles will accede to the throne, contain granular detail such as the potential for public anger if Downing Street cannot lower its flags to half-mast within 10 minutes of the announcement.


set sth. out

表示“(尤指书面)详述,阐明”,英文解释为“to give the details of something or to explain it, especially in writing, in a clear, organized way”举个🌰:

The board has set out its goals/plans/proposals for the coming year.


accede to the throne

accede to the throne/accede to power表示“即位,登基;就任,任职”,英文解释为“to become king or queen, or to take a position of power”举个🌰:

The diaries were written in 1837, when Queen Victoria acceded to the throne.



一般用at half-mast,表示“下半旗(以示对某人的哀悼)”,英文解释为“A flag that is at half mast has been brought down to a point halfway down the pole as an expression of sadness at someone's death.”举个🌰:

The flags at Buckingham Palace were all flying at half-mast.


The documents also showed concerns from the Foreign Office over how to arrange entry for significant numbers of tourists, from the Home Office on how to handle potential terror alerts, and from the Department for Transport on overcrowding in the capital.


Internally, the day will be referred to as “D-day”, with each subsequent day leading up to the funeral referred to as “D+1,” “D+2” and so on. The UK parliament and the devolved legislatures in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will adjourn and parliament will be recalled if it is not sitting.



表示“随后的;后来的;之后的;接后的”,英文解释为“happening or coming after sth else”举个🌰:

Subsequent events confirmed our doubts.



表示“(权力、责任)下放”,英文解释为“If you devolve power, authority, or responsibility to a less powerful person or group, or if it devolves upon them, it is transferred to them.”如:the need to decentralize and devolve power to regional governments 把权力分散下放到地方政府的需要。


adjourn /əˈdʒɜːn/ 表示“(使)休会;(使)休庭”,英文解释为“to have a pause or rest during a formal meeting or trial”举个🌰:

The meeting was adjourned until Tuesday.



表示“(议会、法庭等)开会,开庭”,英文解释为“to hold an official meeting of a committee, court, etc.”举个🌰:

The court will sit tomorrow morning.


The Ministry of Defence will arrange for gun salutes to take place at all saluting stations and a national two-minutes’ silence will be announced.

国防部将安排在所有敬礼台举行礼炮(gun salutes)仪式,并宣布全国默哀两分钟。

This article was amended on 3 September 2021.



表示“修订,修正,修改(法律文件等)”,英文解释为“to change the words of a text, especially a law or a legal document”举个🌰:

In line 2, "men" should be amended (= changed) to "people".

第2行中的 men 应改为 people。








- 那年今日 -

2020 特朗普称中国死亡人数比美国多得多

2019 2050年香蕉或将完全消失

2018 马航MH370残骸被找到了?

2017 谷歌要重返中国?

2016 G20杭州峰会开幕辞

2015 WhatsApp solidifies Facebook's …


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