

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



As spotlight fades, Hanyu ponders post-Olympic future


On the same day that American figure skater Nathan Chen was busy achieving a lifelong dream by becoming an Olympic champion, his longtime rival was skating off their sport’s grandest stage for perhaps the final time.

Yuzuru Hanyu, the two-time gold medalist from Japan, had been the benchmark for an entire generation of young skaters, including Chen, who had watched him push the boundaries of what a human could do on ice. He had jumped higher, soared farther and spun faster than anyone else.

But on Thursday, while Chen was stepping onto the top step of the podium and flanked by two other Japanese stars, silver medalist Yuma Kagiyama and bronze medalist Shoma Uno, the erstwhile champion was nowhere to be found.

Hanyu had slipped away quietly after a fourth-place finish left him one step away from the medals.

Asked later whether that was the end, he replied: “I don’t know. I want to take a little more time (to think about it).”

Hanyu doesn’t have anything else to prove.

He burst onto the international scene a decade ago, winning a junior world championship that served as a harbinger of the great things to come. He began to win major events on the Grand Prix circuit, later won two world titles and delivered the first Olympic championship in figure skating for an Asian man when he triumphed at the 2014 Sochi Games.

He was just 19, the youngest man to win the title since American star Dick Button won the first of his back-to-back titles in 1948, and that raised the question: How many Olympic titles could Hanyu win?

He made it two when he triumphed in 2018 in Pyeongchang.

The road to Beijing had been fraught with injury and self-doubt, though. Hanyu acknowledged having a hard time trying to summon the same desire that carried him through his first two Olympic cycles, and a series of injuries to his ankle knocked him out of numerous events, including the entire Grand Prix season during the run-up to the Winter Games.

It was the quadruple axel that ultimately captured his imagination. It’s the only quad that has never been landed cleanly in competition, and by far the most difficult, but it actually involves 4 1/2 revolutions rather than just four.

“No matter how hard, no matter how unimaginable,” Hanyu said. “I want to push a little bit more for those who have expectations in me.”

After a disappointing short program on Tuesday, when Hanyu’s skate clipped a hole in the ice and he was forced to bail out of one of his crucial jumps, he had nothing left to lose.

He came so close to landing it that Chen, watching backstage, thought for a split second that Hanyu had actually done it.

Alas, the jump left Hanyu sliding across the ice on his hip. He bounced back up, as figure skaters are taught to do, and then fell again on his next jump, a quad salchow. The rest of the program went smoothly, allowing Hanyu to enjoy the moment.

When he stepped off the ice, he bent down and rubbed it with his hands, then touched his hands to his face.

“What I wanted to say is, ‘Thank you,’ to the ice,” Hanyu said. “I was saying, ‘Thank you for supporting me.’”

An entire generation of figure skaters wanted to thank him, too.

“In Olympic Games, what matters is not what place you get but the efforts to outdo yourself and to perform better and better,” Chinese skater Jin Boyang said. “Yuzuru chose to participate in his third Olympic Games at the age of 27. He aimed higher and tried to perform the quad axel. This is something extraordinary that no one can yet achieve.”

Chen said “it’s been amazing” to compete against Hanyu, including four head-to-head matches over the past four years.

“It’s been amazing even to have an opportunity to be an athlete at the same time as Hanyu,” Chen said, “and see how he keeps pushing the sport forward, even after so many years dominating the field. It’s been really impressive.”

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As spotlight fades, Hanyu ponders post-Olympic future


On the same day that American figure skater Nathan Chen was busy achieving a lifelong dream by becoming an Olympic champion, his longtime rival was skating off their sport's grandest stage for perhaps the final time.

就在美国花样滑冰运动员陈巍(Nathan Chen)忙于实现一生的梦想,成为奥运冠军的同一天,他的老对手,也许是最后一次在花滑运动最盛大的舞台上滑行。

figure skater

figure skater表示“花样滑冰运动员”,figure skating示“花样滑冰”,英文解释为“a type of skating that involves circular patterns and often includes jumps”。

Yuzuru Hanyu, the two-time gold medalist from Japan, had been the benchmark for an entire generation of young skaters, including Chen, who had watched him push the boundaries of what a human could do on ice. He had jumped higher, soared farther and spun faster than anyone else.

来自日本的两届金牌得主羽生结弦(Yuzuru Hanyu)一直是包括陈巍在内的整整一代年轻滑冰运动员的标杆,他们看着他挑战人类在冰上的极限。他比任何人都跳得更高,飞得更远,转得更快。


表示“奖牌获得者”,英文解释为“a person who has won a medal in sport”举个🌰:

She's a bronze medallist in judo.



表示“基准”,英文解释为“something which can be measured and used as a standard that other things can be compared with”。


1)表示“急剧增加”,英文解释为“If the amount, value, level, or volume of something soars, it quickly increases by a great deal.”举个🌰:

Shares soared on the New York stock exchange.


2)表示“高飞,翱翔”,英文解释为“If something such as a bird soars into the air, it goes quickly up into the air.”举个🌰:

If you're lucky, a splendid golden eagle may soar into view.


3)作动词,表示“升空;升腾”,英文解释为“to rise quickly and smoothly up into the air”举个🌰:

The rocket soared (up) into the air.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇分析受疫情影响的旅游业的文章中提到:Soaring incomes in China explain part of the increase. 这一增长的部分原因是中国人收入猛增


表示“(使)(尤指快速)旋转”,英文解释为“to (cause to) turn around and around, especially fast”举个🌰:

The earth spins on its axis.


But on Thursday, while Chen was stepping onto the top step of the podium and flanked by two other Japanese stars, silver medalist Yuma Kagiyama and bronze medalist Shoma Uno, the erstwhile champion was nowhere to be found.

但在星期四,当陈巍踏上最高领奖台,身边分别是另外两名日本名将,银牌得主键山优真(Yuma Kagiyama)和铜牌得主宇野昌磨(Shoma Uno)时,这位昔日的冠军却不知所踪。


表示“两侧有”,英文解释为“If something is flanked by things, it has them on both sides of it, or sometimes on one side of it.”举个🌰:

The altar was flanked by two Christmas trees. 


🎬电影《危机13小时》(13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi)中的台词提到:We don't want to get flanked. 我们可不想被包抄。


erstwhile /ˈɜːstˌwaɪl/ 表示“以前的;先前的;过去的;往昔的”,英文解释为“former; that until recently was the type of person or thing described but is not any more”,如:an erstwhile opponent 以前的对手。

Hanyu had slipped away quietly after a fourth-place finish left him one step away from the medals.


Asked later whether that was the end, he replied: “I don’t know. I want to take a little more time (to think about it).”


Hanyu doesn't have anything else to prove.


He burst onto the international scene a decade ago, winning a junior world championship that served as a harbinger of the great things to come. He began to win major events on the Grand Prix circuit, later won two world titles and delivered the first Olympic championship in figure skating for an Asian man when he triumphed at the 2014 Sochi Games.



表示“(常指坏的)预兆,兆头”,英文解释为“a sign that shows that sth is going to happen soon, often sth bad”举个🌰:

The November air stung my cheeks, a harbinger of winter.


Grand Prix

表示“国际大奖赛(汽车的国际系列大奖赛中的一场)”,英文解释为“one of a series of important international races for very fast and powerful cars”如:the Italian Grand Prix 意大利国际赛车大奖赛。


circuit /ˈsɝː.kɪt/ 表示“巡回赛”,英文解释为“a series of games or matches in which the same players regularly take part”如:the women's tennis circuit 女子网球巡回赛。


作名词,熟词僻义,表示“(竞赛、体育比赛的)冠军”,英文解释为“[C] the position of being the winner of a competition, especially a sports competition”如:the world heavyweight title 重量级世界拳击冠军。


1)作动词,表示“成功;获胜”,英文解释为“If someone or something triumphs, they gain complete success, control, or victory, often after a long or difficult struggle.”举个🌰:

All her life, she had stuck with difficult tasks and challenges, and triumphed.


2)作名词,表示“胜利;成就”,英文解释为“A triumph is a great success or achievement, often one that has been gained with a lot of skill or effort.”举个🌰:

The championships proved to be a personal triumph for the coach.


3)作名词,不可数,表示“(成功或胜利的)喜悦;心满意足,狂喜”,英文解释为“Triumph is a feeling of great satisfaction and pride resulting from a success or victory.”举个🌰:

Her sense of triumph was short-lived. 


He was just 19, the youngest man to win the title since American star Dick Button won the first of his back-to-back titles in 1948, and that raised the question: How many Olympic titles could Hanyu win?

他当时只有19岁,是自1948年美国名将迪克·巴顿(Dick Button)首次连续赢得两个冠军以来最年轻的夺冠者,这引起了一个问题:羽生结弦能赢得多少个奥运冠军?


1)表示“一个接着一个的;连续的”,英文解释为“Back-to-back wins or victories are victories that are gained one after another without any defeats between them.”举个🌰:

He is celebrating back-to-back victories in the German and British Grands Prix.


2)(英式)表示“背靠背的”,英文解释为“close together and facing in opposite directions”,如:back-to-back terraced houses 互相背对着的排屋。


📍在NBA或者CBA的比赛中,你可以会听到一种说法叫“背靠背”比赛,实际上它就是源自这里的back to back,意思是连续两天比赛客场作战,而且是在不同的城市。而广义上背靠背的比赛,就是球队连续两天作战。

He made it two when he triumphed in 2018 in Pyeongchang.


The road to Beijing had been fraught with injury and self-doubt, though. Hanyu acknowledged having a hard time trying to summon the same desire that carried him through his first two Olympic cycles, and a series of injuries to his ankle knocked him out of numerous events, including the entire Grand Prix season during the run-up to the Winter Games.



1)表示“充满(问题或风险)的”,英文解释为“If a situation or action is fraught with problems or risks, it is filled with them.”举个🌰:

The earliest operations employing this technique were fraught with dangers. 


2)表示“令人担忧的”,英文解释为“If you say that a situation or action is fraught, you mean that it is worrisome or difficult. ”举个🌰:

It has been a somewhat fraught day. 


🎬电影《兰戈》(Rango)中的台词提到:The path to knowledge is fraught with consequence. 通往真知的道路充满了荆棘坎坷


run-up表示“(重要事件的)前夕,前奏,前期,准备阶段”,英文解释为“the run-up to sth the period of time just before an important event”,如:in the run-up to Christmas 圣诞节前夕;

📍 run-up也可以指“(踢球、跳高等之前的)助跑,助跑距离”,英文解释:the act of running, or the distance that you run, before you kick a ball, jump over a pole etc.

📍 runner-up 表示“亚军,第二名”,英文解释为“A runner-up is someone who has finished in second place in a race or competition.”注意,复数形式为runners-up,举个🌰:

The ten runners-up will receive a case of wine.


It was the quadruple axel that ultimately captured his imagination. It’s the only quad that has never been landed cleanly in competition, and by far the most difficult, but it actually involves 4 1/2 revolutions rather than just four.


quadruple axel

quadruple /ˈkwɒdrʊpəl, -ˈdruːpəl/ 1)作动词,表示“(使)变为四倍”,英文解释为“to become four times bigger; to make sth four times bigger”举个🌰:

Sales have quadrupled in the last five years.


2)表示“大(或多)四倍”,英文解释为“four times as big”如:a quadruple measure 四倍大小;

3)表示“包括四部分(或四个人、四个地方等)的”,英文解释为“involving four parts, people, places, etc.”如:a quadruple fracture of his thumb 他的拇指四处骨折。

📍Axel:阿克塞尔跳(Axel Jump)是花样滑冰与花样轮滑运动六种跳跃中的一种,它由挪威选手阿克塞尔·保尔森(Axel Paulsen)在1882年首次完成,因而得名。在国际滑联评分体系中,阿克塞尔跳缩写为“A”,相应跳跃缩写为1A(一周半跳)、2A(两周半跳)、3A(三周半跳),依此类推。(百度百科)

📍下文出现的 salchow 为萨霍夫跳(后内结环跳)。


表示“旋转;绕转;循环运动”,英文解释为“a circular movement”举个🌰

The revolution of the earth around the sun was proposed by Copernicus.


“No matter how hard, no matter how unimaginable,” Hanyu said. “I want to push a little bit more for those who have expectations in me.”


After a disappointing short program on Tuesday, when Hanyu's skate clipped a hole in the ice and he was forced to bail out of one of his crucial jumps, he had nothing left to lose.

在周二令人失望的短节目(short program)中,当时羽生结弦的冰鞋卡在了冰面的洞里,他被迫放弃了其中一个关键的跳跃,他已经没有什么可失去的了。

bail out

表示“放弃,退出”,英文解释为“to stop doing or being involved with something”举个🌰:

The actor has bailed out of the film after only three weeks' shooting.


He came so close to landing it that Chen, watching backstage, thought for a split second that Hanyu had actually done it.


split second

表示“一瞬间,一刹那”,英文解释为“a very short moment of time”举个🌰:

They brought out guns and for a split second nobody moved.


Alas, the jump left Hanyu sliding across the ice on his hip. He bounced back up, as figure skaters are taught to do, and then fell again on his next jump, a quad salchow. The rest of the program went smoothly, allowing Hanyu to enjoy the moment.



alas /əˈlæs/ 表示“(表示悲伤或遗憾)哎呀,唉”,英文解释为“used to express sadness or feeling sorry about something”举个🌰:

I love football but, alas, I have no talent as a player.


When he stepped off the ice, he bent down and rubbed it with his hands, then touched his hands to his face.



表示“弯腰”,英文解释为“to move your body or part of your body so that it is not straight”举个🌰:

I bent down and picked up the coins lying on the road.



表示“擦;摩擦;搓;揉搓”,英文解释为“to press or be pressed against something with a circular or up-and-down repeated movement”举个🌰:

She yawned and rubbed her eyes sleepily.


“What I wanted to say is, ‘Thank you,’ to the ice,” Hanyu said. “I was saying, ‘Thank you for supporting me.’”


An entire generation of figure skaters wanted to thank him, too.


“In Olympic Games, what matters is not what place you get but the efforts to outdo yourself and to perform better and better,” Chinese skater Jin Boyang said. “Yuzuru chose to participate in his third Olympic Games at the age of 27. He aimed higher and tried to perform the quad axel. This is something extraordinary that no one can yet achieve.”



表示“胜过,超越;优于”,英文解释为“to be, or do something, better than someone else”举个🌰:

He always tries to outdo everybody else in the class.


Chen said “it’s been amazing” to compete against Hanyu, including four head-to-head matches over the past four years.


“It’s been amazing even to have an opportunity to be an athlete at the same time as Hanyu,” Chen said, “and see how he keeps pushing the sport forward, even after so many years dominating the field. It’s been really impressive.”









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2018 世上再无“人类”

2017 微信"绿包"抢不抢?

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