

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


据《纽约邮报》(New York Post),乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)一直在与奥斯卡奖主办方谈判,希望在周日的颁奖典礼上发言。

奥斯卡影帝西恩·潘(Sean Penn)在接受采访时表示,如果不让泽连斯基发表演讲,将呼吁大家抵制奥斯卡,公开毁掉奥斯卡奖杯。


Sean Penn Vows to 'Smelt' Oscar if Zelensky Can't Speak at Academy Awards


Actor and activist Sean Penn on Saturday vowed to destroy his Academy Awards in public if the award ceremony chooses to not give Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky a platform to speak.

Zelensky has reportedly been in talks with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to make a video appearance during Sunday's broadcast of the Oscars, the New York Post reported Friday. However, awards co-host Amy Schumer said in an interview last week that her request to have Zelensky address the nation during the show was rejected by producers.

Penn, who is filming a documentary about Russia's invasion in Ukraine and working to supply humanitarian aid to Ukrainian refugees in Poland and Romania, told CNN on Saturday he would be gravely disappointed if the Academy denies the Ukrainian leader the opportunity to speak. Penn has won two Academy Awards in the Best Actor category for the films Mystic River and Milk.

"There is nothing greater that the Academy Awards could do than to give him that opportunity to talk to all of us," Penn said.

"It is my understanding that a decision has been made not to do it," Penn added, while noting that he is unsure what Zelensky's position on the matter is. "If the Academy has elected not to do, if presenters have elected not to pursue the leadership in Ukraine that are taking bullets and bombs for us... then I think every single one of those people, and every bit of that decision, will have been the most obscene moment in all of Hollywood history."

If that is the case, Penn added, he would encourage everyone involved in the awards to protest and boycott the ceremony.

"I myself – if it comes back to it – when I return, I will smelt mine in public. I pray that's not what's happened," he said.

It is unclear whether or not Zelensky was invited to make an appearance during the award ceremony, or if he has expressed interested in doing so. However, this year's show, which will take place on Sunday, March 27, is expected to be rife with mentions of the ongoing war.

Ukrainian-born actress Mila Kunis, who helped raise $35 million for Ukrainian refugees alongside her husband, Ashton Kutcher, will reportedly make a statement during the ceremony, The Post reported.

Schumer, who will host the ceremony alongside Wanda Sykes and Regina Hall, also said last week that she would be mindful of current affairs as there are "so many eyes and ears" on the show.

"This is a really [momentous] time in humankind history, and we're very aware of that," Packer said, according to CNN. "And so you don't go into a show like this, I don't think, and not be aware of that and not find a way to respectfully acknowledge where we are and how fortunate we are to even be able to put on this show."

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Sean Penn Vows to 'Smelt' Oscar if Zelensky Can't Speak at Academy Awards


Actor and activist Sean Penn on Saturday vowed to destroy his Academy Awards in public if the award ceremony chooses to not give Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky a platform to speak.

演员、活动家西恩·潘(Sean Penn)周六发誓,如果奥斯卡颁奖典礼不给乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)发言的平台,他将当众毁掉他的奥斯卡奖杯。


表示“起誓;立誓;发誓”,英文解释为“If you vow to do something, you make a serious promise or decision that you will do it.举个🌰:

While many models vow to go back to college, few do.


🎬电影《诸神之战》(Clash of the Titans)中的台词提到:You vowed to your wife you'd never let Helius wield a sword. 你曾对你的妻子发誓 你永远不会让赫利俄斯使用武器。


表示“提炼,炼取;熔炼,提炼(金属)”,英文解释为“to get a metal from rock by heating it to a very high temperature, or to melt objects made from metal in order to use the metal to make something new”

Zelensky has reportedly been in talks with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to make a video appearance during Sunday's broadcast of the Oscars, the New York Post reported Friday. However, awards co-host Amy Schumer said in an interview last week that her request to have Zelensky address the nation during the show was rejected by producers.

据《纽约邮报》(New York Post)周五报道,泽连斯基据说一直在与美国电影艺术与科学学院(Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences)进行谈判,希望在周日的奥斯卡颁奖典礼转播期间以视频形式亮相。然而,颁奖典礼的共同主持人艾米·舒默(Amy Schumer)上周在接受采访时说,她提出的让泽连斯基在节目中向全国人民发表讲话的请求被制片人拒绝。


表示“对…讲话,对…发表演说,致词;给…写信,致函”,英文解释为“to speak or write to someone”举个🌰:

I was surprised when he addressed me in English.


Penn, who is filming a documentary about Russia's invasion in Ukraine and working to supply humanitarian aid to Ukrainian refugees in Poland and Romania, told CNN on Saturday he would be gravely disappointed if the Academy denies the Ukrainian leader the opportunity to speak. Penn has won two Academy Awards in the Best Actor category for the films Mystic River and Milk.

正在拍摄一部关于俄罗斯入侵乌克兰的纪录片,并致力于向波兰和罗马尼亚的乌克兰难民提供人道主义援助的西恩·潘周六告诉CNN,如果奥斯卡官方拒绝给乌克兰总统发言的机会,他将感到非常失望。西恩·潘曾凭电影《神秘河》(Mystic River)和《米尔克》(Milk)两次获得奥斯卡最佳男主角奖。


作动词,表示“拍摄(电影)”,英文解释为“to record moving pictures with a camera, usually to make a film for television or the cinema”举个🌰:

Most of the scenes were filmed in a studio.



表示“入侵,侵略”,英文解释为“an occasion when an army or country uses force to enter and take control of another country”举个🌰:

They were planning to mount an invasion of the north of the country.



humanitarian /hjuːˌmæn.ɪˈter.i.ən/ 表示“人道主义的;人道主义者”,英文解释为“(a person who is) involved in or connected with improving people's lives and reducing suffering”举个🌰:

The prisoner has been released for humanitarian reasons.



表示“难民;避难者;逃亡者”,英文解释为“a person who has escaped from their own country for political, religious, or economic reasons or because of a war”举个🌰:

Thousands of refugees fled across the border.



表示“严重地;严肃地;严峻地;沉重地”;形容词性grave,表示“严重的,重大的,严峻的”,英文解释为“seriously bad”,如:a grave situation 严峻的形势。

📍2017年政府工作报告「Part1」中就有这么一句:过去一年,我国发展面临国内外诸多矛盾叠加、风险隐患交汇的严峻挑战。In the past year, China's development has faced grave challenges posed by a great many problems and interwoven risks and dangers both at home and abroad.

"There is nothing greater that the Academy Awards could do than to give him that opportunity to talk to all of us," Penn said.


"It is my understanding that a decision has been made not to do it," Penn added, while noting that he is unsure what Zelensky's position on the matter is. "If the Academy has elected not to do, if presenters have elected not to pursue the leadership in Ukraine that are taking bullets and bombs for us... then I think every single one of those people, and every bit of that decision, will have been the most obscene moment in all of Hollywood history."



1)表示“追求,从事,实行”,英文解释为“If you pursue a plan, activity, or situation, you try to do it or achieve it, usually over a long period of time.”举个🌰:

He decided to pursue a career in television.


2)表示“力劝(某人)接受聘用”,英文解释为“to try very hard to persuade someone to accept a job”举个🌰:

The company has been pursuing LR for some time, but so far he has rejected all their offers.



obscene /əbˈsiːn/ 1)表示“(数量等)大得惊人的,骇人听闻的”,英文解释为“extremely large in size or amount in a way that most people find unacceptable and offensive”举个🌰:

The salaries some bankers earn are obscene.


2)表示“猥亵的;淫秽的;下流的;粗俗的”,英文解释为“offensive, rude, or shocking, usually because of being too obviously related to sex or showing sex”。

If that is the case, Penn added, he would encourage everyone involved in the awards to protest and boycott the ceremony.



表示“声言,断言;控诉抗议反对”,英文解释为“to say something forcefully or complain about something;to show that you disagree with something by standing somewhere, shouting, carrying signs, etc.”举个🌰:

Lots of people protested about the new working hours.



boycott /ˈbɔɪkɒt/ 在类似新闻报道中多次出现,比韩国小姐集体拒绝赴日比赛一文中的Korea to boycott Miss International 2019;

boycott可作动词也可作名词,意思是“抵制,排斥,拒绝参加”,港澳台地区常说的“杯葛”一词即为boycott的音译,英文解释为“to refuse to buy, use or take part in sth as a way of protesting”举个🌰:

We boycott all products tested on animals.


"I myself – if it comes back to it – when I return, I will smelt mine in public. I pray that's not what's happened," he said.



表示“祷告,祈祷”,英文解释为“to speak to a god either privately or in a religious ceremony in order to express love, admiration, or thanks or in order to ask for something”举个🌰:

She knelt and prayed silently.


It is unclear whether or not Zelensky was invited to make an appearance during the award ceremony, or if he has expressed interested in doing so. However, this year's show, which will take place on Sunday, March 27, is expected to be rife with mentions of the ongoing war.



表示“(常指坏事)普遍的;充斥/充满;猖獗的”,英文解释为“If you say that something, usually something bad, is rife in a place or that the place is rife with it, you mean that it is very common.”举个🌰:

Los Angeles is rife with gossip about the stars' private lives.


🎬电影《大地惊雷》(True Grit)中的台词提到:Brief though his note was, it was rife with misspellings. 他的留言很简单 但全是错别字。

📺还是《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory),第2季中的台词:It was rife with historical inaccuracies. 到处充斥着历史。

Ukrainian-born actress Mila Kunis, who helped raise $35 million for Ukrainian refugees alongside her husband, Ashton Kutcher, will reportedly make a statement during the ceremony, The Post reported.

据《纽约邮报》报道,出生于乌克兰的女演员米拉·库尼斯(Mila Kunis)与她的丈夫阿什顿·库彻(Ashton Kutcher)共同为乌克兰难民筹集了3500万美元,她将在典礼上发表声明。

Schumer, who will host the ceremony alongside Wanda Sykes and Regina Hall, also said last week that she would be mindful of current affairs as there are "so many eyes and ears" on the show.

舒默将与万达·赛克斯(Wanda Sykes)和雷吉娜·霍尔(Regina Hall)一起主持颁奖典礼,她上周还表示,她会留意时事,因为有“这么多的眼睛和耳朵”关注这个节目。


表示“记着的;留神的;注意的;小心的”,英文解释为“careful not to forget about something”举个🌰:

Mindful of the poor road conditions, she reduced her speed to 30 mph.


"This is a really [momentous] time in humankind history, and we're very aware of that," Packer said, according to CNN. "And so you don't go into a show like this, I don't think, and not be aware of that and not find a way to respectfully acknowledge where we are and how fortunate we are to even be able to put on this show."



表示“重大的,重要的”,英文解释为“very important because of effects on future events”举个🌰:

Whether or not to move overseas was a momentous decision for the family.


put on

表示“举办(演出、展览);提供(服务)”,英文解释为“When people put on a show, exhibition, or service, they perform it or organize it.”举个🌰:

The band is hoping to put on a show before the end of the year.










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