

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26




Chinese Elementary School Textbook Triggers Controversy for Being “Tragically Ugly”


The illustrations in a Chinese schoolbook series for children have triggered controversy on social media platform Weibo, where the hashtag “People’s Education Press Math Teaching Material” attracted over 860 million views by Thursday afternoon, with the “People’s Education Press Mathbook Illustration Controversy” garnering over 190 million views.

The illustrations went viral after some netizens spotted that the quality of the design in one math textbook series stood out from other books in how ‘aesthetically displeasing’ it is.

The children depicted in the teaching material have small, droopy eyes and big foreheads. Some commenters think their clothing also looks weird and that the overall design is just strange and “tragically ugly.”

One image of a boy also drew controversy for showing an alleged bulge in his pants.

Some people think the design of the textbook series is so ugly that it must have been purposely drawn like this. Others are angry, suggesting China has thousands of talented art students who would welcome a project like this and do it much better.

Fueling the controversy is the fact that the textbook in question has been published and designed by a team of relatively influential and experienced designers and publishers.

The design was done by, among others, Lu Min and Zheng Wenjuan of the Beijing Wuyong Design Studio. The book is published by the People’s Education Press.

The People’s Education Press is a major publishing house directly under the leadership of the Ministry of Education. Founded in 1950, it is responsible for compiling and publishing all kinds of teaching material for elementary education.

The textbook already caught the attention of some parents in early May. One parent shared photos of the textbook illustration on Q&A site Zhihu.com, writing: “This textbook is so ugly! How did it ever pass the review?”

The ugly textbook design has made many netizens look back on their own childhood textbooks, suggesting that more traditional Chinese design is much better than what is being produced nowadays.

On May 26, the People’s Education Press responded to the controversy on Weibo. In its statement, the publishing house said it would reevaluate its elementary school mathematics textbooks illustrations and improve the quality of the design. In doing so, the publishing house said it would welcome feedback from the public. The statement soon received over 600,000 likes.

Professional graphic design artist Wuheqilin also weighed in on the discussion. In a lengthy Weibo post, Wuheqilin argues it is too easy for people to share their old textbook covers and images to show how much better they used to be, blaming poor design on the quality of illustrators in modern times.

According to Wuheqilin, it is not so much a matter of illustrators who have become worse, but of publishing houses saving more money on illustrations. Publishers do not prioritize design and are still offering the same prices to illustrators as they did a decade ago.

This is not the first time Chinese school textbooks trigger controversy online. In 2017, an elementary school sexual education textbook caused a stir for being “too explicit”.

China School Textbook Pulled After Its Illustrations Spark Furor


A state-owned Chinese educational publisher was forced to recall a set of elementary school math textbooks after its illustrations were widely criticized for being ugly, pornographic and covertly pro-American.

People’s Education Press issued a public statement Thursday promising to redesign the illustrations after its textbooks became the most-discussed topic on China’s Twitter-like Weibo social media platform. A hashtag on the subject had been viewed more than 1.39 billion times as of 5:40 PM in Beijing.

Causing the uproar were the textbook’s drawings of Chinese school children that social-media users lambasted for featuring faces with small eyes set wide apart. Some accused the depictions of being racist.

Others posted photos of illustrations from the textbook in which boys appear to be shown with outlines of male genitalia on their pants. Children depicted wearing clothing with stars and stripes on them prompted others to accuse the books of promoting the US. 

“Absolutely there are traitors hidden somewhere -- pro-US elements who have permeated our educational system,” wrote one Weibo user. 

People’s Education Press said it had already begun redoing the illustrations. “We humbly adopted the good opinions and suggestions from all walks of life,” it said in its statement.

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Chinese Elementary School Textbook Triggers Controversy for Being “Tragically Ugly”


The illustrations in a Chinese schoolbook series for children have triggered controversy on social media platform Weibo, where the hashtag “People’s Education Press Math Teaching Material” attracted over 860 million views by Thursday afternoon, with the “People’s Education Press Mathbook Illustration Controversy” garnering over 190 million views.



1)表示“实例”,英文解释为“An illustration is an example or a story that is used to make a point clear.”举个🌰:

An illustration of China's dynamism is that a new company is formed in Shanghai every 11 seconds. 


2)表示“(书中的)插图”,英文解释为“An illustration in a book is a picture, design, or diagram.”举个🌰:

She looked like a princess in a nineteenth-century illustration



1)作动词,除了表示“发动;引起;触发”,英文解释为“to make sth happen suddenly”举个🌰:

Nuts can trigger off a violent allergic reaction.


2)作名词,表示“扳机”,英文解释为“The trigger of a gun is a small lever which you pull to fire it.”举个🌰:

A man pointed a gun at them and pulled the trigger.



📍stir表示“激发,激起(强烈的感情);引起(强烈的反应)”,英文解释为“to make someone have a strong feeling or reaction”,举个🌰:

The poem succeeds in stirring the imagination.


📍provoke也表示“激起,引起”,英文解释为“to cause a reaction or feeling, especially a sudden one”,如:provoke debate/discussion 激起辩论/讨论。

📍spur 鼓动;激励;鞭策;刺激;鼓舞”,英文解释为“If one thing spurs you to do another, it encourages you to do it.”举个🌰:

It's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats.


🎬电影《龙之心3:巫师的诅咒》(Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse)中的台词提到:To spur the clans to war. 激励部族发起战争。


表示“争议;争论;争辩”,英文解释为“a lot of disagreement or argument about something, usually because it affects or is important to many people”举个🌰:

There was a big controversy surrounding/over the use of drugs in athletics.



表示“在社交媒体上发文时用来描述主题的#号”,英文解释为“used on social media for describing the general subject of a Tweet or other post (= message)”.


garner /ˈɡɑːnə/ 表示“获得;收集”,英文解释为“If someone has garnered something useful or valuable, they have gained it or collected it.举个🌰:

He has garnered extensive support for his proposals.


🎬电影《斯隆女士》(Miss Sloane)中的台词提到:But I'll tell you, the reputation you have garnered for yourself, we were just looking for an excuse to engage you. 但实话讲你蜚声于世 我们想找到能打动你的理由。

The illustrations went viral after some netizens spotted that the quality of the design in one math textbook series stood out from other books in how ‘aesthetically displeasing’ it is.



表示“(通过网络在个体之间迅速)病毒式的(传播)”,英文解释为“used to describe something that quickly becomes very popular or well known by being published on the internet or sent from person to person by email, phone, etc.”举个🌰:

Here's a list of the top ten viral videos this week.


📍常用短语 go viral,字面意思就是“像病毒一样传播、扩散”,引申为“走红,十分流行,疯狂传播”,比如朋友圈xxx刷屏了,也可以说go viral.


aesthetically /iːsˈθetɪkli; esˈθetɪkli/ 表示“审美地;美学观点上地”,英文解释为“connected with beauty and the study of beauty”。

The children depicted in the teaching material have small, droopy eyes and big foreheads. Some commenters think their clothing also looks weird and that the overall design is just strange and “tragically ugly.”



表示“描写,描述,描绘;描绘,绘画”,英文解释为“to describe something or someone in writing or speech, or to show them in a painting, picture etc”,举个🌰:

The artist had depicted her lying on a bed.


📍此前价值1.8亿元毕加索名画被撕文中出现过,According to Tate, the artwork depicts Picasso's lover Dora Maar and was painted in Paris in May 1944, during the final months of the Nazi occupation.


droopy /ˈdruːpɪ/ 表示“耷拉着的;下垂的;没有精神的”,英文解释为“If you describe something as droopy, you mean that it hangs down with no strength or firmness.”

One image of a boy also drew controversy for showing an alleged bulge in his pants.



bulge /bʌldʒ/ 表示“凸起;鼓起”,英文解释为“a curved shape sticking out from the surface of something”举个🌰:

I wondered what the bulge in her coat pocket was.


Some people think the design of the textbook series is so ugly that it must have been purposely drawn like this. Others are angry, suggesting China has thousands of talented art students who would welcome a project like this and do it much better.


Fueling the controversy is the fact that the textbook in question has been published and designed by a team of relatively influential and experienced designers and publishers.


sb/sth in question

表示“正被谈论的…,讨论中的…”,英文解释为“the person or thing that is being discussed”举个🌰:

I stayed at home on the night in question.


The design was done by, among others, Lu Min and Zheng Wenjuan of the Beijing Wuyong Design Studio. The book is published by the People’s Education Press.


The People’s Education Press is a major publishing house directly under the leadership of the Ministry of Education. Founded in 1950, it is responsible for compiling and publishing all kinds of teaching material for elementary education.



熟词僻义,用于某些类型的公司名称(图书或设计服装的)中,表示“公司,机构,商行”,英文解释为“a company that is involved in a particular area of business”如:a publishing house 出版社,a fashion house 时装公司。

作动词,表示“是(某物)的贮藏处(或安置处);收藏;安置;为…提供住处,收容;为…提供空间”,英文解释为“to be the place where sth is kept or where sth operates from”举个🌰:

The gallery houses 100 works of modern art.



表示“汇编;编纂;编辑;编制”,英文解释为“to collect information from different places and arrange it in a book, report, or list”举个🌰:

We're compiling some facts and figures for a documentary on the subject.


The textbook already caught the attention of some parents in early May. One parent shared photos of the textbook illustration on Q&A site Zhihu.com, writing: “This textbook is so ugly! How did it ever pass the review?


The ugly textbook design has made many netizens look back on their own childhood textbooks, suggesting that more traditional Chinese design is much better than what is being produced nowadays.


On May 26, the People’s Education Press responded to the controversy on Weibo. In its statement, the publishing house said it would reevaluate its elementary school mathematics textbooks illustrations and improve the quality of the design. In doing so, the publishing house said it would welcome feedback from the public. The statement soon received over 600,000 likes.


Professional graphic design artist Wuheqilin also weighed in on the discussion. In a lengthy Weibo post, Wuheqilin argues it is too easy for people to share their old textbook covers and images to show how much better they used to be, blaming poor design on the quality of illustrators in modern times.


weigh in

此前在“我不能呼吸了”美国警察暴力执法致黑人死亡文中出现过,表示“(在讨论、辩论等中)发表有分量的意见,发挥作用”,英文解释为“to join in a discussion, an argument, an activity, etc. by saying sth important, persuading sb, or doing sth to help举个🌰:

We all weighed in with our suggestions.


📺美剧《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)第6季第5集中谢尔顿就说到:Care to weigh in? 可以理解为想参与讨论,想说点什么吗(To put your opinion into a matter or situation),字幕组将其解释为:有何高见?

📺还是《生活大爆炸》第7季第9集中提到:Can I weigh in here? 所以我能插一句吗?

📺还有如第7季第21集中也提到了:And yet you get to weigh in. 可是你还有话语权啊。

According to Wuheqilin, it is not so much a matter of illustrators who have become worse, but of publishing houses saving more money on illustrations. Publishers do not prioritize design and are still offering the same prices to illustrators as they did a decade ago.


This is not the first time Chinese school textbooks trigger controversy online. In 2017, an elementary school sexual education textbook caused a stir for being “too explicit”.



前面提到stir作动词,此处作名词表示“极大的兴趣;兴奋;骚动”,英文解释为“a lot of interest or excitement”举个🌰:

The scandal caused/created quite a stir at the time.



1)表示“清楚明白的;明确的;不含糊的”,英文解释为“clear and exact”举个🌰:

I gave her very explicit directions how to get here.


2)表示“(描绘性或暴力)赤裸裸的,露骨的”,英文解释为“showing or talking about sex or violence in a very detailed way”,如:a sexually explicit movie 有露骨性爱场面的电影。

China School Textbook Pulled After Its Illustrations Spark Furor


A state-owned Chinese educational publisher was forced to recall a set of elementary school math textbooks after its illustrations were widely criticized for being ugly, pornographic and covertly pro-American.



表示“召回;叫回;收回”,英文解释为“to order the return of a person who belongs to an organization or of products made by a company”举个🌰:

The ambassador was recalled when war broke out.



pornographic /ˌpɔː.nəˈɡræf.ɪk/  表示“下流的;黄色的;色情的”,英文解释为“intended to make people feel sexually excited by showing naked people or sexual acts, usually in a way that many other people find offensive”


表示“秘密地;隐蔽地;偷偷摸摸地”,英文解释为“secretly, or in a hidden way”举个🌰:

Terrorists have been operating covertly in England.


🎬电影《X战警:逆转未来》(X-Men: Days of Future Past)中的台词提到:But covertly he had begun experimenting on mutants, 但暗地里 他开始在变种人身上进行实验。


表示“亲…的;赞成…的”,英文解释为“supporting or approving of something”如:pro-American 亲美的。

People’s Education Press issued a public statement Thursday promising to redesign the illustrations after its textbooks became the most-discussed topic on China’s Twitter-like Weibo social media platform. A hashtag on the subject had been viewed more than 1.39 billion times as of 5:40 PM in Beijing.


as of/from

表示“自…起;到...时候为止”,英文解释为“starting from a particular time or date”举个🌰:

As of next month, all the airline's fares will be going up.


Causing the uproar were the textbook’s drawings of Chinese school children that social-media users lambasted for featuring faces with small eyes set wide apart. Some accused the depictions of being racist.



表示“骚动;怨愤”,英文解释为“a situation in which there is a lot of public criticism and angry argument about sth that sb has said or done”举个🌰:

The article caused (an) uproar.



lambaste /læmˈbeɪst/ 表示“(公开地)严厉斥责;猛烈抨击;狠狠批评”,英文解释为“If you lambaste someone, you criticize them severely, usually in public.”举个🌰:

And you can be sure that when the referee cheats our boys, I'll be ready to lambaste him.


📺美剧《肯医生》(Dr. Ken)第2季第6集的台词提到:Well, mom, I bet I could lambaste you in a verbal concours. 我肯定能在遣词比赛上给予你一记重击。


1)表示“种族主义的”,英文解释为“If you describe people, things, or behaviour as racist, you mean that they are influenced by the belief that some people are inferior because they belong to a particular race.”举个🌰:

You have to acknowledge that we live in a racist society.


2)表示“种族主义者”,英文解释为“A racist is someone who is racist.”举个🌰:

He has a hard core of support among white racists.


Others posted photos of illustrations from the textbook in which boys appear to be shown with outlines of male genitalia on their pants. Children depicted wearing clothing with stars and stripes on them prompted others to accuse the books of promoting the US. 


stars and stripes

表示“星条旗(美国国旗)”,英文解释为“The Stars and Stripes is a name for the national flag of the United States of America.”



作动词,表示“促使;导致;激起”,英文解释为“to make sb decide to do sth; to cause sth to happen”举个🌰:

His speech prompted an angry outburst from a man in the crowd.


📺美剧《斯巴达克斯:血与沙》(Spartacus: Blood and Sand)中的台词提到:One cannot but wonder what would prompt such an act 不知他们为何遭此不幸。

“Absolutely there are traitors hidden somewhere -- pro-US elements who have permeated our educational system,” wrote one Weibo user. 



表示“渗透;弥漫;遍布;充满”,英文解释为“to spread through something and be present in every part of it”举个🌰:

A foul smell of stale beer permeated the whole building.


People’s Education Press said it had already begun redoing the illustrations. “We humbly adopted the good opinions and suggestions from all walks of life,” it said in its statement.


walks of life

表示“各行各业”,英文解释为“various levels of social position or achievement”,举个🌰:

In my work I see people from all walks of life.








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