

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26




What Should I Major In? How To Choose A College Major


Oct 7, 2021

Choosing a major is one of the biggest decisions a high school or college student is asked to make. And it’s one that many wish they could redo—61% of college grads would change their major if they could go back, according to one survey.

But not everyone has a case of buyer’s remorse after graduation. Here are the most important factors to take into account before choosing a major, and how to pick the right college once you’ve decided what to study.

◐ How to Determine the Major That’s Best for You

1. Consider Your Skills

Start by making a list of your strengths and interests. Once you’re done, ask your close friends and family members what they would say about you. Sometimes it takes a third party to remind us of the talents and skills we take for granted.

Include any topics that you’ve always been interested in but never fully pursued. You should also include activities that you used to be good at but haven’t done in a while. Lastly, consider taking a career quiz, like this one from The Princeton Review.

2. Research Potential Careers

Once you’ve made a list of your interests and passions, look at what jobs fit those passions. For example, if you’re interested in music, you can work as a music teacher, club promoter or find a job at a music-related nonprofit.

After making a list of potential careers, consider shadowing people in those jobs so you can understand what it’s really like to work there. Seeing how real people work can give you a better sense of whether you’re actually interested. If shadowing someone isn’t an option, contact people via email or LinkedIn and set up a phone call to ask them questions directly.

3. Estimate Future Earnings

The Bureau of Labor Statistics tracks career growth for most jobs. Visit the site and select the occupation groups that interest you. From there, you can see which jobs are available in each field.

Once you have a list of jobs you’re interested in, you can use the site to see which jobs have a positive growth rate and earnings that fit your desired lifestyle. While future earnings shouldn’t be your only motivator for a certain career, it is an important factor to consider. Knowing this information can help you decide how much is wise to invest in your secondary education.

Also, consider what you want your life to look like after college. If you hope to live in a major city, travel extensively or start a family, for example, you’ll need a job that pays you enough to afford those things.

4. Decide How Much Time You Can Dedicate to School

Not every major is created equal. Some programs, like pre-med, require substantially more work than others. Consider how much time you can commit to your training and how dedicated of a student you want to be.

Also research any advanced degrees you’ll need after college to get to work in your desired field. If you need to pursue a professional or master’s degree to reach your career goals, account for the extra time and money that will require before you make a final decision on your bachelor degree major.

◐ Find the Right Colleges for Your Major

Now that you’ve picked a major, it’s time to find the best colleges for that program. Here’s how to narrow your list down:

1. Look at Rankings

You can easily find general college rankings online with simple searches. You can often filter these schools based on state, setting, school size and more.

You can also find specific rankings for degree programs like business, engineering and computer science. Publications tend to only include certain undergraduate programs, so you’ll likely have to do your own digging to find the best schools.

For example, if you’re interested in becoming a teacher, do a Google search for “best teaching programs” or “best teaching colleges.” Cross-reference the articles, write down the universities that appear most often and add them to your list.

Make sure to check the date of each publication; you don’t want to look at information from beyond the past five years. Programs can change quickly and you don’t want to choose a school that has since gone downhill.

2. Talk to Your High School Advisor

Your high school counselor or advisor may have suggestions on which colleges are most appropriate for what you’re interested in. They may also be able to match you with universities where you’ll have the best chance of being accepted.

For example, Stanford University has one of the top business programs in the country, but the application process is highly competitive—the school has an admittance rate of about 4%. Your advisor can help you decide how to choose schools that best fit your academic performance.

3. Find a College That Meets Multiple Interests

If you’re interested in several different disciplines, look for colleges that offer good programs for some or all of the options you’re considering. That way, if you switch your major to another alternative, you’ll still receive a quality education without needing to transfer schools.

For example, if you’re interested in studying Spanish and marketing, look for a school with a good language and business program. You may have to pick a school that’s less renowned in one area to find a school that has decent programs in both fields you’re interested in.

4. Consider the Cost

Some careers require additional degrees after you complete your bachelor’s program. If you’ll need an advanced degree, consider prioritizing an affordable school for your undergraduate degree. Try to minimize how much you borrow in student loans and make sure to apply for as many scholarships and grants as possible.

In-state public universities are often the least expensive option, and many of those colleges rank highly. But you shouldn’t discount private universities, especially if your family has a lower income. Many private schools have large scholarships or grant funds for students with financial need.

5. Be Flexible

According to the U.S. Department of Education, 33% of undergraduate students changed their major at least once. About 9% changed their major twice or more. Other data shows that more than half of students change their major at least once.

It’s normal to pick a major, go to college and discover you’re not as interested as you thought you would be. Keep an open mind and don’t force yourself to stick out the degree path you chose when you were a high school senior. You’ll likely spend about a third of your life at work, so don’t force yourself to stay with a major you don’t enjoy.

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What Should I Major In? How To Choose A College Major


Choosing a major is one of the biggest decisions a high school or college student is asked to make. And it’s one that many wish they could redo—61% of college grads would change their major if they could go back, according to one survey.



表示“重做;再做”,英文解释为“to do something again”举个🌰:

These new measurements mean that I'll have to redo the calculations.


But not everyone has a case of buyer’s remorse after graduation. Here are the most important factors to take into account before choosing a major, and how to pick the right college once you’ve decided what to study.


buyer’s remorse

buyer's remorse / buyers' remorse表示“买家懊悔,事后悔恨”,英文解释为“a feeling of regret (= a wish that you had not done something) after making a choice or decision”举个🌰:

Maybe some voters are experiencing buyers' remorse.


◐ How to Determine the Major That’s Best for You 如何确定最适合你的专业

1. Consider Your Skills 考虑你的技能

Start by making a list of your strengths and interests. Once you’re done, ask your close friends and family members what they would say about you. Sometimes it takes a third party to remind us of the talents and skills we take for granted.


take sth for granted

表示“认为…是理所当然的”,英文解释为“to believe something to be the truth without even thinking about it”举个🌰:

I didn't realize that she hadn't been to college - I suppose I just took it for granted.


Include any topics that you’ve always been interested in but never fully pursued. You should also include activities that you used to be good at but haven’t done in a while. Lastly, consider taking a career quiz, like this one from The Princeton Review.

包括任何你一直感兴趣但从未完全追求的主题。你还应该包括你曾经擅长但有一段时间没有做过的活动。最后,考虑做一个职业测验,比如《普林斯顿评论》(The Princeton Review)的这个测验。

2. Research Potential Careers 研究潜在职业

Once you’ve made a list of your interests and passions, look at what jobs fit those passions. For example, if you’re interested in music, you can work as a music teacher, club promoter or find a job at a music-related nonprofit.



表示“(艺术演出或体育比赛的)筹办人,发起者,赞助者”,英文解释为“a person or company that organizes or provides money for an artistic performance or a sporting event”;

表示“倡导者;支持者”,英文解释为“a person who tries to persuade others about the value or importance of sth

After making a list of potential careers, consider shadowing people in those jobs so you can understand what it’s really like to work there. Seeing how real people work can give you a better sense of whether you’re actually interested. If shadowing someone isn’t an option, contact people via email or LinkedIn and set up a phone call to ask them questions directly.



1)作形容词,表示“(用于主要反对党的要员的头衔中)影子的”,英文解释为“used in the title of important politicians in the main opposition party (= the party not in government)”如:the Shadow Foreign Secretary 影子外交大臣。

📍英国国防大臣被骗了文中出现,The shadow Home Office minister, Holly Lynch, said: “For individuals to be able to fraudulently gain access to two of the most senior government ministers with responsibilities for our national defence is worrying. 影子内阁的内务大臣霍利·林奇(Holly Lynch)说:“对于个人能够以欺诈手段获得与两位负责我们国防的最高级政府大臣取得联系,令人担忧。”

2)作动词,表示“(为了解某人的工作而)跟随见习”,英文解释为“to follow someone else while they are at work in order to learn about that person's job”举个🌰:

Your first week in the job will be spent shadowing one of our more experienced employees.


3. Estimate Future Earnings 估计未来收入

The Bureau of Labor Statistics tracks career growth for most jobs. Visit the site and select the occupation groups that interest you. From there, you can see which jobs are available in each field.

美国劳工统计局(The Bureau of Labor Statistics)跟踪调查了大多数工作的职业发展。访问该网站,选择你感兴趣的职业群体。从那里,你可以看到每个领域有哪些工作。

Once you have a list of jobs you’re interested in, you can use the site to see which jobs have a positive growth rate and earnings that fit your desired lifestyle. While future earnings shouldn’t be your only motivator for a certain career, it is an important factor to consider. Knowing this information can help you decide how much is wise to invest in your secondary education.


Also, consider what you want your life to look like after college. If you hope to live in a major city, travel extensively or start a family, for example, you’ll need a job that pays you enough to afford those things.


4. Decide How Much Time You Can Dedicate to School 决定你能在学校投入多少时间

Not every major is created equal. Some programs, like pre-med, require substantially more work than others. Consider how much time you can commit to your training and how dedicated of a student you want to be.



表示“医学预科(课程)”,英文解释为“a course or set of classes that students take in preparation for medical school;a student who is taking classes in preparation for medical school”


表示“在很大程度上”,英文解释为“to a large degree”举个🌰:

The new rules will substantially change how we do things.


Also research any advanced degrees you’ll need after college to get to work in your desired field. If you need to pursue a professional or master’s degree to reach your career goals, account for the extra time and money that will require before you make a final decision on your bachelor degree major.


Master's degree

表示“硕士学位”,英文解释为“an advanced college or university degree”。

bachelor's degree

表示“学士学位”,英文解释为“a first degree at college or university”

◐ Find the Right Colleges for Your Major 找到适合你的专业的大学

Now that you’ve picked a major, it’s time to find the best colleges for that program. Here’s how to narrow your list down:


1. Look at Rankings 看排名

You can easily find general college rankings online with simple searches. You can often filter these schools based on state, setting, school size and more.



作动词,表示“过滤”,英文解释为“to remove solids from liquids or gases, or to remove particular types of light, using special equipment”举个🌰:

The water is filtered to remove any impurities.



1)表示“筛选(过滤)程序”,英文解释为“a program that stops certain types of electronic information, email, etc. being sent to a computer.”

2)表示“滤器;过滤器”,英文解释为“a device containing paper, sand, chemicals, etc. that a liquid or gas is passed through in order to remove any materials that are not wanted”

3)此前在尴尬!视频会议忘关摄像头......文中介绍有公司主管在线会议时,误开滤镜特效,会议全程整个人变成土豆头🥔,就提到:she could not figure out how to remove the filter. 主管一直搞不清要怎么关掉滤镜。filter指的就是滤镜。

You can also find specific rankings for degree programs like business, engineering and computer science. Publications tend to only include certain undergraduate programs, so you’ll likely have to do your own digging to find the best schools.


For example, if you’re interested in becoming a teacher, do a Google search for “best teaching programs” or “best teaching colleges.” Cross-reference the articles, write down the universities that appear most often and add them to your list.



表示“互见,相互参照”,英文解释为“a note in a book that tells you to look somewhere else in the book for more information about something”

Make sure to check the date of each publication; you don’t want to look at information from beyond the past five years. Programs can change quickly and you don’t want to choose a school that has since gone downhill.


go downhill

表示“走下坡路,每况愈下”,英文解释为“to gradually become worse”举个🌰:

After his wife died, his health started to go downhill.


2. Talk to Your High School Advisor 与你的高中班导师交谈

Your high school counselor or advisor may have suggestions on which colleges are most appropriate for what you’re interested in. They may also be able to match you with universities where you’ll have the best chance of being accepted.


For example, Stanford University has one of the top business programs in the country, but the application process is highly competitive—the school has an admittance rate of about 4%. Your advisor can help you decide how to choose schools that best fit your academic performance.

例如,斯坦福大学(Stanford University)拥有全国最顶尖的商业项目之一,但申请过程竞争非常激烈--学校的录取率约为4%。你的班导师可以帮助你确定如何选择最适合你学业成绩的学校。


表示“准许进入;进入(权)”,英文解释为“permission to enter a place”举个🌰:

The sign read "Private - no admittance".


3. Find a College That Meets Multiple Interests 寻找一所能满足多种兴趣的大学

If you’re interested in several different disciplines, look for colleges that offer good programs for some or all of the options you’re considering. That way, if you switch your major to another alternative, you’ll still receive a quality education without needing to transfer schools.


For example, if you’re interested in studying Spanish and marketing, look for a school with a good language and business program. You may have to pick a school that’s less renowned in one area to find a school that has decent programs in both fields you’re interested in.



表示“有名的;闻名的;受尊敬的”,英文解释为“famous and respected”举个🌰:

She is renowned for her patience.



表示“正派的;体面的,正经的;像样的,相当不错的”,英文解释为“socially acceptable or good”举个🌰:

Everyone should be entitled to a decent wage/standard of living.


4. Consider the Cost 考虑成本

Some careers require additional degrees after you complete your bachelor’s program. If you’ll need an advanced degree, consider prioritizing an affordable school for your undergraduate degree. Try to minimize how much you borrow in student loans and make sure to apply for as many scholarships and grants as possible.


In-state public universities are often the least expensive option, and many of those colleges rank highly. But you shouldn’t discount private universities, especially if your family has a lower income. Many private schools have large scholarships or grant funds for students with financial need.



表示“忽视,忽略,不理会”,英文解释为“to decide that something or someone is not worth considering or giving attention”举个🌰:

You shouldn't discount the possibility of him coming back.


5. Be Flexible 要有灵活性

According to the U.S. Department of Education, 33% of undergraduate students changed their major at least once. About 9% changed their major twice or more. Other data shows that more than half of students change their major at least once.


It’s normal to pick a major, go to college and discover you’re not as interested as you thought you would be. Keep an open mind and don’t force yourself to stick out the degree path you chose when you were a high school senior. You’ll likely spend about a third of your life at work, so don’t force yourself to stay with a major you don’t enjoy.










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